Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Message manager overview

この翻訳は不完全です。英語から この記事を翻訳 してください。

マルチプロセスの Firefo では 2 つのプロセスが存在します。

  • Chrome プロセスまたは親プロセスと呼ばれるもので、ブラウザ UI(chrome) コードと拡張によって挿入されたコードが動いています。
  • コンテンツプロセスまたは子プロセスと呼ばれます。Web コンテンツのすべてが動いています。近い将来のマルチプロセス Firefo のバージョンでは、それぞれのタブが個別のプロセスで動作するようになりますが、現在はすべてのコンテンツタブが 1 つのコンテンツプロセスを共有している状況です。

Message manager はあるプロセス上の chrome 権限 JavaScript がほかのプロセス上の Chrome 権限 JavaScript と通信することを可能にします。

この記事では種類の違う message manager の説明、アクセス方法、使いどころの説明をします。

トップレベルにおいて、2つの違う種類の message manager が存在します。

  • Frame message managers:コンテンツタブにロードされた iframe にロードされた chrome プロセスコードを有効にします。(現在は 1 つのブラウザタブ) それは frame scripts と呼ばれ、 その名の通り、ブラウザ内の特定のフレームにスコープされます。もし chrome コードを子プロセスで動作して、Web コンテンツにアクセスしたい場合は、一般的にこの種の message manager を使います。
  • Process message managers: プロセスの境界を越え、親(chrome) プロセスで動作しているコードが子(コンテンツ)プロセスで動作するコードと通信することを可能にします。これが子プロセスにおいてはグローバルである事を除いては、frame scripts に似ています。Process scripts は observercontent policy のグローバルサービスにアクセスするように、エクステンションがコンテンツプロセスで限られたコードを実行する場合と使い方が似ています。

Frame message managers

マルチプロセスの Firefo では、chrome コードが Web コンテンツにアクセスする必要が出た時に、以下のように使います。

  • factor the code that needs direct access to content into separate scripts, which are called "frame scripts"
  • use a frame message manager to load these frame scripts into the content process
  • use the frame message manager API to communicate with the frame script

Some older articles on multiprocess Firefox and the message manager might refer to "content scripts" instead of "frame scripts", but this usage is deprecated because the Add-on SDK uses "content script" to refer to a similar but different kind of script.

So fundamentally, frame message managers enable chrome code to:

  • load a script into a frame (essentially, a single browser tab) in the content process. These scripts are called "frame scripts".
  • communicate with frame scripts using message-passing APIs

There are various types of frame message managers, as depicted in this diagram:

This diagram shows the setup when there are 2 browser windows open, one with 2 tabs open and one with 1 tab open.

Chrome process

In the chrome process, there's a hierarchy of frame message managers: the global frame message manager, window message managers, and browser message managers.

Global frame message manager


There's a single global frame message manager in the chrome process.

This operates on all frames, in all content tabs. If you load a frame script using the global frame message manager, the script gets loaded separately into every open tab: three times, in the diagram above. Similarly, if you send a message using the global frame message manager, it's received by all content tabs, and is then delivered to any frame scripts that are listening for it.

Its most important functions and attributes are:

childCount : contains the number of children (typically, browser windows)

getChildAt() : get the child at the given index

loadFrameScript() : load a frame script into every tab in the browser

broadcastAsyncMessage() : send a message to frame scripts

addMessageListener() : start listening to a specific message from all frame scripts

removeMessageListener() : stop listening to a specific message





How to access

Access it using Components.classes:

// chrome script
let globalMM = Cc[";1"]

You can also access it as the mm property of Services.jsm, if you are in the parent process.

Window message manager


There's a window message manager for every browser window: two, in the diagram above.

It operates on all content tabs in a given window. If you load a frame script using the window message manager it gets loaded separately into each tab open in that particular window. If you send a message using the window message manager, it gets sent to all content tabs in that window.

Its most important functions and attributes are:

childCount : contains the number of children (typically, browser tabs)

getChildAt() : get the child at the given index

loadFrameScript() : load a frame script into every tab in this window

broadcastAsyncMessage() : send a message to all frame scripts in this window

addMessageListener() : start listening to a specific message from frame scripts

removeMessageListener() : stop listening to a specific message





How to access

You can access it as a property of the browser window:

// chrome script
let windowMM = window.messageManager;

Browser message manager

Note that in this context, "browser" refers to the XUL <browser> object, which is a frame that hosts a single Web document. It does not refer to the more general sense of a Web browser.


Finally, there's a browser message manager for every open content tab: three, in the diagram above.

This corresponds one-to-one with a content tab. Scripts you load using a browser message manager are loaded only into that content tab, and messages you send are delivered only to that content tab.

