{"json_modified": "2015-10-20T03:45:10.413761", "slug": "Web/CSS/ruby-align", "tags": [], "locale": "ru", "title": "ruby-align", "translations": [{"title": "ruby-align", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/ruby-align", "tags": ["CSS", "Reference", "CSS Reference", "Property", "CSS Ruby"], "summary": "The ruby-align
CSS property defines the distribution of the different ruby elements over the base.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2015-10-20T01:25:47", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "ruby-align", "url": "/de/docs/Web/CSS/ruby-align", "tags": ["CSS", "CSS Ruby", "Referenz", "Eigenschaft", "CSS Referenz"], "summary": "Die ruby-align
CSS Eigenschaft definiert die Verteilung der verschiedenen Rubyelemente \u00fcber die Basis.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2015-10-20T01:33:49", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2015-10-20T03:45:09", "label": "ruby-align", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "url": "/ru/docs/Web/CSS/ruby-align", "last_edit": "2015-09-24T13:37:03", "summary": "The ruby-align
CSS property defines the distribution of the different ruby elements over the base.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "Syntax", "title": "Syntax"}, {"id": "Values", "title": "Values"}, {"id": "Formal_syntax", "title": "Formal syntax"}, {"id": "Examples", "title": "Examples"}, {"id": "Ruby_aligned_at_the_start_of_the_base_text", "title": "Ruby aligned at the start of the base text"}, {"id": "Ruby_aligned_at_the_center_of_the_base_text", "title": "Ruby aligned at the center of the base text"}, {"id": "Extra_space_distributed_between_ruby_elements", "title": "Extra space distributed between ruby elements"}, {"id": "Extra_space_distributed_between_and_around_ruby_element", "title": "Extra space distributed between and around ruby element"}, {"id": "Specifications", "title": "Specifications"}, {"id": "Browser_compatibility", "title": "Browser compatibility"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "id": 162251, "review_tags": []}