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Mobile accessibility checklist

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This document provides a concise checklist of accessibility requirements for mobile app developers. It is intended to continuously evolve as more patterns arise.


  • Colour contrast MUST comply with WCAG 2.0 AA level requirements:
    • Contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for normal text (less than 18 point or 14 point bold.)
    • Contrast ratio of 3:1 for large text (at least 18 point or 14 point bold.)
  • Information conveyed via colour MUST be also available by other means too (underlined text for links, etc.)

Note: Jon Snook has written a useful Colour Contrast Checker that is useful for checking contrast between a background and foreground colour. Alternatively, the Tanaguru Contrast-Finder does a similar job, but also suggests similar but better contrasting colours for you to consider using.


  • Content hiding techniques such as zero opacity, z-index order and off-screen placement MUST NOT be used exclusively to handle visibility.
  • Everything other than the currently visible screen MUST be truly invisible (especially relevant for single page apps with multiple cards):
    • USE the hidden attribute or visibility or display style properties.
    • Unless absolutely unavoidable, aria-hidden attribute SHOULD NOT be used.


  • All activatable elements MUST be focusable:
    • Standard controls such as links, buttons, and form fields are focusable by default.
    • Non-standard controls MUST have an appropriate ARIA Role assigned to them, such as button, link, or checkbox.
  • Focus should be handled in a logical order and consistent manner.

Text Equivalents

  • Text equivalent MUST be provided for every non-strictly presentational non-text element within the app.
    • Use alt and title where appropriate (see Steve Faulkner's post about Using the HTML title attribute for a good guide.)
    • If the above attributes are not applicable, use appropriate ARIA Properties such as aria-label, aria-labelledby, or aria-describedby.
  • Images of text MUST be avoided.
  • All form controls MUST have labels (<label> elements) for the benefit of screen reader users.

Handling State

  • Standard controls such as radio buttons and checkboxes are handled by the operating system. However, for other custom controls state changes must be provided via ARIA States such as aria-checked, aria-disabled, aria-selected, aria-expanded, and aria-pressed.

General Guidelines

  • An app title MUST be provided.
  • Headings MUST not break hierarchical structure
    <h1>Top level heading</h1>
      <h2>Secondary heading</h2>
      <h2>Another secondary heading</h2>
        <h3>Low level heading</h3>
  • ARIA Landmark Roles SHOULD be used to describe an app or document structure, such as banner, complementary, contentinfo, main, navigation, search.
  • Touch event handlers MUST only be triggered on the touchend event.
  • Touch targets MUST be large enough for the user to interact with (see the BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines for useful touch target size guidelines.)

Note: Tanaguru's automated accessibility testing service provides a useful way to uncover some of the accessibility errors that can occur on a web page, or installed web app (e.g. Firefox OS.) You can find more about the technical implementation of Tanaguru, as well as how to contribute to the project, at


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