{"json_modified": "2016-01-01T23:49:56.767382", "slug": "Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": ["\ub808\ud37c\ub7f0\uc2a4", "HTML", "\uc694\uc18c", "\uc6f9"], "locale": "ko", "title": "
", "translations": [{"title": "
", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": ["Element", "Reference", "HTML", "HTML grouping content"], "summary": "The HTML <main> element represents the main content of\u00a0 the <body> of a document or application. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to, or expands upon the central topic of a document or the central functionality of an application. This content should be unique to the document, excluding any content that is repeated across a set of documents such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, site logos, and search forms (unless\u00a0the document's main function is as a search form).", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2015-11-17T08:04:26", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}, {"title": "
", "url": "/fr/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": ["\u00c9l\u00e9ment", "Element", "Reference", "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence", "Web", "HTML"], "summary": "L\u2019\u00e9l\u00e9ment HTML <main> repr\u00e9sente le contenu principal du <body> du document ou de l'application. Le contenu principal de la zone est constitu\u00e9 de contenu directement en relation, ou qui \u00e9tend le sujet principal du document ou de la fonctionnalit\u00e9 principale d'une application. Ce contenu doit \u00eatre unique dans le document, excluant tout contenu qui est r\u00e9p\u00e9t\u00e9 sur plusieurs documents comme des barres lat\u00e9rales, liens de navigation, informations de copyright, logo du site, et champs de recherche ( sauf, bien entendu, si la fonctionnalit\u00e9 principale du document est un champ de recherche. )", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2014-08-08T10:41:09", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/es/docs/Web/HTML/Elemento/main", "tags": [], "summary": "El elemento HTML <main>\u00a0 representa el contenido principal de el <body> de un documento o aplicaci\u00f3n. El \u00e1rea principal del contenido consiste en el contenido que est\u00e1 directamente relacionado, o se expande sobre el tema central de un documento o la funcionalidad central de una aplicaci\u00f3n. Este contenido debe ser \u00fanico al documento, excluyendo cualquier contenido que se repita a trav\u00e9s de un conjunto de documentos como barras laterales, enlaces de navegaci\u00f3n, informaci\u00f3n de derechos de autor, logos del sitio y formularios de b\u00fasqueda (a menos, claro, que la funci\u00f3n principal del documento sea un formulario de b\u00fasqueda).", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2014-07-02T23:17:53", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/it/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": ["Web", "HTML", "Elemento"], "summary": "L'elemento HTML <main> rappresenta il contenuto principale del <body> di un documento o di\u00a0un'applicazione. L'area\u00a0principale consiste di un contenuto che \u00e8 direttamente in relazione con, o si estende su, il tema centrale di un documento o la funzionalit\u00e0 centrale\u00a0di un'applicazione. Tale contenuto dovrebbe essere unico all'interno del documento, ad esclusione di qualsiasi contenuto che si ripete attraverso una serie di documenti quali potrebbero essere le barre laterali, link di navigazione, informazioni di copyright, loghi e moduli di ricerca (a meno che, ovviamente, la funzione principale del documento sia lo stesso modulo di ricerca).", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "it", "last_edit": "2015-12-01T13:59:31", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}, {"title": "
", "url": "/pt-BR/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": ["Elemento", "Refer\u00eancia", "Web", "HTML", "Referencia"], "summary": "O elemento\u00a0<main> define o conte\u00fado principal dentro do <body> em seu documento ou aplica\u00e7\u00e3o. Entende-se como conte\u00fado principal aquele relacionado diretamente com o t\u00f3pico central da p\u00e1gina ou com a funcionalidade central da aplica\u00e7\u00e3o. O mesmo dever\u00e1 ser \u00fanico na p\u00e1gina, ou seja, dentro do elemento <main> n\u00e3o dever\u00e3o ser incluidas se\u00e7\u00f5es da p\u00e1gina que sejam comuns a todo o site ou aplica\u00e7\u00e3o, tais como mecanismos de navega\u00e7\u00e3o, informa\u00e7\u00f5es de copyright, logotipo e campos de busca (a n\u00e3o ser, \u00e9 claro,\u00a0 caso a fun\u00e7\u00e3o principal do documento seja\u00a0 fazer algum tipo de busca).", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "pt-BR", "last_edit": "2015-03-29T14:08:55", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/de/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": ["Element", "Referenz", "HTML", "HTML5", "main", "\u00dcbersicht"], "summary": "Das\u00a0HTML Main Element (<main>) kann als ein Kontainer f\u00fcr den leitenden Inhalt benutzt werden. Der Hauptteil besteht aus Inhalt, der direkt bezogen oder auf das zentrale Thema eines Bereichs oder der zentralen Funktionalit\u00e4t einer Applikation aufbaut. Der Inhalt sollte zum Dokument einzigartig sein, ausgenommen jeglicher Inhalt, welcher auf dem gesamten Dokument wiederholt ist wie zum Beispiel Seitenleisten, Navigationlinks, Information \u00fcber das Urheberrecht, Seitenlogos, und Sucheingaben (augenommen, wenn die Hauptfunktion eine Sucheingabe ist). Anders als <article> und <section>, tr\u00e4gt dieses Element dem Entwurf des Dokuments nicht bei.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2015-09-28T22:29:30", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/ja/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": [], "summary": "main \u8981\u7d20(
)\u306f\u3001\u30c9\u30ad\u30e5\u30e1\u30f3\u30c8\u3084\u30a2\u30d7\u30ea\u30b1\u30fc\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u306ebody \u8981\u7d20(
Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website developer.mozilla.org from November 2016, cach3.com does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.
