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Kontribo tek Mozilla në kodim

Ky përkthim është i paplotë. Ju lutemi, ndihmoni të përkthehet ky artikull nga Anglishtja.

Kjo faqe do tu jap juve hapat e parë si të kontriboni në Mozilla.

Mirë se erdhët, ne jemi të kënaqur që ju shohim! :)

Ju duhet ndihmë?

Komuniteti i Mozillas gjithmonë i mirëpret të rinjtë në mesin tonë. Nëse ju keni ndonjë vështirësi, ju mund të bëni pyetjet në #introduction chat room on Nëse juve janë duke ju përsëritur problemet, ju lutem kontaktojeni Kyle Huey në [email protected].

Ç'farë aftësi më duhen?

Mozilla është projekt i madh dhe ne jemi të kënaqur të pranojm kontribues me aftësi të ndryshme.

  • Nëse ju dini C++, për shembull, ju mund të kontriboni tek shtresat kryesore të Firefox-it,Firefox OS, dhe produktet e tjera Mozilla.
  • Nëse ju dini Javascript ose HTML/CSS, ju mund të kontriboni tek front-end i Firefox-it, ose tek Gaia, shtresa e aplikacionit Firefox OS.
  • Nëse ju dini Java, ju mund të kontriboni tek Firefox Mobile.
  • Nëse ju dini Python, ju mund të kontriboni tek shërbimet tona të uebit, përfshirë Sync ose Persona.
  • Nëse ju dini Make,shell,Perl, ose Python, ju mund të kontriboni tek sistemi jonë i ndërtimit.
  • Nëse ju dini C, ju mund të kontriboni tek një numër i ulët ose i palës së tretë.
  • Dhe këtu poashtu janë shumë rrugë të kontribosh në misionin Mozilla pa programim.Nëse ju dëshironi të përfshiheni në dizajn,mbështetje,përkthim,testim, ose lloje të tjera të kontribimit, shih tek Volunteer Opportunities page.

Ndoshta ju nuk dini programim por ju dëshironi të filloni të mësoni?Kjo është mirë poashtu, the Webmaker program është për ju, dhe këtu janë more resources në dispozicion në Mozilla Developer Network!

Hapi 1 - Ndërto Firefox, Firefox OS, Thunderbird, ose ndonjë aplikacion tjetër

Nëse ju dëshironi të kontriboni në Firefox, Thunderbird, or Firefox OS, ndjekeni setin tonë tek simple instructions to build Firefox, ose të build Thunderbird, ose të build Firefox OS. Kjo është drejtëpërdrejtë, por ndoshta merr pak kohë, kështu nëse ju dëshironi në hapat e ardhshëm ndërsa ajo ndërtohet. Instrukcioni të tjera mund të i gjeni këtu found here.

Për produktet e tjera, ju nuk nevojitet të ndërtoni asgjë.

Hapi 2 - Gjeni diçka që të punoni në të

Fix your pet peeve

Nëse këtu ka ndonjë gjë që ju dëshironi të rregulloni rreth Firefox, Thunderbird, ose Mozilla aplikacioni juaj i preferuar, ky mund të bëhet vendi i duhur që të filloni. Këtu janë disa rrugë për ta bërë këtë:

Find a bug we've identified as being good for newcomers

Mozilla developers label certain bugs as being an easy bug to get newcomers acquainted with our processes:

  • Mentored bugs have a mentor who commits to helping you every step of the way. Generally, there should be enough information in the bug to get started. Whenever you need help, contact the mentor over IRC, in the bug itself, or by email. When you've completed the bug, they will help you get your code into the tree.
  • "Good" first bugs may be a little stale, but at some point in their lives we considered that they would be a good first step for newcomers to Mozilla. We are in the process of migrating these bugs to mentored bugs, but more recent "good first bugs" may be good starting points if there are no appropriate mentored bugs.
  • Student Projects are larger projects, such as might be suitable for a university student for credit. Of course, if you are not a student, you should still feel free to fix one of these bugs. We maintain two lists, one for projects based on the existing codebase and one for implementing new applications.

Hapi 3 - Fix the bug

We leave this in your capable hands. We have some resources to help you here too:

Hapi 4 - Get your code reviewed

Once you fix the bug, attach a patch to the bug and ask for review. Do this by clicking the Details link on your attachment, then setting the review flag to ? and entering the reviewer's bugzilla ID in the text field that appears (either their email address or the :UniqueName they provide). It is very important to attach a bugzilla ID, or the request will be missed. So how do you figure out the right person to ask for a review?

  • If you have a mentored bug, ask your mentor; they will know or can find out easily.
  • Run hg blame and look at the people who have touched the functions you've worked on - they will be a good candidate.
  • The bug itself may contain a clear indication of the best person to ask for a review.
  • Are there related bugs on similar topics? In that case, the reviewer in those bugs might be a good choice.
  • We have an out of date list of modules which lists peers and owners for the module, some of whom will be a good reviewer. In the worst case, set the module owner as the reviewer, and ask them in the comment to pick someone better if they don't have time.

Hapi 4b - Follow it up

If you've asked for review, but the reviewer hasn't said anything for a few days, don't be afraid to ping them. Just add a comment to the bug saying 'review ping?', and another a few days later if they still haven't responded. If they don't respond after that, ask for help in #introduction or #developers.

Hapi - Respond to the review

Often, a reviewer will ask for changes, perhaps minor, perhaps major. In either case, fix what the reviewer asks for; if you're unsure how, be sure to ask! Attach the new patch to the bug again, and ask for review again from the same reviewer. If they give you an r+ that means that your bug is accepted into the tree!

Hapi 6 - Actually get the code into the tree

Since you don't yet have the ability to push the code into the tree, you should ask somebody for help. If you have a mentor, ask them. If not, ask the reviewer. If the reviewer is too busy, mark that a commit is needed by adding the checkin-needed keyword. A friendly person should be along within a few days and push the code to the repository, and they will update the bug as required.

Hapi 7 - Repeat

Congratulations, you've fixed your first bug. Now go back to step 3 and repeat. Now that you've got your first bug in, you should request level 1 access to the repository so that you can push to the tryserver and get automated feedback about your changes on multiple platforms. After fixing a nontrivial number of bugs, you should request level 3 access so that you can push your own code after it has been r+ed.

More information

We're in the process of improving information on this page for newcomers to the project. We'll be integrating some information from these pages soon, but until then you may find them interesting in their current form:

Etiketa dhe Kontribues Dokumentesh

 Kontributorë te kjo faqe: DevCoder
 Përditësuar së fundi nga: DevCoder,