Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.






  • 多媒体查看器,像Adobe Flash 和 Adobe Acrobat
  • 提供object元素嵌入以及压缩解压缩服务的通用组件
  • 应用程序(从个人信息管理工具到游戏,都有)
使用Plug-in API,你创造的动态加载的插件能够做如下:
  • 注册一个或多个MIME类型
  • 在浏览器窗口的一部分里进行绘画
  • 截获键盘和鼠标的事件(并进行相应处理)
  • 使用URL获取网络数据
  • 向一个URL提交POST请求
  • 添加指向新URLs的超链或热点
  • 在HTML页面的section中进行绘制
  • 让native code和 JavaScript/DOM 通信


你 可以通过“安装插件”页查看已经安装在造作系统上并和浏览器关联的插件。在地址栏输入“about:plugins”。安装插件页面罗列了每个安装的插 件,以及他们的类型和MIME类型、描述、文件扩展,还有他们当前和MIME类型关联的状态(允许或禁止)。注意显示源代码功能就是通过 javascript收集的信息。



在 正式进入插件部分前,还应该了解helper程序。helper程序是分离的、独立的。并且能从浏览器启动。和插件一样,当遇到一个MIME类型时浏览器 会启动该类型对应的helper程序。但它不同于插件,helper程序独立于浏览器在其自己的空间中运行,而且不与浏览器和web交互。


当Gecko启动,它开始在操作系统的特定目录寻找插件模块。更多关于Gecko如何在不同操作系统寻找插件模的信息,见How Gecko Finds Plug-ins
  • 检查MIME类型匹配的插件
  • 将插件的代码加载进内存
  • 初始化插件
  • 创建一个新的插件实例
Gecko 能同时在一个页面或几个打开的窗口中加载多个同一插件的实例。举个例子:如果你浏览一个有几个嵌入式RealAudio片段的页面,浏览器会根据需要来创 建多个RealPlayer插件实例(虽然同一时间播放多个RealAudio文件多数时候会显得很二:-P )。当用户离开页面或者关闭窗口时,插件实例将被销毁。当最后一个插件的实例被销毁,浏览器会将插件的代码从内存中卸载。当插件没有加载时除了磁盘空间不 会使用任何其他资源。下一部分,运行时模型将更具体的描述这些过程。




  • 当Gecko遇到注册了的MIME类型数据时(不论是嵌入在HTML页面还是在一个单独的文件中),如果相应的插件没有被加载,浏览器会自动的将插件代码加载进内存,并且创建一个插件的实例。

当插件代码第一次被加载时,Gecko会调用插件API函数 NP_Initialize 。按照惯例,所有特定的插件函数都有前缀“NPP”,所有浏览器相关的函数都有前缀“NPN”。

Note: 技术上来说 NP_Inilialize和NP_Shutdown 并不是插件传递给浏览器的函数表的一部分。浏览器只在加载和卸载插件的时候调用他们。These functions are exported from the plug-in DLL and accessed with a system table lookup,这意味着他们并不和特定的插件实例关联。更多关于initializing和destructing的信息见Initialization and Destruction

  • 当插件实例化时浏览器会调用NPP_New函数。如果一个页面有多个嵌入对象,或几个开启的浏览器窗口都有同样的数据类型(MIME类型),多个插件实例就会同时存在。
  • 当用户离开插件实例的页面或者关闭窗口,插件实例就被销毁;Gecko调用NPP_Destroy去通知插件实例正在被销毁。
  • 当插件的最后一个实例被销毁后,插件的代码从内存中卸载。Gecko调用NP_Shutdown。插件在不加载的时候不使用任何资源(除了磁盘空间)。

Note: Plug-in API 的call和callbacks 使用 main Navigator线程。通常,如果你想在插件的生命周期中产生额外的线程去处理流程,你应该保证这些和Plug-in API call的分离。

查看更多关于这些方法的信息见Initialization and Destruction


Gecko 可以在多个地方和使用多种命令寻找插件。下面这个section, How Gecko Finds Plug-ins,描述了这种规则,同时接下来这个section,Checking Plug-ins by MIME Type,描述了您如何使用JavaScript定位您的插件以及如何建立某种被注册为某一类型的MIME。