)\u306e\u4e3b\u306a\u5185\u5bb9\u3092\u8868\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002\u4e3b\u306a\u5185\u5bb9\u306f\u4e2d\u5fc3\u7684\u306a\u30c8\u30d4\u30c3\u30af\u306e\u4e3b\u306a\u30b3\u30f3\u30c6\u30f3\u30c4\u3084\u30a2\u30d7\u30ea\u30b1\u30fc\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u306e\u4e2d\u5fc3\u7684\u306a\u6a5f\u80fd\u306b\u76f4\u63a5\u95a2\u9023\u3059\u308b\u5185\u5bb9\u3067\u69cb\u6210\u3055\u308c\u307e\u3059\u3002\u3053\u306e\u5185\u5bb9\u306f\u30b5\u30a4\u30c9\u30d0\u30fc\u3001\u30ca\u30d3\u30b2\u30fc\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u30ea\u30f3\u30af\u3001\u8457\u4f5c\u6a29\u8868\u793a\u3001\u30b5\u30a4\u30c8\u30ed\u30b4\u3001\u691c\u7d22\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30e0\u306e\u3088\u3046\u306a\u7e70\u308a\u8fd4\u3055\u308c\u308b\u3042\u3089\u3086\u308b\u6587\u7ae0\u306e\u96c6\u5408\u3092\u9664\u3044\u3066\u56fa\u6709\u306e\u5185\u5bb9\u306b\u3059\u308b\u3079\u304d\u3067\u3059\u3002(\u3082\u3061\u308d\u3093\u3001\u4e3b\u306a\u5185\u5bb9\u304c\u691c\u7d22\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30e0\u3067\u306a\u3044\u9650\u308a)", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ja", "last_edit": "2015-11-23T20:06:49", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
\u6807\u7b7e", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "tags": ["\u00c9l\u00e9ment", "Element", "Web", "HTML"], "summary": "HTML Main\u5143\u7d20(
)\u5448\u73b0\u4e86\u6587\u6863<body>\u6216\u5e94\u7528\u7684\u4e3b\u4f53\u90e8\u5206\u3002\u4e3b\u4f53\u90e8\u5206\u7531\u4e0e\u6587\u6863\u76f4\u63a5\u76f8\u5173\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u6269\u5c55\u4e8e\u6587\u6863\u7684\u4e2d\u5fc3\u4e3b\u9898\u3001\u5e94\u7528\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u529f\u80fd\u90e8\u5206\u7684\u5185\u5bb9\u7ec4\u6210\u3002\u8fd9\u90e8\u5206\u5185\u5bb9\u5728\u6587\u6863\u4e2d\u5e94\u5f53\u662f\u72ec\u4e00\u65e0\u4e8c\u7684\uff0c\u4e0d\u5305\u542b\u4efb\u4f55\u5728\u4e00\u7cfb\u5217\u6587\u6863\u4e2d\u91cd\u590d\u7684\u5185\u5bb9\uff0c\u6bd4\u5982\u4fa7\u8fb9\u680f\uff0c\u5bfc\u822a\u680f\u94fe\u63a5\uff0c\u7248\u6743\u4fe1\u606f\uff0c\u7f51\u7ad9logo\uff0c\u641c\u7d22\u6846\uff08\u5f53\u7136\uff0c\u6587\u6863\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u529f\u80fd\u5c31\u662f\u641c\u7d22\u6846\uff09\u3002", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2015-09-23T19:52:15", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-01-01T23:49:55", "label": "
", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "url": "/ko/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main", "last_edit": "2016-01-01T23:49:49", "summary": "HTML Main \uc694\uc18c (<main>) \ub294 \ubb38\uc11c\ub098 \uc571\uc758 <body> \uc758 \uba54\uc778 \ucee8\ud150\uce20\ub97c \ub098\ud0c0\ub0c5\ub2c8\ub2e4. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to, or expands upon the central topic of a document or the central functionality of an application. This content should be unique to the document, excluding any content that is repeated across a set of documents such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, site logos, and search forms (unless, of course, the document's main function is as a search form).", "sections": [{"id": "\uac1c\uc694", "title": "\uac1c\uc694"}, {"id": "\uc18d\uc131", "title": "\uc18d\uc131"}, {"id": "\uc608\uc81c", "title": "\uc608\uc81c"}, {"id": "Specifications", "title": "\uc0ac\uc591"}, {"id": "Browser_compatibility", "title": "\ube0c\ub77c\uc6b0\uc800 \ud638\ud658\uc131"}, {"id": "\uac19\uc774_\ubcf4\uae30", "title": "\uac19\uc774 \ubcf4\uae30"}, {"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}], "id": 149423, "review_tags": ["editorial"]}