{"json_modified": "2014-05-08T05:54:35.633864", "slug": "venkman", "tags": [], "locale": "zh-CN", "title": "venkman", "translations": [{"locale": "en-US", "url": "/en-US/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2014-02-13T19:23:42", "title": "Venkman"}, {"locale": "es", "url": "/es/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2011-09-28T11:54:00", "title": "Venkman"}, {"locale": "ja", "url": "/ja/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2013-01-04T11:10:18", "title": "Venkman"}, {"locale": "fr", "url": "/fr/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2013-12-31T13:38:35", "title": "Venkman"}, {"locale": "pl", "url": "/pl/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2014-03-23T12:15:44", "title": "Venkman"}, {"locale": "it", "url": "/it/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2007-01-02T18:50:16", "title": "Venkman"}, {"locale": "ko", "url": "/ko/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2006-08-16T13:50:17", "title": "Venkman"}, {"locale": "de", "url": "/de/docs/Venkman", "last_edit": "2014-04-23T06:32:01", "title": "Venkman"}], "modified": "2014-05-08T05:54:35", "label": "venkman", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/venkman", "last_edit": "2014-05-08T05:54:33", "summary": "Venkman is the code name for Mozilla's JavaScript Debugger. It aims to provide a powerful JavaScript debugging environment for Mozilla based browsers namely Firefox, Netscape 7.x/9.x and SeaMonkey. Note that it is not included in the Gecko-based browsers such as K-Meleon, Galeon and Netscape 8.x. Venkman has been provided as part of the Mozilla install distribution since October 2001, as well as an extension package in XPI format.", "sections": [{"id": "Documentation", "title": "Documentation"}, {"id": "Brief_History", "title": "Brief History"}, {"id": "Getting_Venkman", "title": "Getting Venkman"}, {"id": "Community", "title": "Community"}, {"id": "Report_a_bug_in_Venkman", "title": "Report a bug in Venkman"}, {"id": "Related_Topics", "title": "Related Topics"}, {"id": "Original_Document_Information", "title": "Original Document Information"}], "id": 36547, "review_tags": []}