{"json_modified": "2014-03-21T17:19:02.203562", "slug": "Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android", "tags": ["TopicStub", "NeedsTranslation"], "locale": "th", "title": "Extensions for Firefox for Android", "translations": [{"locale": "en-US", "url": "/en-US/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android", "last_edit": "2013-12-12T10:54:36", "title": "Extensions for Firefox for Android"}, {"locale": "es", "url": "/es/docs/Extensions/M%C3%B3vil", "last_edit": "2013-06-19T10:31:08", "title": "Extensiones de Firefox para Android"}, {"locale": "zh-CN", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Extensions/Mobile", "last_edit": "2013-06-24T06:23:29", "title": "Extensions for Firefox for Android"}, {"locale": "fr", "url": "/fr/docs/Extensions/Mobile", "last_edit": "2013-11-11T23:21:46", "title": "Extensions pour Firefox sous Android"}, {"locale": "cs", "url": "/cs/docs/Extensions/Mobile", "last_edit": "2013-11-04T12:53:37", "title": "Extensions for Firefox for Android"}], "modified": "2014-03-21T17:19:02", "label": "Extensions for Firefox for Android", "url": "/th/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android", "last_edit": "2013-12-12T10:54:36", "summary": "Firefox for Android supports add-ons using the same extension system used by all other Gecko-based applications. You can use the Add-on SDK or build manually bootstrapped restartless add-ons. You can even develop traditional restart-required add-ons, although the other two approaches are preferable.", "sections": [{"id": "Tutorials", "title": "Tutorials"}, {"id": "Sample_code", "title": "Sample code"}, {"id": "API_reference", "title": "API reference"}], "id": 88195, "review_tags": []}