  • 由MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH环境变量指出的目录。
  • %APPDATA%\Mozilla\plugins, 其中%APPDATA%为每一个用户的 Application Data(应用数据)的目录。
  • Application directory\plugins, 其中 Application directory 是每个应用的安装目录。
  • Plug-ins within toolkit bundles.
  • Profile directory\plugins,其中 Profile directory是一个用户profile目录。
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MozillaPlugins\*\Path 记录的值指出的目录,其中*可以被任何名称取代。
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MozillaPlugins\*\Path 记录的值指出的目录,其中*可以被任何名称取代。
Mac OS X
  • Application directory/plugins, 其中 Application directory 是应用的安装目录。
  • ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins.
  • /Library/Internet Plug-Ins.
  • /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Resources.
  • Plug-ins within toolkit bundles.
  • Profile directory/plugins, 其中 Profile directory 是用户profile目录。
  • MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH 指出的环境变量。
  • ~/.mozilla/plugins.
  • Application directory/plugins,其中  Application directory 是应用的安装目录。
  • /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (在64位系统中,是 /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins).
  • Plug-ins within toolkit bundles.
  • Profile directory/plugins,其中 Profile directory 是一个用户profile目录。

通过访问 about:plugins 查找插件是否被正确安装。Gecko列表显示所有被安装的插件以及它们关联的MIME类型,同时显示由插件提供的描述信息(该信息可能不存在)。

在 Windows中,安装插件时会自动配置关联这个插件支持的MIME类型。如果多个插件关联到了同一个MIME类型,由第一个注册的插件与这个MIME类 型相关联。查找关于MIME类型赋值的方式,查看 Registering Plug-ins


JavaScript中的 enabledPlugin属性能够被用来决定一个特殊的MIME类型对应哪一个插件。或许插件支持多个MIME类型并且每个MIME类型可以被多个插件支持,但是只有一个插件可以被配置给一种MIME类型。enabledPlugin是一个关于插件对象的引用,用于表述一个插件和一个MIME类型的配置对应关系。


接下来这个例子使用JavaScript来判断Adobe Flash插件是否被正确安装。如果正确安装,一段视频会开始放映。

// Can we display Adobe Flash movies?
var mimetype = navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"];

if (mimetype) {
   // Yes, so can we display with a plug-in?
   var plugin = mimetype.enabledPlugin;
   if (plugin) {
      // Yes, so show the data in-line
      document.writeln("Here\'s a movie: <object data='mymovie.swf' height='100' width='100'></object>");
   } else {
      // No, so provide a link to the data
      document.writeln("<a href='mymovie.swf'>Click here</a> to see a movie.");
} else {
   // No, so tell them so
   document.writeln("Sorry, can't show you this movie.");




一个插件是一个本地代码库,它的语言遵循C语言规范。插件应用编程接口 (The Plug-in Application Programming Interface ,API)由两个函数集合和一套共享的数据结构组成。

  • 插件方法是你在插件中实现的函数;Gecko会调用这些函数。API中所有插件函数以NPP_开头,比如,NPP_New。API中也有成对的函数(比如 NP_InitializeNP_Shutdown),它们是直接函数库入口点并且不与任何插件实例关联。
  • 浏览器方法由Gecko提供的函数实现;插件可以调用这些函数。所有的API中的浏览器函数由NPN_开头,比如, NPN_Write
  • 数据结构是在插件API中定义的特殊的插件类型。数据结构的名称由NP开头,比如NPWindow

所有的在API中的产检名称以NP开头。大体上说,所有的API函数在不同的平台上提供相同的操作。当它变化时,在reference section中的函数reference entry会描述这种不同( Where this varies, the reference entry for the function in the reference section describes the difference.)。


A plug-in is a dynamic code module that is native to the specific platform on which the browser is running. It is a code library, rather than an application or an applet, and runs only from the browser. Although plug-ins are platform-specific, the Plug-in API is designed to provide the maximum degree of flexibility and to be functionally consistent across all platforms. This guide notes platform-specific differences in coding for the MS Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms.

You can use the Plug-in API to write plug-ins that are media type driven and provide high performance by taking advantage of native code. Plug-ins give you an opportunity to seamlessly integrate platform-dependent code and enhance the Gecko core functionality by providing support for new data types.

The plug-in file type depends on the platform:

  • MS Windows: .DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files
  • Unix: .SO or .DSO (Shared Objects) files
  • Mac OS X: PPC/x86/Universal loadable Mach-O bundle

Windowed and windowless plug-ins

You can write plug-ins that are drawn in their own native windows or frames on a web page. Alternatively, you can write plug-ins that do not require a window to draw into. Using windowless plug-ins extends the possibilities for web page design and functionality. Note, however, that plug-ins are windowed by default, as windowed plug-ins are in general easier to develop and more stable to use.

