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Firefox Marketplace にアプリを登録すると、ステータスとバージョンのページが作成され、アプリのレビュー状況やアップロードしたバージョン、最新バージョンのアップロード、メモリの少ない環境でのレビュー要請、プリインストール要求の状況、検索結果へのアプリの表示 / 非表示のコントロール、アプリの削除が可能になります。ここではそれぞれの機能について説明します。
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Low-Memory Devices
If you're unsure as to whether your app meets the low-memory requirements, you can find more details in the article Apps for low-memory Firefox OS devices.
When you submit an app to Marketplace it's initially excluded from the list of apps shown to users of low-memory devices, such as the Cloud FX and Spice Fire One MI FX1. If you believe your app meets the memory requirements for low-memory phones, you can request a review by clicking Request a low-memory review.
The Low-Memory Devices section is now updated to show when you made your review request.
(Further details on the process to be provided).
If the review is successful your app will be added to those visible in Marketplace to owners of low-memory phones.
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