{"json_modified": "2015-10-23T22:13:54.371427", "slug": "Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": ["HTML:\u00c9l\u00e9ment", "HTML:Element Reference", "HTML:Element", "HTML"], "locale": "ja", "title": "br \u8981\u7d20", "translations": [{"title": "
", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": ["HTML text-level semantics", "Element", "Reference", "Web", "HTML"], "summary": "The HTML <br> Element (or HTML Line Break Element) produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2015-10-14T02:41:17", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/fr/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": ["\u00c9l\u00e9ment", "HTML text-level semantics", "Element", "Reference", "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence", "Web", "HTML"], "summary": "L'\u00e9l\u00e9ment HTML <br> (pour Line Break qui signifie retour \u00e0 la ligne) produit un retour \u00e0 la ligne (retour chariot) dans le texte. Cet \u00e9l\u00e9ment peut \u00eatre utile dans le cas de po\u00e8mes ou d'adresses, o\u00f9 les s\u00e9parations de lignes sont importantes.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-03-27T07:54:20", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "br", "url": "/pl/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": ["HTML:Opis_element\u00f3w"], "summary": "Element tworzy w tek\u015bcie prze\u0142amanie linii (powr\u00f3t karetki). Jest to pusty element, zatem nie mo\u017ce mie\u0107 \u017cadnej zawarto\u015bci i zamykaj\u0105cego znacznika (</br>). Jest on u\u017cyteczny przy pisaniu wiersza lub adresu, gdzie wa\u017cne jest miejsce prze\u0142amania.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "pl", "last_edit": "2014-07-03T02:51:55", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "br", "url": "/es/docs/Web/HTML/Elemento/br", "tags": ["HTML", "HTML:Elemento", "Todas_las_Categor\u00edas"], "summary": "Portada > \nHTML > \nElementos de HTML 4.01 : \nTipos\u00a0de\u00a0elementos", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2014-07-02T23:17:37", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "br", "url": "/de/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": [], "summary": "Das HTML Zeilenumbruch Element (<br>) produziert einen Zeilenumbruch in (Flie\u00df-)Text (Wagenr\u00fccklauf). Es ist z.B n\u00fctzlich beim notieren eines Gedichtes oder einer Adresse, wo die Aufteilung der Zeilen von Bedeutung ist.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2014-04-30T03:01:19", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/hu/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": [], "summary": "A HTML <br> elem (vagy HTML sort\u00f6r\u00e9s elem) egy sort\u00f6r\u00e9st hoz l\u00e9tre a sz\u00f6vegben (kocsi-vissza). Hasznos versek \u00e9s olyan c\u00edmek \u00edr\u00e1sakor, ahol a sorok feloszt\u00e1sa fontos.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "hu", "last_edit": "2014-07-02T22:48:34", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/ru/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": [], "summary": "The HTML <br> Element (or HTML Line Break Element) produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ru", "last_edit": "2014-09-08T02:04:02", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}, {"title": "
", "url": "/ca/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": [], "summary": "L'element HTML <br>\u00a0 (de l'Angl\u00e8s Line Break) produeix un salt de l\u00ednia en el text (carriage-return). \u00c9s \u00fatil per escriure un poema o una adre\u00e7a, on la divisi\u00f3 de l\u00ednies \u00e9s significatiu.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "ca", "last_edit": "2015-09-08T08:54:14", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}, {"title": "
", "url": "/ko/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": ["\ub808\ud37c\ub7f0\uc2a4", "HTML \ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8-\ub808\ubca8 \uc2dc\uba58\ud2f1", "HTML", "\uc694\uc18c", "\uc6f9"], "summary": "HTML <br> \uc694\uc18c (\ud639\uc740 HTML \ub77c\uc778 \ube0c\ub808\uc774\ud06c \uc694\uc18c) \ub294 \ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8\uc5d0\uc11c \uc904\ubc14\uafc8\uc744 \uc0dd\uc131\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4. (\uce90\ub9ac\uc9c0-\ub9ac\ud134). \uc774\uac83\uc740 \uc904\uc758 \uad6c\ubd84\uc774 \uc911\uc694\ud55c \uc2dc\ub098 \uc778\uc0bf\ub9d0\uc744 \uc4f8\ub54c \uc720\uc6a9\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "ko", "last_edit": "2015-04-29T18:13:27", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "
", "url": "/it/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "tags": [], "summary": "L'elemento HTML\u00a0<br>\u00a0(o\u00a0Line Break) crea un \"a capo\" nel testo. \u00c8 utile quando \u00e8 importante la divisione tra le linee, ad esempio\u00a0in una poesia.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "it", "last_edit": "2015-06-17T12:57:35", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2015-10-23T22:13:52", "label": "br \u8981\u7d20", "localization_tags": [], "url": "/ja/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br", "last_edit": "2015-10-23T22:13:48", "summary": "HTML <br> \u8981\u7d20 (HTML \u6539\u884c\u8981\u7d20) \u306f\u3001\u6587\u4e2d\u306b\u6539\u884c (\u30ad\u30e3\u30ea\u30c3\u30b8\u30fb\u30ea\u30bf\u30fc\u30f3) \u3092\u751f\u6210\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002\u3053\u308c\u306f\u3001\u8a69\u3084\u6563\u6587\u3001\u4f4f\u6240\u306a\u3069\u3001(\u6bb5\u843d\u3068\u3057\u3066\u4ee5\u5916\u306e) \u6587\u306e\u5206\u5272\u304c\u91cd\u8981\u306a\u6587\u7ae0\u3092\u8a18\u8ff0\u3059\u308b\u306e\u306b\u4fbf\u5229\u306a\u8981\u7d20\u3067\u3059\u3002", "sections": [{"id": "Summary", "title": "\u6982\u8981"}, {"id": "Attributes", "title": "\u5c5e\u6027"}, {"id": "Example", "title": "\u4f8b"}, {"id": "Specifications", "title": "\u4ed5\u69d8"}, {"id": "Browser_compatibility", "title": "\u30d6\u30e9\u30a6\u30b6\u5b9f\u88c5\u72b6\u6cc1"}, {"id": "See_Also", "title": "\u95a2\u9023\u60c5\u5831"}, {"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}], "id": 131, "review_tags": []}