  • A windowed plug-in is drawn into its own native window on a web page. Windowed plug-ins are opaque and always come to the top HTML section of a web page.
  • A windowless plug-in need not be drawn in a native window; it is drawn in its own drawing target. Windowless plug-ins can be opaque or transparent, and can be invoked in HTML sections.

Whether a plug-in is windowed or windowless depends on how you define it.

The way plug-ins are displayed on the web page is determined by the HTML element that invokes them. This is up to the content developer or web page author. Depending on the element and its attributes, a plug-in can be visible or hidden, or can appear as part of a page or as a full page in its own window. A web page can display a windowed or windowless plug-in in any HTML display mode; however, the plug-in must be visible for its window type to be meaningful. For information about the way HTML determines plug-in display mode, see "Using HTML to Display Plug-ins."

The default plug-in

When a specific plug-in is not registered to handle the media referred to in the HTML, Gecko invokes the default plug-in to help users find and install the right plug-in for that MIME type.

The blue puzzle piece that appears in the HTML page's plug-in window when the default plug-in loads is meant to signify that the browser is missing a piece that it needs to display or play the requested media.


How the plug-in HTML element was coded determines what action is taken when the user clicks the plug-in piece. If the browser cannot handle the given MIME type, then the default plug-in checks to see if there is a plug-in referenced in the object element that defines the media. If there is, then thedefault plug-in prompts the user to download that plug-in from the specified location. If a plug-in is not specified in the object element, then the default plug-in looks for child elements, such as other object element, which will provide more specific information about how to handle the specified media type.

Using HTML to display plug-ins

When a user browses to a web page that invokes a plug-in, how the plug-in appears (or does not appear) depends on two factors:

  • The way the developer writes the plug-in determines whether it is displayed in its own window or is windowless.
  • The way the content provider uses HTML elements to invoke the plug-in determines its display mode: whether it is embedded in a page, is part of a section, appears on its own separate page, or is hidden.

This section discusses using HTML elements and display modes. For information about windowed and windowless operation, see Windowed and Windowless Plug-ins.

For a description of each plug-in display mode, and which HTML element to use to achieve it, go on to Plug-in Display Modes. For details about the HTML elements and their attributes, go on to:

Plug-in display modes

Whether you are writing an HTML page to display a plug-in or developing a plug-in for an HTML author to include in a page, you need to understand how the display mode affects the way plug-ins appear.

A plug-in, whether it is windowed or windowless, can have one of these display modes:

  • embedded in a web page and visible
  • embedded in a web page and hidden
  • displayed as a full page in its own window

An embedded plug-in is part of a larger HTML document and is loaded at the time the document is displayed. The plug-in is visible as a rectangular subpart of the page (unless it is hidden). Embedded plug-ins are commonly used for multimedia images relating to text in the page, such as the Adobe Flash plug-in. When Gecko encounters the object or embed element in a document, it attempts to find and display the file represented by the data and src attributes, respectively. The height and width attributes of the object element determine the size of the embedded plug-in in the HTML page. For example, this object element calls a plug-in that displays video:

<object data="newave.avi" type="video/avi" 
        width="320" height="200"
        autostart="true" loop="true">

A hidden plug-in is a type of embedded plug-in that is not drawn on the screen when it is invoked. It is created by using the hidden attribute of the embed element. Here's an example:

<embed src="audiplay.aiff" type="audio/x-aiff" hidden="true">

Note: Whether a plug-in is windowed or windowless is not meaningful if the plug-in is invoked with the hidden attribute.

You can also create hidden plug-ins using the object element. Though the object element has no hidden attribute, you can create CSS rules to override the sizing attributes of the object element

object {
  visibility: visible;

object.hiddenObject {
  visibility:   hidden !important;
  width:        0px    !important;
  height:       0px    !important;
  margin:       0px    !important;
  padding:      0px    !important;
  border-style: none   !important;
  border-width: 0px    !important;
  max-width:    0px    !important;
  max-height:   0px    !important;

In this case, the object element that picks up these special style definitions would have a class of hidden. Using the class attribute and the CSS block above, you can simulate the behavior of the hidden plug-in in the embed element:

<object data="audiplay.aiff" type="audio/x-aiff" class="hiddenObject"></object>

A full-page plug-in is a visible plug-in that is not part of an HTML page. The server looks for the media (MIME) type registered by a plug-in, based on the file extension, and starts sending the file to the browser. Gecko looks up the MIME type and loads the appropriate plug-in if it finds a plug-in registered to that type. This type of plug-in completely fills the web page. Full-page plug-ins are commonly used for document viewers, such as Adobe Acrobat.

