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Venkman有两种类型的断点。第一种,也是最常见的,叫做“硬断点”。A hard breakpoint represents an actual trap instruction included in the pseudocode of a compiled function. Hard breakpoints can only exist in the context of a function currently "live" in the browser. Hard breakpoints are the ones that actually stop program execution.

第二种类型的断点,“将来断点”,represents a promise from Venkman to set a hard breakpoint as soon as it is possible. Future breakpoints are used when you want to stop in a script that has not yet been compiled. The most common use of future breakpoints is to stop in a "top level" script (script that executes outside of any function), or script that executes during the onLoad event of a page. When a script is loaded that matches the URL of a future breakpoint, and has executable code at the specified line, Venkman will automatically set a future breakpoint.


“Figure 1” Venkman“源代码”视图中标明的可执行代码


在源代码视图中点击一个圆点,就会在这一行设置一个断点。Venkman会在这行代码执行前停止代码的运行。当一个断点被设置后,这一行左侧的边沿就会变成字母"B",如Figure 2。如果你在设置完断点后再次执行代码,Venkman会在第81行停止运行。

“Figure 2” 设置断点


“Figure 3” 在“已加载脚本”视图中的带有断点的文件


当你设置一个断点后,你就给了Venkman(或是任何你使用的调试器)显示执行环境信息的机会。 调试脚本或程序,最重要的表现是,它可以检查函数返回值,错误,计数器,变量作用范围,这些改变了脚本执行的路线。

在Figure 1中的onFlipX函数,例如,使用变量newSign来指明用什么图片表示fish。当你在第81行设置一个断点,你可以激活浏览器窗口的页面,Venkman停止代码的执行,当他加入了onFlipX函数。停在那里,Venkman在本地变量视图中显示了变量newSign的值"1"。

“Figure 4” 在断点处的本地变量


“Figure 5” 在断点处与脚本结合




“Figure 6” 将来断点



“Figure 7” 将来断点属性对话框


  • “Continue regardless of result” 使Venkman在运行完断点脚本后继续执行正常的脚本。这对于试验不工作的额外脚本非常有用。
  • “Stop regardless of result” 使Venkman在运行完断点脚本后停止执行正常的脚本,这允许你检查程序的状态。
  • “Stop if result is true” 非常有效的将它当作一个条件断点。如果断点脚本返回true值(它并不必须是一个严格的布尔值true,比如非null、非空字符串、非零、非undefined、非false都是可以接受的),脚本执行会继续下去。如果返回false值,Venkman会在断点处停止脚本的执行。
  • “Early return from caller with result” will cause the function that the breakpoint is set in to return the value of the breakpoint script as its result, immediatley after the breakpoint script completes.
  • The “Pass exceptions to caller” checkbox allows you to pass exceptions thrown by the breakpoint script directly to the caller. Normally, if the breakpoint script generates an exception, Venkman assumes you made a mistake and stops execution after displaying the exception. If you would like to see what your code does when exceptions are thrown at it, check "Pass exceptions to caller", and thrown an exception from the breakpoint script.
  • The “Log result” checkbox tells Venkman you want the result of the script to show up in the Interactive Session View. When used with the “Continue regardless of result” option, the breakpoint can be used as a simple log message.
  • The number of times the breakpoint has been hit is passed in as a parameter to the breakpoint script. To reset the count, enter a 0 in the "Trigger count" field.


You can also embed scripted breakpoints directly into the souce code you are debugging by using a Venkman facility called meta comments . Meta comments are specially formatted comments that pull in the script named after the comment and specify how to treat the output of that script. The following meta comment types are available:

  • The //@JSD_LOG comment will insert a breakpoint which is set to execute the script that follows without stopping. The result of the evaluation will be logged to the Interactive Session.
  • The //@JSD_BREAK comment will insert a breakpoint which is set to execute the script that follows and stop if the result is true.
  • The //@JSD_EVAL command will insert a breakpoint which is set to execute the script that follows without stopping and without logging the result.
  • These meta comments can be used to insert debug-only code in your scripts with zero impact on production code.

To enable meta comments in a script, select "Scan for Meta Comments" from the context menu of the file in the Loaded Scripts view.

When you add a meta comment, a normal breakpoint is created. You can change or delete this breakpoint just as you would a breakpoint created by hand.


Original Document Information

  • Authors: Robert Ginda, Ian Oeschger
  • Published 02 May 2003

--AndyYard 01:46 2007年11月15日 (PST)


 此页面的贡献者: ziyunfei, Andyyard
 最后编辑者: ziyunfei,