查看所有活动页面 | 日期 | 评论 |
Function.prototype.bind() |
removed " && oThis" judgement, otherwise, var func = bind(null, p1, p2); new func(); will behave differently than native implementation in modern browsers. | |
Function.prototype.bind() |
Revert to revision of 2015-02-08 16:17:17 by stevemao: "I press enter key to finish the comment input, but it submits without my expectation." | |
Function.prototype.bind() |
Removed "&& oThis", since bind function invoked via new expression, this "&& oThis" make this polyfill behave differently with native Function.prototype.bind. | |
内存管理 |
remove HTML code caused by xunlei plugin | |
内存管理 |
修改了2个错别字 |