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Revision 400885 of XMLHttpRequestEventTarget

  • Revision slug: Web/API/XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
  • Revision title: XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
  • Revision id: 400885
  • Created:
  • Creator: Sheppy
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment page created, 164 words addedDOM/XMLHttpRequestEventTarget Web/API/XMLHttpRequestEventTarget

Revision Content

{{ domref() }}

XMLHttpRequestEventTarget is the interface that describes the event handlers you can implement in an object that will handle events for an {{ domxref("XMLHttpRequest") }}.


{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onabort", "onabort") }}
The function to call when a request is aborted.
{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onerror", "onerror") }}
The function to call when a request encounters an error.
{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onload", "onload") }}
The function to call when an HTTP request returns after successfully loading content.
{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onloadstart", "onloadstart") }}
A function that gets called when the HTTP request first begins loading data.
{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onprogress", "onprogress") }}
A function that is called periodically with information about the progress of the request.
{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.ontimeout", "ontimeout") }}
A function that is called if the event times out; this only happens if a timeout has been previously established by setting the value of the XMLHttpRequest object's timeout attribute.
{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onloadend", "onloadend") }}
A function that is called when the load is completed, even if the request failed.

See also

Revision Source

<p>{{ domref() }}</p>
<p><code>XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</code> is the interface that describes the event handlers you can implement in an object that will handle events for an {{ domxref("XMLHttpRequest") }}.</p>
<h2 id="Attributes">Attributes</h2>
<dl> <dt>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onabort", "onabort") }}</dt> <dd>The function to call when a request is aborted.</dd> <dt>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onerror", "onerror") }}</dt> <dd>The function to call when a request encounters an error.</dd> <dt>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onload", "onload") }}</dt> <dd>The function to call when an HTTP request returns after successfully loading content.</dd> <dt>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onloadstart", "onloadstart") }}</dt> <dd>A function that gets called when the HTTP request first begins loading data.</dd> <dt>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onprogress", "onprogress") }}</dt> <dd>A function that is called periodically with information about the progress of the request.</dd> <dt>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.ontimeout", "ontimeout") }}</dt> <dd>A function that is called if the event times out; this only happens if a timeout has been previously established by setting the value of the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object's <code>timeout</code> attribute.</dd> <dt>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onloadend", "onloadend") }}</dt> <dd>A function that is called when the load is completed, even if the request failed.</dd>
<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
<ul> <li>{{ domxref("XMLHttpRequest") }}</li> <li><a href="/en/DOM/XMLHttpRequest/Using_XMLHttpRequest" title="Using XMLHttpRequest">Using XMLHttpRequest</a></li>
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