履歴: <resolution> 改訂履歴: English (US) 日本語 2016/06/28 6:20:38 Sebastianz Replaced {{xref_cssinteger}} macro by {{cssxref("<integer>")}} (bug 1242934) 前へ 2016/06/28 5:53:19 Sebastianz Replaced {{xref_cssnumber}} macro by {{cssxref("<number>")}} (bug 1242938) 前へ 2016/04/16 3:24:41 Prinz_Rana This document does not contain {{Xref_csslength}} or {{ xref_csslength() }} (bug 1242935). 前へ 2016/04/16 3:23:10 Prinz_Rana Replaced {{xref_csslength}} macro by {{cssxref("<length>")}} (bug 1242935). 前へ 2015/11/17 10:57:50 fscholz 前へ 2015/11/17 10:57:30 fscholz Removed "See also" macro, now that we have proper quicklinks 前へ 2013/05/22 22:56:48 sosleepy 訳文追加 前へ 2013/05/21 8:55:55 ethertank 前へ 2013/05/21 8:47:39 ethertank 前へ 2013/05/11 1:49:11 Marsf Revert to revision of 2013-05-10 15:28:34 by ethertank