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This interface provides access to the event listeners used when uploading data using the XMLHttpRequest object.
Gecko 1.9.1
Inherits from: nsIDOMEventTarget Last changed in Gecko 5.0 (Firefox 5.0 / Thunderbird 5.0 / SeaMonkey 2.2)


Attribute Type Description
onabort nsIDOMEventListener A JavaScript function object that gets invoked if the operation is canceled by the user.
onerror nsIDOMEventListener A JavaScript function object that gets invoked if the operation fails to complete due to an error.
onload nsIDOMEventListener A JavaScript function object that gets invoked when the operation is successfully completed.
onloadend nsIDOMEventListener A JavaScript function object that gets invoked when the operation is completed for any reason; it will always follow a an abort, error, or load event.
onloadstart nsIDOMEventListener A JavaScript function object that gets invoked exactly once when the operation begins.
onprogress nsIDOMEventListener A JavaScript function object that gets invoked zero or more times, after the loadstart event, but before any abort, error, or load events occur.

Handling the events

When the handler functions for these events are called, they receive as a parameter a ProgressEvent, which implements the nsIDOMProgressEvent interface.

See also

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 Внесли вклад в эту страницу: Sheppy, trevorh, Jürgen Jeka
 Обновлялась последний раз: Sheppy,