You can mix and match: so for example, you could load a script into every tab using the global message manager, but then send a message to the script instance loaded into a specific tab by using the browser message manager.

Its most important functions are:

loadFrameScript() : load a frame script into this browser frame (tab)

sendAsyncMessage() : send a message to all frame scripts in this browser frame

addMessageListener() : start listening to a specific message from frame scripts

removeMessageListener() : stop listening to a specific message






How to access

The browser message manager can be accessed as a property of the XUL <browser> element:

// chrome script
let browserMM = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager;

Content process

Content frame message manager


There's a content frame message manager for every open tab. It's the content-side end of frame message manager conversations.

Frame scripts are loaded into the content frame message manager scope, and messages from chrome message managers end up here.

The content frame message manager provides the global object for frame scripts (but note that there is trickery to ensure that top-level variables defined by frame scripts are not shared).

Frame scripts can use this object to send messages to the chrome process, and to receive messages from the chrome process.

Its most important attributes and functions are:

content : access the DOM window hosted by the tab

docShell : access the top-level docshell

Components : access privileged objects and APIs

addEventListener() : listen to DOM events

addMessageListener() : receive messages from the chrome process

sendAsyncMessage() : send asynchronous messages to the chrome process

sendSyncMessage() : send synchronous messages to the chrome process







How to access The content frame message manager is the global object in frame scripts.

Process message managers

Process message managers はプロセス境界を越え、異なるプロセスと通信することを可能にします。マルチプロセスの Firefo のコンセプトは次の通り。

  • "親プロセス"
  • "子プロセス" は親プロセスによって生成されたプロセス

実用的な目的で、マルチプロセスの Firefo の親プロセスは chrome プロセスで、子プロセスは コンテンツプロセスです。

各子プロセスは、single child process message manager (CPMM) を持ちます。それに加え、親プロエスでは child-in-process message manager (CIPMM) をもっています。

各子プロセスの message manager は、親プロセスに対応する parent process message manager (PPMM) を持っています。

親プロセスには 1つの global parent process message manager (GPPMM) をもっており、それがすべての親プロセスの message manager に対するアクセスを提供します。2 つの子プロセスを持つと以下の図のように構築されます。

GPPMM を使って、CIPMM とすべての CPMM にブロードキャストすることができます。PPMM は対応する CPMM にだけメッセージを送信できます。CPMM では親プロセスにメッセージを送信できます。まず初めに対応する PPMM が受信でき、次に GPPMM が受信します。

From Firefox 38 onwards, you can also use a parent process message manager to load a script into a child process. This is the recommended way to load a script that executes just once per child process, which is something you might want to do if you are interacting with some global service (for example, adding listeners to observer notifications or registering a content policy).

Parent process

Global parent process message manager


The global parent process message manager (GPPMM) is global to the parent process.

  • Messages sent using the GPPMM get sent to all CPMMs in all child processes.
  • Process scripts loaded using the GPPMM get loaded in all child processes.

Its most important functions and attributes are:

childCount : contains the number of children (child processes, plus the in-content child)

getChildAt() : get the child at the given index

loadProcessScript() : load a process script into every content process

broadcastAsyncMessage() : send a message to all process scripts

addMessageListener() : start listening to a specific message from process scripts

removeMessageListener() : stop listening to a specific message





How to access

You can access the GPPMM with code like this:

// parent process
let ppmm = Cc[";1"]

You can also access it as the ppmm property of Services.jsm, if you are in the parent process.

Parent process message manager


There's one parent process message manager (PPMM) in the parent process for every child process, and its API is oriented to that one child process.

  • Messages sent using the PPMM are received only by the corresponding CPMM
  • Scripts loaded using the PPMM are loaded only into the corresponding child process.

Its most important functions are:

loadProcessScript() : load a process script into the content process

broadcastAsyncMessage() : send a message to process scripts

addMessageListener() : start listening to a specific message from process scripts

removeMessageListener() : stop listening to a specific message






How to access

You can access a PPMM using the getChildAt() function in the GPPMM:

// parent process
let ppmm = Services.ppmm.getChildAt(1);

Child process

Child process message manager


There's one child process message manager (CPMM) in each child process. Messages sent using the CPMM are sent to the corresponding PPMM and are also relayed to the GPPMM.

Its most important attributes and functions are:

Components : access privileged objects and APIs

addMessageListener() : receive messages from the parent process

sendAsyncMessage() : send asynchronous messages to the parent process

sendSyncMessage() : send synchronous messages to the parent process






How to access

Code running in a child process can access the CPMM with code like this:

// child process script
let cpmm = Cc[";1"]

You can also access it as the cpmm property of Services.jsm, if you are in the child process.


 このページの貢献者: mantaroh
 最終更新者: mantaroh,