Note: The browser does not display scroll bars automatically for a full-page plug-in. The plug-in must draw its own scroll bars if it requires them.

The browser user interface remains relatively constant regardless of which type of plug-in is displayed. The part of the application window that does not display plug-in data does not change. The basic operations of the browser, such as navigation, history, and opening files, apply to all pages, regardless of the plug-ins in use.

Using the object element for plug-in display

The <object> element is part of the HTML specification for generic inclusion of special media in a web page. It embeds a variety of object types in an HTML page, including plug-ins, Java components, ActiveX controls, applets, and images. object element attributes determine the type of object to embed, the type and location of the object's implementation (code), and the type and implementation of the object's data.

Plug-ins were originally designed to work with the embed element rather than the object element (see Using the embed Element for Plug-in Display), but the object element itself provides some flexibility here. In particular, the object element allows you to invoke another object if the browser cannot support the object invoked by the element. The embed element, which is also used for plug-ins, does not.

The object element is also a part of the HTML W3C standard.

Also, unlike the <applet> element, object can contain other HTML elements including other object elements, nested between its opening and closing tags. So, for example, though Gecko does not support the classid attribute of the object element - which was used for Java classes and ActiveX plug-ins embedded in pages - object elements can be nested to support different plug-in implementations.

See the Mozilla ActiveX project page in the Plug-in References section below for more information about embedding ActiveX controls in plug-ins or embedding plug-ins in ActiveX applications.

The following examples demonstrate this use of nested object elements with markup more congenial to Gecko included as children of the parent object element.

Example 1: Nesting object Elements

<title>Example 1: Nesting object Elements</title>
<style type="text/css">
  .myPlugin {
     width:  470px;
     height: 231px;
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
  <param name="movie" value="foo.swf"/>
  <param name="quality" value="high"/>
  <param name="salign" value="tl"/>
  <param name="menu" value="0"/>
       <object data="foo_movie.swf"
         <param name="quality" value="high"/>
         <param name="salign" value="tl"/>
         <param name="menu" value="0"/>
          <object type="*" class="myPlugin">
            <param name="pluginspage" 

The outermost object element defines the classid; the first nested object uses the type value application/x-shockwave-flash to load the Adobe Flash plug-in, and the innermost object exposes a download page for users that do not already have the necessary plug-in. This nesting is quite common in the use of object elements, and lets you avoid code forking for different browser.

Nesting rules for HTML elements

The rules for descending into nested object and embed elements are as follows:

  • The browser looks at the MIME type of the top element. If it knows how to deal with that MIME type (i.e., by loading a plug-in that's been registered for it), then it does so.
  • If the browser cannot handle the MIME type, it looks in the element for a pointer to a plug-in that can be used to handle that MIME type. The browser downloads the requested plug-in.
  • If the MIME type is unknown and there is no reference to a plug-in that can be used, the browser descends into the child element, where these rules for handling MIME types are repeated.

The rest of this section is a brief introduction to this HTML element. For more information on the object element and other elements used for plug-in display, see W3C HTML 4.01 specification.

To embed a variety of object types in an HTML page, use the object element.




The first set of object element attributes are URLs.

  • classid is the URL of the specific object implementation. This attribute is similar to the code attribute of the applet element. Though Gecko does not support this object attribute, you can nest object elements with different attributes to use the object element for embedding plug-ins on any browser platform (see the example above).
  • data represents the URL of the object's data; this is equivalent to the src attribute of embed.
  • codebase represents the URL of the plug-in; this is the same as the codebase attribute of the applet element. For plug-ins, codebase is the same as pluginspace.
  • type represents the MIME type of the plug-in; this is the same as the type attribute of embed.
  • height, width, align are basic img/embed/applet attributes supported by object. height and width are required for object elements that resolve to embed elements.
  • Use the id attribute, which specifies the name of the plug-in, if the plug-in is communicating with JavaScript. This is equivalent to the name attribute of applet and embed. It must be unique.

Using the appropriate attributes

It's up to you to provide enough attributes and to make sure that they do not conflict; for example, the values of width and height may be wrong for the plug-in. Otherwise, the plug-in cannot be embedded.

Gecko interprets the attributes as follows: When the browser encounters an object element, it goes through the element attributes, ignoring or parsing as appropriate. It analyzes the attributes to determine the object type, then determines whether the browser can handle the type.

  • If the browser can handle the type-that is, if a plug-in exists for that type-then all elements and attributes up to the closing </object> element, except param elements and other object elements, are filtered.
  • If the browser cannot handle the type, or cannot determine the type, it cannot embed the object. Subsequent HTML is parsed as normal.

