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The Add-on SDK includes a command-line tool that you use to initialize, run, test, and package add-ons. The current tool is called jpm, and is based on Node.js. It replaces the old cfx tool.

You can use jpm from Firefox 38 onwards.

This article describes how to develop using jpm.

This tutorial walks through creating a simple add-on using the SDK.

Ön koşullar

SDK kullanarak Firefox eklentisi oluşturmak için şu şartların sağlanması gerekir:

  • Firefox'un 38 ve üs versiyonu. Eğer Firefox'un önceki bir versiyonu ile çalışmanız gerekirse, cfx aracını kullanmanız gerekecektir. getting started with cfx.
  • the command-line jpm tool. See the instructions for installing jpm. Once you've done that, you'll be looking at a command prompt.

Boş bir eklenti başlatma

Komut satırında, yeni bir dizin oluşturun. Dizine gidin, jpm init komutunu verin ve enter'a basın:

mkdir komutu yeni bir dizin oluşturur. cd komutu ise belirtilen dizine gider.

mkdir eklentim
cd eklentim
jpm init


Sizden eklentiniz hakkındaki bilgileri sağlamanız istenecektir: bu bilgiler eklentinizin package.json  dosyasını oluşturmak için kullanılır. Enter'a basın ve varsayılan değerleri kabul edin (Daha sonra package.json dosyasından bu verileri değiştirebilirsiniz). jpm init hakkında daha fazla bilgi için jpm komut referansı adresine bakınız

İstenilen değerleri girdikten veya varsayılan değerleri atadıktan hemen sonra, "package.json" dosyasındaki tüm içerik görüntülenir ve size eklentiniz hakkındaki bu bilgileri kabul edip etmediğiniz sorulur. Devam edebilmek için istenilen komut ile kabul edin.

Eklentiyi hazır hale getirme

Şimdi eklentinizin kodunu yazabilirsiniz. Unless you've changed the value of "entry point" ("main" in package.json), this goes in "index.js" file in the root of your add-on. This file was created for you in the previous step. Open it and add the following code:

var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action');
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");

var button = buttons.ActionButton({
  id: "mozilla-link",
  label: "Visit Mozilla",
  icon: {
    "16": "./icon-16.png",
    "32": "./icon-32.png",
    "64": "./icon-64.png"
  onClick: handleClick

function handleClick(state) {"");

Note that "entry point" defaults to "index.js" in jpm, meaning that your main file is "index.js", and it is found directly in your add-on's root.

In cfx, the entry point defaults to "main.js", and is located in the "lib" directory under the add-on's root.


Sonra, eklenti dizinine "data" isimli bir klasör oluşturun,

mkdir data

ve şu üç ikonu "data" klasörüne kaydedin:


Komut satırıne geri dönün ve şu komutu verin:

jpm run

Bu jpm komutu, yaptığınız bu temel eklentinin hazır bir örneğini Firefox tarayıcınızda açacaktır.

If Firefox can not be located, you may need to provide the path to it (example in Ubuntu):

jpm run -b /usr/bin/firefox

Firefox açıldığında, tarayıcının sağ üst köşesinde Firefox logosu görülecektir. Logoya tıkladığınızda, tarayıcıda adresine giden yeni bir sekme açılır ve eklenti hazırdır.

It uses two SDK modules: the action button module, which enables you to add buttons to the browser, and the tabs module, which enables you to perform basic operations with tabs. In this case, we've created a button whose icon is the Firefox icon, and added a click handler that loads the Mozilla home page in a new tab.

Try editing this file. For example, we could change the page that gets loaded:

var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action');
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");

var button = buttons.ActionButton({
  id: "mozilla-link",
  label: "Visit Mozilla",
  icon: {
    "16": "./icon-16.png",
    "32": "./icon-32.png",
    "64": "./icon-64.png"
  onClick: handleClick

function handleClick(state) {"");

At the command prompt, execute jpm run again. This time clicking it takes you to

Packaging the add-on

When you've finished the add-on and are ready to distribute it, you'll need to package it as an XPI file. This is the installable file format for Firefox add-ons. You can distribute XPI files yourself or publish them to so other users can download and install them.

To build an XPI, just execute the command jpm xpi from the add-on's directory:

jpm xpi

You should see a message like:

JPM info Successfully created xpi at /path/to/my-addon/@my-addon-0.0.1.xpi

To test that this worked, try installing the XPI file in your own Firefox installation. You can do this by pressing the Ctrl+O key combination (Cmd+O on Mac) from within Firefox, or selecting the "Open" item from Firefox's "File" menu. This will bring up a file selection dialog: navigate to the "@my-addon.xpi" file, open it and follow the prompts to install the add-on.

Note that Firefox by default requires add-ons, even locally developed ones, to be signed. After installation they'll show up disabled in the list of installed add-ons, noting the missing signature. During development, or if you don't plan to distribute, you can open about:config and set xpinstall.signatures.required to false to run it unsigned. This setting applies to any add-on, so take extra care to not accidently install a malicious one from elsewhere.

To distribute your add-on, submit the XPI file to or run jpm sign if you wish to distribute the add-on on your own server.


In this tutorial we've built and packaged an add-on using three commands:

  • jpm init to initialize an empty add-on template
  • jpm run to run a new instance of Firefox with the add-on installed, so we can try it out
  • jpm xpi to package the add-on into an XPI file for distribution

These are the three main commands you'll use when developing SDK add-ons. There's comprehensive reference documentation covering all the commands you can use and all the options they take.

The add-on code itself uses two SDK modules, action button and tabs. There's reference documentation for all the high-level and low-level APIs in the SDK.

What's next?

To get a feel for some of the things you can do with the SDK APIs, try working through some of the tutorials.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: pasalog
 Last updated by: pasalog,