{"json_modified": "2015-09-13T03:41:51.682616", "slug": "DOM", "tags": ["DOM"], "locale": "nl", "title": "DOM", "translations": [{"title": "DOM", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/DOM", "tags": [], "summary": "The Document Object Model (DOM) is an API for HTML and XML documents. It provides a structural representation of the document, enabling you to modify its content and visual presentation by using a scripting language such as JavaScript.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2013-03-25T20:47:12", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "Document Object Model (DOM)", "url": "/en-US/docs/DOM", "tags": ["References", "DOM"], "summary": "The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It provides a structured representation of the document (a tree) and it defines a way that the structure can be accessed from programs so that they can change the document structure, style and content. The DOM provides a representation of the document as a structured group of nodes and objects that have properties and methods. Essentially, it connects web pages to scripts or programming languages.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2014-06-18T08:00:36", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "Document Object Model (DOM)", "url": "/fr/docs/DOM", "tags": ["DOM"], "summary": "Categories", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2013-07-03T12:52:37", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "DOM", "url": "/ja/docs/DOM", "tags": ["Fixit", "DOM"], "summary": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "ja", "last_edit": "2012-09-21T21:29:12", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "DOM", "url": "/hu/docs/DOM", "tags": ["minden_kateg\u00f3ria", "DOM"], "summary": "Categories", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "hu", "last_edit": "2012-09-21T21:34:57", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "DOM", "url": "/es/docs/DOM", "tags": ["DOM", "Todas_las_Categor\u00edas"], "summary": "DOM es un est\u00e1ndar del W3C", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2012-09-21T21:34:19", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "DOM", "url": "/de/docs/DOM", "tags": ["DOM"], "summary": "Das Document Object Model (DOM) ist eine Programmierschnittstelle f\u00fcr HTML- und XML-Dokumente. Sie bildet die strukturelle Abbildung des Dokuments und erm\u00f6glicht Skripten die Ver\u00e4nderung des Inhalts und dessen Pr\u00e4sentation.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2013-02-03T13:12:16", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "Gecko DOM \u53c3\u8003", "url": "/zh-TW/docs/Gecko_DOM_%E5%8F%83%E8%80%83", "tags": [], "summary": "The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML, XML and SVG documents. It provides a structured representation of the document (a tree) and it defines a way that the structure can be accessed from programs so that they can change the document structure, style and content. The DOM provides a representation of the document as a structured group of nodes and objects that have properties and methods. Nodes can also have event handlers attached to them, and once that event is triggered the event handlers get executed. Essentially, it connects web pages to scripts or programming languages.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-TW", "last_edit": "2014-12-16T19:36:06", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "DOM", "url": "/pt-PT/docs/DOM", "tags": ["DOM", "Todas_as_Categorias"], "summary": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "pt-PT", "last_edit": "2012-09-21T21:36:18", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "\ubb38\uc11c \uac1d\uccb4 \ubaa8\ub378(DOM)", "url": "/ko/docs/DOM", "tags": ["DOM", "\uc124\uba85\uc9d1"], "summary": "\ubb38\uc11c \uac1d\uccb4 \ubaa8\ub378(Document Object Model, DOM)\uc740 HTML \ubc0f XML \ubb38\uc11c\ub97c \ucc98\ub9ac\ud558\ub294 API\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ubb38\uc11c\uc758 \uad6c\uc870\uc801 \ud615\ud0dc\ub97c \uc81c\uacf5\ud558\ubbc0\ub85c \uc790\ubc14\uc2a4\ud06c\ub9bd\ud2b8(JavaScript)\uc640 \uac19\uc740 \uc2a4\ud06c\ub9bd\ud2b8 \uc5b8\uc5b4\ub97c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\uc5ec \ubb38\uc11c \ub0b4\uc6a9\uacfc \uc2dc\uac01\uc801 \ud45c\ud604\uc744 \uc218\uc815\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "ko", "last_edit": "2014-06-06T11:04:58", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "DOM", "url": "/pl/docs/DOM", "tags": ["DOM", "Wszystkie_kategorie"], "summary": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "pl", "last_edit": "2012-09-21T21:35:50", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "DOM", "url": "/ru/docs/DOM", "tags": ["DOM"], "summary": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "ru", "last_edit": "2012-09-21T20:50:27", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "Document