Using the embed element for plug-in display

A plug-in runs in an HTML page in a browser window. The HTML author uses the HTML <embed> element to invoke the plug-in and control its display. Though the object element is the preferred way to invoke plug-ins (see Using the object Element for Plug-in Display), the embed element can be used for backward compatibility with Netscape 4.x browsers, and in cases where you specifically want to prompt the user to install a plug-in, because the default plug-in is only automatically invoked when you use the embed element.

Gecko loads an embedded plug-in when the user displays an HTML page that contains an embedded object whose MIME type is registered by a plug-in. Plug-ins are embedded in much the same way as GIF or JPEG images are, except that a plug-in can be live and respond to user events, such as mouse clicks.

The embed element has the following syntax and attributes:


You must include either the src attribute or the type attribute in an embed element. If you do not, then there is no way of determing the media type, and so no plug-in loads.

The src attribute is the URL of the file to run. The type attribute specifies the MIME type of the plug-in needed to run the file. Navigator uses either the value of the type attribute or the suffix of the filename given as the source to determine which plug-in to use.

Use type to specify the media type or MIME type necessary to display the plug-in. It is good practice to include the MIME type in all the plug-in HTML elements. You can use type for a plug-in that requires no data, for example, a plug-in that draws an analog clock or fetches all of its data dynamically. For a visible plug-in, you must include width and height if you use type; no default value is used.

The pluginurl attribute is the URL of the plug-in or of the XPI in which the plug-in is stored (see Installing Plug-ins for more information on the XPI file format).

The embed element has a number of attributes that determine the appearance and size of the plug-in instance, including these:

  • The border and frameborder attributes specify the size of a border for the plug-in or draw a borderless plug-in
  • height, width, and units determine the size of the plug-in in the HTML page. If the plug-in is not hidden, the height and width attributes are required.
  • hspace and vspace create a margin of the specified width, in pixels, around the plug-in.
  • align specifies the alignment for the plug-in relative to the web page.

Use the hidden attribute if you do not want the plug-in to be visible. In this case, you do not need the attributes that describe plug-in appearance. In fact, hidden overrides those attributes if they are present.

Use the name attribute, which specifies the name of the plug-in or plug-in instance, if the plug-in is communicating with JavaScript.

For example, this embed element loads a picture with the imaginary data type dgs.

<embed src="mypic.dgs" width="320" height="200" border="25" align="right">

Gecko interprets the attributes as follows:

  • src: Load the data file and determine the MIME type of the data.
  • width and height: Set the area of the page handled by the plug-in to 320 by 200 pixels. In general, use CSS to control the size and location of elements within an HTML page.
  • border: Draw a border 25 pixels wide around the plug-in.
  • align: Align the plug-in at the right side of the web page.

The following example shows an embed element nested within an object element, which latter is necessary for browsers that do not support the embed element.

Example 2: embed within object

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" 
   width="749" height="68">

 <param name="movie" value="foo.swf">
 <param name="quality" value="high">
 <param name="bgcolor" value="#EEEEEE">
 <param name="salign" value="tl">
 <param name="menu" value="0">
 <embed src="foo.swf" 
   quality="high" pluginspage="" 

Using custom embed attributes

In addition to these standard attributes, you can create private, plug-in-specific attributes and use them in the embed attribute to pass extra information between the HTML page and the plug-in code. The browser ignores these nonstandard attributes when parsing the HTML, but it passes all attributes to the plug-in, allowing the plug-in to examine the list for any private attributes that could modify its behavior.

For example, a plug-in that displays video could have private attributes that determine whether to start the plug-in automatically or loop the video automatically on playback, as in the following embed element:

<embed src="myavi.avi" width="100" height="125" autostart="true" loop="true">

With this embed element, Gecko passes the values to the plug-in, using the arg parameters of the NPP_New call that creates the plug-in instance.

argc = 5
argn = {"src", "width", "height", "autostart", "loop"}
argv = {"movie.avi", "100", "125", "true", "true"}

Gecko interprets the attributes as follows:

  • src: Load the data file and determine the MIME type of the data.
  • width and height: Set the area of the page handled by the plug-in to 100 by 125 pixels.
  • autostart and loop: Ignore these private attributes and pass them along to the plug-in with the rest of the attributes.

The plug-in must scan its list of attributes to determine whether it should automatically start the video and loop it on playback. Note that with an object element, param values are also sent in this array after the attributes, separated by a param entry.

Plug-in references


 此页面的贡献者: teoli, Magaret, ziyunfei, ericchan1336, sa_water
 最后编辑者: teoli,