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An AddonInstall instance tracks download and installation process of an add-on. Instances can be created using the AddonManager.getInstallForFile() or AddonManager.getInstallForURL() methods on the AddonManager object. Once you have an instance the install method is used to start automatic download and installation. This can be canceled at any time with the cancel method.

Method Overview

void install()
void cancel()
void addListener(in InstallListener listener)
void removeListener(in InstallListener listener)


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the add-on being installed.
version string The version of the add-on being installed.
iconURL string The icon of the add-on being installed.
releaseNotesURI nsIURI The URI of release notes for this install.
type string The type of the add-on being installed.
state integer The state of the installation.
error integer If an error has been encountered during the download or install this will hold the error code.
sourceURI nsIURI The URI that the add-on is being installed from.
file nsIFile The file that the add-on is being installed from. This may be null if the add-on is coming from the Internet and has yet to be downloaded.
progress integer The progress of any necessary downloads.
maxProgress integer The expected size of any necessary downloads or -1 if unknown.
certificate nsIX509Cert If the add-on to be installed is signed this is the certificate of the signer. Only available after downloading is complete.
certName string If the add-on to be installed is signed this is the simple display name of the signer.
existingAddon Addon The Addon that this install will update. May be null if it isn't updating anything installed. This is guaranteed to be correct after downloading is complete but may be set earlier.
addon Addon The full Addon that this install will install. Only available after downloading is complete.



Starts or continues the install process. The process will continue in the background until it fails, completes, one of the registered InstallListeners pauses it, or the process is canceled by a call to the cancel method.

void install(


Cancels the install process, it cannot be restarted after this.

void cancel(


Adds a new InstallListener if the listener is not already registered to monitor this specific AddonInstall.

void addListener(
  in InstallListener listener
The InstallListener to add


Removes an InstallListener if the listener is registered for monitoring this specific AddonInstall.

void removeListener(
  in InstallListener listener
The InstallListener to remove

Etiquetas do documento e colaboradores

 Colaboradores desta página: Pfghrd45, kscarfone, sachin.hosmani, Sheppy, Mossop, trevorh
 Última atualização por: Pfghrd45,