Object Model (DOM)", "url": "/cs/docs/DOM_cs", "tags": [], "summary": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "cs", "last_edit": "2012-11-08T02:34:22", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "Document Object Model (DOM)", "url": "/pt-BR/docs/DOM", "tags": ["References", "DOM", "TopicStub", "NeedsTranslation"], "summary": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "pt-BR", "last_edit": "2012-10-14T05:19:37", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "Document Object Model (DOM)", "url": "/fi/docs/DOM", "tags": ["References", "DOM", "TopicStub", "NeedsTranslation"], "summary": "The Document Object Model (DOM) is an API for HTML and XML documents. It provides a structural representation of the document, enabling you to modify its content and visual presentation by using a scripting language such as JavaScript.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fi", "last_edit": "2013-01-16T07:21:40", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "\u09a1\u0995\u09c1\u09ae\u09c7\u09a8\u09cd\u099f \u0985\u09ac\u099c\u09c7\u0995\u09cd\u099f \u09ae\u09a1\u09c7\u09b2 (DOM)", "url": "/bn-BD/docs/DOM", "tags": ["References", "DOM", "TopicStub", "NeedsTranslation"], "summary": "\u09a1\u0995\u09c1\u09ae\u09c7\u09a8\u09cd\u099f \u0985\u09ac\u099c\u09c7\u0995\u09cd\u099f \u09ae\u09a1\u09c7\u09b2 (Document Object Model) \u09ac\u09be \u09b8\u0982\u0995\u09cd\u09b7\u09c7\u09aa\u09c7 DOM \u09b9\u099a\u09cd\u099b\u09c7 HTML \u098f\u09ac\u0982 XML \u09a1\u0995\u09c1\u09ae\u09c7\u09a8\u09cd\u099f \u09ae\u09cd\u09af\u09be\u09a8\u09bf\u09aa\u09c1\u09b2\u09c7\u099f \u0995\u09b0\u09be\u09b0 \u099c\u09a8\u09cd\u09af \u098f\u0995\u099f\u09bf \u0985\u09cd\u09af\u09be\u09aa\u09cd\u09b2\u09bf\u0995\u09c7\u09b6\u09a8 \u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09cb\u0997\u09cd\u09b0\u09be\u09ae\u09bf\u0982 \u0987\u09a8\u09cd\u099f\u09be\u09b0\u09ab\u09c7\u09b8 \u09ac\u09be API \u0964 \u098f\u099f\u09be \u09a1\u0995\u09c1\u09ae\u09c7\u09a8\u09cd\u099f \u098f\u09b0 \u098f\u0995\u099f\u09bf \u0997\u09be\u09a0\u09a8\u09bf\u0995 \u0989\u09aa\u09b8\u09cd\u09a5\u09be\u09aa\u09a8\u09be \u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09a6\u09be\u09a8 \u0995\u09b0\u09c7, \u0986\u09b0 \u0986\u09aa\u09a8\u09be\u0995\u09c7 \u099c\u09be\u09ad\u09be\u09b8\u09cd\u0995\u09cd\u09b0\u09bf\u09aa\u09cd\u099f \u09ac\u09cd\u09af\u09ac\u09b9\u09be\u09b0 \u0995\u09b0\u09c7 \u098f\u09b0 \u09ad\u09c7\u09a4\u09b0\u09c7 \u09a5\u09be\u0995\u09be \u0995\u09a8\u09cd\u099f\u09c7\u09a8\u09cd\u099f \u098f\u09ac\u0982 \u09a6\u09c3\u09b6\u09cd\u09af\u09ae\u09be\u09a8 \u0989\u09aa\u09be\u09a6\u09be\u09a8\u0997\u09c1\u09b2\u09cb\u0995\u09c7 \u09b8\u0982\u09b6\u09cb\u09a7\u09a8 \u0995\u09b0\u09be\u09b0 \u09b8\u09c1\u09ac\u09bf\u09a7\u09be \u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09a6\u09be\u09a8 \u0995\u09b0\u09c7\u0964", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "bn-BD", "last_edit": "2014-03-25T10:35:07", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2015-09-13T03:41:49", "label": "DOM", "localization_tags": [], "url": "/nl/docs/DOM", "last_edit": "2015-09-13T03:41:21", "summary": "The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML, XML and SVG documents. It provides a structured representation of the document (a tree) and it defines a way that the structure can be accessed from programs so that they can change the document structure, style and content. The DOM provides a representation of the document as a structured group of nodes and objects that have properties and methods. Nodes can also have event handlers attached to them, and once that event is triggered the event handlers get executed. Essentially, it connects web pages to scripts or programming languages.", "sections": [{"id": "DOM_interfaces", "title": "DOM interfaces"}, {"id": "Obsolete_DOM_interfaces", "title": "Obsolete DOM interfaces"}, {"id": "HTML_interfaces", "title": "HTML interfaces"}, {"id": "HTML_element_interfaces", "title": "HTML element interfaces"}, {"id": "Other_interfaces", "title": "Other interfaces"}, {"id": "Obsolete_HTML_interfaces", "title": "Obsolete HTML interfaces"}, {"id": "SVG_interfaces", "title": "SVG interfaces"}, {"id": "SVG_element_interfaces", "title": "SVG element interfaces"}, {"id": "SVG_data_type_interfaces", "title": "SVG data type interfaces"}, {"id": "Static_type", "title": "Static type"}, {"id": "Animated_type", "title": "Animated type"}, {"id": "SVG_Path_segment_interfaces", "title": "SVG Path segment interfaces"}, {"id": "SMIL_related_interfaces", "title": "SMIL related interfaces"}, {"id": "Other_SVG_interfaces", "title": "Other SVG interfaces"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "id": 14327, "review_tags": []}