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Hacks সাইটে বিস্তারিত দেখুন

  • What’s new in IndexedDB 2.0?

    The draft of Indexed Database API 2.0 is almost complete, providing several new APIs for fine-grained access to IndexedDB. The good news is that all these new APIs are implemented in Firefox and will be available in the release of Firefox 51 (currently available in Developer Edition, scheduled for general ...

  • Offline strategies come to the Service Worker Cookbook is a compendium of common and uncommon Service Worker use cases including push examples, usage patterns, performance tips and caching strategies. Service Worker Cookbook recipes are presented as playgrounds or labs, with fully functional client-server setups, where you can learn and experiment with results using in-browser developer tools. Still, ...

  • An Interview With Giovanny Beltran, js13kgames Winner

    js13kgames, a JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 game developers, announced this year’s winners a few weeks ago. Today we have an interview with Giovanny Beltran, winner of many categories at js13kgames, and one of the best entries in this year’s contest. Giovanny has been programming for 13 years, and began ...

  • A Web for Everyone: Interviews with Web Practitioners — Fyrd

    In recent posts, we’ve explained why it’s important to make the web work for everyone. We’ve spoken with several top web developers about how they do that. And in between, we’ve shown how browser makers can advance compatibility by adopting living standards. Today we’ll show how a single individual can ...

  • Firefox 49 fixes sites designed with WebKit in mind, and more

    Several recent articles on the Hacks blog explain why web developers should care about cross-browser compatibility and how great web developers achieve it. Web developers have a critical role in making the web work for everyone. And so do browser makers. As of today we’re introducing a number of compatibility ...

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