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The shape-margin CSS property adds a margin to shape-outside.

Initial value0
Applies tofloats
Percentagesrefer to the width of the containing block
Computed valueas specified, but with relative lengths converted into absolute lengths
Animatableyes, as a length, percentage or calc(); when both values are lengths, they are interpolated as lengths; when both values are percentages, they are interpolated as percentages; otherwise, both values are converted into a calc() function that is the sum of a length and a percentage (each possibly zero), and these calc() functions have each half interpolated as real numbers.
Canonical orderthe unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar


/* <length> values */
shape-margin: 10px;
shape-margin: 20mm;

/* <percentage> values */
shape-margin: 60%;

/* Global values */
shape-margin: inherit;
shape-margin: initial;
shape-margin: unset;


Sets the margin of the shape to the <length> .
Sets the margin of the shape to a percentage of the width of the element's containing block.

Formal syntax


<length-percentage> = <length> | <percentage>


Specification Status Comment
CSS Shapes Module Level 1
The definition of 'shape-margin' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation Initial definition

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support (Yes) No support No support No support 7.0 -webkit
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support (Yes) No support No support No support ?

See also


 此页面的贡献者: Sebastianz, fscholz, rebeccahauck
 最后编辑者: Sebastianz,