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MathML attribute reference


This is an alphabetical list of MathML attributes. More details for each attribute are available on particular element pages


  • The MathML <mstyle> and <math> elements accept all attributes of all MathML presentation elements.
  • See values for notes on values and units in MathML.
Name Elements accepting attribute Description
accent <mo>, <mover>, <munderover> A Boolean value specifying whether the operator should be treated as an accent.
accentunder <munder>, <munderover> A Boolean value specifying whether the operator should be treated as an accent.
actiontype <maction> A string value specifying the action happening for this element.
align <mtable>
<munder>, <mover>, <munderover>
Specifies different alignments of several elements (see element pages for details).
未实现 alignmentscope <mtable> A Boolean value specifying whether table columns should act as alignment scopes or not.
<math> Visual and textual fall-back options.
bevelled <mfrac> Specifies the style how the fraction should be displayed.
未实现 charalign <mstack> Specifies the horizontal alignment of digits.
close <mfenced> A string for the closing delimiter.
columnalign <mtable>, <mtd>, <mtr>, <mlabeledtr> Specifies the horizontal alignment of table cells.
columnlines <mtable> Specifies table column borders.
未实现 columnspacing <mtable> Specifies the space between table columns.
columnspan <mtd> A non-negative integer value that indicates on how many table columns does the cell extend.
未实现 columnwidth <mtable> Specifies the width of table columns.
未实现 crossout <mscarry> Specifies what kind of line is drawn to cross out carries.
未实现 decimalpoint <mstyle> If the decimalpoint value is used to specify the alignment, this attribute is specifying the character for the alignment point within <mstack> and <mtable> columns.
denomalign <mfrac> The alignment of the denominator under the fraction.
depth <mpadded> Sets or increments the depth. See length.
dir <math>, <mi>, <mo>, <mrow>, <ms>, <mtext> The text direction. Possible values are either ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left).
display <math> Specifies the rendering mode. The values block and inline are allowed.
displaystyle <mstyle>, <mtable> A Boolean value specifying whether more vertical space is used for displayed equations or, if set to false, a more compact layout is used to display formulas.
未实现 edge <malignmark>  
未实现 equalcolumns <mtable> A Boolean value indicating whether to force all columns to have the same total height.
未实现 equalrows <mtable> A Boolean value indicating whether to force all rows to have the same total height.
fence <mo> A Boolean value specifying whether the operator is a fence (such as parentheses). There is no visual effect for this attribute.
未实现 form <mo> Specifies the role of the operator in an enclosed expression.
frame <mtable> Specifies borders of an entire <mtable>. Possible values are: none (default), solid and dashed.
未实现 framespacing <mtable> Specifies additional space added between the table and frame.
未实现 groupalign <maligngroup>, <mtable>, <mtd>, <mtr>  
height <mglyph>, <mpadded>, <mspace> Specifies the desired height. See lengths for possible values.
href All Used to set a hyperlink to a specified URI.
id All Sets up a unique identifier associated with the element.
未实现 indentalign <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 indentalignfirst <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 indentalignlast <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 indentshift <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 indentshiftfirst <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 indentshiftlast <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 indenttarget <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 infixlinebreakstyle <mstyle> Specifies the default linebreakstyle to use for infix operators.
largeop <mo> Specifies whether the operator should be drawn larger than normal.
length <msline>  
未实现 linebreak <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 linebreakmultchar <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 linebreakstyle <mo>, <mspace>  
未实现 lineleading <mo>, <mspace>  
linethickness <mfrac> The thickness of the horizontal fraction line.
未实现 location <mscarries>  
未实现 longdivstyle <mlongdiv> Controls the style of the long division layout.
lspace <mo>, <mpadded> The amount of space before the operator (see length for values and units).
lquote <ms> The opening quote character (depends on dir) to enclose the content. The default value is "&quot;".
mathbackground All The background color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.
mathcolor All The text color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.
mathsize <mi>, <mn>, <mo>, <ms>, <mtext> The size of the content. Starting with Gecko 20.0 (Firefox 20 / Thunderbird 20 / SeaMonkey 2.17) unitless values are allowed and are interpreted as N times of the default size.
mathvariant <mi>, <mn>, <mo>, <ms>, <mtext> The logical class of the identifier, which varies in typography.
maxsize <mo> The maximum size of the operator.
未实现 minlabelspacing <mtable> A length value specifing the minimum space between a label and the adjacent cell in the row.
minsize <mo> The minimum size of the operator.
movablelimits <mo> Specifies whether attached under- and overscripts move to sub- and superscript positions.
notation <menclose> A list of notations, separated by white space, to apply to the child elements.
numalign <mfrac> The alignment of the numerator over the fraction.
open <mfenced> A string for the opening delimiter.
未实现 overflow <math> If an expression is too long to fit in the allowed width, this attribute sets the preferred handling.
未实现 position <msgroup>, <msrow>, <mscarries>, <msline>  
rowalign <mtable>, <mtd>, <mtr> Specifies the vertical alignment of table cells.
rowlines <mtable> Specifies table row borders.
rowspacing <mtable> Specifies the space between table rows.
rowspan <mtd> A non-negative integer value that indicates on how many rows does the cell extend.
rspace <mo> The amount of space after the operator.
rquote <ms> The closing quote mark (depends on dir) to enclose the content. The default value is "&quot;".
scriptlevel <mstyle> Controls mostly the font-size. The higher the scriptlevel, the smaller the font size.
scriptminsize <mstyle> Specifies a minimum font size allowed due to changes in scriptlevel.
Starting with Gecko 20.0 (Firefox 20 / Thunderbird 20 / SeaMonkey 2.17) unitless values and percent values are allowed and interpreted as multiple of "8pt".
scriptsizemultiplier <mstyle> Specifies the multiplier to be used to adjust font size due to changes in scriptlevel.
selection <maction> The child element which is addressed by the action.
separator <mo> There is no visual effect for this attribute, but it specifies whether the operator is a separator (such as commas).
separators <mfenced> A sequence of zero or more characters to be used for different separators.
未实现 shift <msgroup>  
未实现 side <mtable> Specifies the position where <mlabeledtr> label elements should be placed.
未实现 src <mglyph> The location of the image resource.
未实现 stackalign <mstack>  
stretchy <mo> Specifies whether the operator stretches to the size of the adjacent element.
subscriptshift <mmultiscripts>, <msub>, <msubsup> The minimum space by which to shift the subscript below the baseline of the expression.
supscriptshift <mmultiscripts>, <msup>, <msubsup> The minimum space by which to shift the superscript above the baseline of the expression.
symmetric <mo> If stretchy is true, this attribute specifies whether the operator should be vertically symmetric around the imaginary math axis (centered fraction line).
voffset <mpadded> Sets the vertical position of the child content.
width <mglyph>, <mpadded>, <mspace>, <mtable> Specifies the desired width. See lengths for possible values.
xmlns <math> Specifies the URI for the MathML namespace (



 此页面的贡献者: FredWe
 最后编辑者: FredWe,