文章標籤: Landing
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- Learn
- Learn/JavaScript JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages — ...
- MDN/Contribute 這份指南涵蓋貢獻 MDN 的各個面向,包括風格指引、使用編輯器和工具的引導…等等。在編輯或建立任何頁面前,請先閱讀並確認您同意 Mozilla 網站與通訊使用條款 。
- MDN/Contribute/Guidelines 這些指南說明 MDN 文件該如何撰寫及格式化,及我們的範例程式與其他內容該如何呈現。
- MDN/Contribute/Howto 這些文章將會帶領你一步步完成貢獻 MDN 專案所需完成的目標
- MDN/Kuma Kuma 是由 Mozilla Developer Network 維護的 Django 程式碼。
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules JavaScript code modules let multiple privileged JavaScript scopes share code. For example, a ...
- Mozilla/Localization Localization (L10n) is the process of translating software user interfaces from one language to ...
- Mozilla/Projects Below you'll find links to documentation about various Mozilla projects; these are often parts ...
- Mozilla/Tech Mozilla has several technologies used as components of its projects. These are documented here. ...
- Web 開放網路提供開發者無盡機會,為了能夠充分發揮,我們必需學習如何使用相關技術。你可以在以下找到我們提供的網路技術相關文件。
- Web/Accessibility Accessibility in Web development means enabling as many people as possible to use Web sites, ...
- Web/Guide These articles provide how-to information to help you make use of specific technologies and APIs.
- Web/Guide/API Here you'll find links to each of the guides introducing and explaining each of the APIs that ...
- Web/Guide/CSS 層疊樣式表(Cascading Style Sheets、CSS)是一個描述 HTML 文件的樣式表語言。CSS 會描述文件裡的結構化元素,該如何呈現在螢幕、紙張、語音報讀、以及其他媒介上。
- Web/Guide/HTML 超文件標示語言 (HTML) 是幾乎所有網頁的核心。大部分您在瀏覽器中所看到的東西,基本上都是用 HTML 來描述。
- Web/Guide/Performance When building modern Web apps and sites, it's important to make your content perform well. That ...
- Web/Reference It is recommended that you already got started with the web , however it isn't absolutely necessary.