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XMLHttpRequestEventTarget is the interface that describes the event handlers you can implement in an object that will handle events for an XMLHttpRequest.


Contains the function to call when a request is aborted and the abort event is received by this object.
Contains the function to call when a request encounters an error and the error event is received by this object.
Contains the function to call when an HTTP request returns after successfully fetching content and the load event is received by this object.
Contains the function that gets called when the HTTP request first begins loading data and the loadstart event is received by this object.
Contains the function that is called periodically with information about the progress of the request and the progress event is received by this object.
Contains the function that is called if the event times out and the timeout event is received by this object; this only happens if a timeout has been previously established by setting the value of the XMLHttpRequest object's timeout attribute.
Contains the function that is called when the load is completed, even if the request failed, and the loadend event is received by this object.


Specification Status Comment
XMLHttpRequest Living Standard WHATWG living standard

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 1 1.0 (1.7 or earlier) 7 (Yes) 1.2
Feature Android Chrome for Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support ? 1.0 (Yes) ? ? ?


See also

Метки документа и участники

 Внесли вклад в эту страницу: teoli, jwhitlock, Sheppy, cpigat, kosvrouvas, RomitChaks, kscarfone
 Обновлялась последний раз: teoli,