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Событие transitionend срабатывает, когда CSS transition закончил свое выполнение. В случае, когда анимация удаляется до ее завершения(например, если transition-property [en-US] удаляется), то событие не срабатывает.

Общая информация

document, element
Действие по умолчанию



Property Type Description
target Read only EventTarget The event target (the topmost target in the DOM tree).
type Read only DOMString The type of event.
bubbles Read only boolean Does the event normally bubble?
cancelable Read only boolean Is it possible to cancel the event?
propertyNameRead only DOMString The name of the CSS property associated with the transition.
elapsedTimeRead only Float The amount of time the transition has been running, in seconds, when this event fired. Note that this value is not affected by the value of transition-delay.
pseudoElementRead only DOMString The name (beginning with two colons) of the CSS pseudo-element on which the transition occured (in which case the target of the event is that pseudo-element's corresponding element), or the empty string if the transition occurred on an element (which means the target of the event is that element).


 * Прослушивать событие transitionend на определенном элементе, т.е. #slidingMenu
 * Затем, вызвать определенную функцию, т.е. showMessage()
function showMessage() {
    alert('Transition закончил свое выполнение');

var element = document.getElementById("slidingMenu");
element.addEventListener("transitionend", showMessage, false);


Specification Status Comment
CSS Transitions
Определение 'transitionend' в этой спецификации.
Рабочий черновик Initial definition.

Совместимость с браузерами

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 1.0 as webkitTransitionEnd 4.0 (2.0) 10 10.5 as oTransitionEnd
12 as otransitionend
12.10 as transitionend
3.2 as webkitTransitionEnd
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support 2.1 as webkitTransitionEnd 4.0 (2.0) ? 10 as oTransitionEnd
12 as otransitionend
12.10 as transitionend
3.2 as webkitTransitionEnd


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