{"json_modified": "2014-04-11T17:17:45.849802", "slug": "Using_the_W3C_DOM_Level_1_Core", "tags": [], "locale": "nl", "title": "Using the W3C DOM Level 1 Core", "translations": [{"locale": "en-US", "url": "/en-US/docs/Using_the_W3C_DOM_Level_1_Core", "last_edit": "2013-06-25T02:53:32", "title": "Using the W3C DOM Level 1 Core"}, {"locale": "pt-PT", "url": "/pt-PT/docs/Using_the_W3C_DOM_Level_1_Core", "last_edit": "2012-09-26T12:04:24", "title": "Usando o N\u00facleo DOM N\u00edvel 1 do W3C"}, {"locale": "ja", "url": "/ja/docs/Using_the_W3C_DOM_Level_1_Core", "last_edit": "2007-10-03T17:43:11", "title": "Using the W3C DOM Level 1 Core"}, {"locale": "fr", "url": "/fr/docs/Utilisation_du_DOM_Level_1_Core_du_W3C", "last_edit": "2007-02-28T18:16:24", "title": "Utilisation du DOM Level 1 Core du W3C"}], "modified": "2014-04-11T17:17:45", "label": "Using the W3C DOM Level 1 Core", "url": "/nl/docs/Using_the_W3C_DOM_Level_1_Core", "last_edit": "2014-03-24T16:13:38", "summary": "The W3C's DOM Level 1 Core is a powerful object model for changing the content tree of documents. It is supported in all major browsers including Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It is a powerful base for scripting on the web.", "sections": [{"id": "What_is_a_content_tree.3F", "title": "What is a content tree?"}, {"id": "What_does_the_DOM_Level_1_Core_let_me_do.3F", "title": "What does the DOM Level 1 Core let me do?"}, {"id": "A_simple_example", "title": "A simple example"}, {"id": "HTML_Content", "title": "HTML Content"}, {"id": "JavaScript_Content", "title": "JavaScript Content"}, {"id": "How_can_I_learn_more.3F", "title": "How can I learn more?"}], "id": 91007, "review_tags": []}