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New in JavaScript 1.1

The following is a changelog for JavaScript from Netscape Navigator 2.0 to 3.0. The old Netscape documentation references this as "Features added after version 1". Netscape Navigator 3.0 was released on August 19, 1996. Netscape Navigator 3.0 was the second major version of the browser with JavaScript support.

JavaScript versions

Netscape Navigator 3.0 also introduced JavaScript language versions.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">    <!-- JavaScript for Navigator 2.0. -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> <!-- JavaScript for Navigator 3.0. -->

New features in JavaScript 1.1

New objects

New properties

New methods

New operators

Other new features

Changed functionality in JavaScript 1.1

  • "Object deletion". You can remove an object by setting its object reference to null.
  • constructor and prototype properties on objects added.
  • eval() is now a method of every object (was previously a built-in function); it evaluates a string of JavaScript code in the context of the specified object.
  • Math.random() now works on every platform.
  • toString(): Added radix parameter, which specifies the base to use for representing numeric values.
  • isNaN() now works on every platform (not only Unix anymore)
  • parseFloat() and parseint() now return NaN on all platforms, if the first character of the specified string cannot be converted to a number; in previous releases, it returned NaN on Solaris and Irix and zero on all other platforms.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: fscholz, teoli, Sheppy, user01, Brettz9
 Last updated by: fscholz,