{"json_modified": "2015-07-14T05:35:37.444624", "slug": "WebAPI/WebBluetooth", "tags": ["WebAPI", "B2G", "API", "Non-standard"], "locale": "fr", "title": "L'API Web Bluetooth", "translations": [{"title": "Web Bluetooth API", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Bluetooth_API", "tags": ["API", "Landing", "Reference", "Web Bluetooth", "Firefox OS", "B2G", "Non-standard", "WebAPI", "Certified"], "summary": "The Web Bluetooth API lets an open web app discover, pair with, and connect to Bluetooth devices. As it is a completely experimental and non-standard API, the Bluetooth API is currently available for certified applications only. However, there is some traction to have such an API available for regular Web content; this will be discussed as part of the W3C's System Applications Working Group.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2015-06-11T06:38:07", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "WebBluetooth", "url": "/pt-BR/docs/WebAPI/WebBluetooth", "tags": [], "summary": "A API de Bluetooth Web permite descobrir, parear e conectar com dispositivos Bluetooth. Como \u00e9 uma API completamente experimental e n\u00e3o padronizada, por enquanto est\u00e1 dispon\u00edvel apenas para aplicativos certificados. Por\u00e9m, pela import\u00e2ncia de ter uma API como essa dispon\u00edvel para conte\u00fados Web comuns, isso ser\u00e1 discutido como parte do W3C's System Applications Working Group.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "pt-BR", "last_edit": "2014-01-15T05:05:53", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2015-07-14T05:35:36", "label": "L'API Web Bluetooth", "localization_tags": [], "url": "/fr/docs/WebAPI/WebBluetooth", "last_edit": "2015-07-14T05:35:31", "summary": "L'API WebBluetooth permet \u00e0 une application web de se connecter \u00e0 des p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques Bluetooth. C'est une API compl\u00e8tement exp\u00e9rimentale et non-standard, elle n'est actuellement disponible que pour les applications certifi\u00e9es. Cependant, il y a de bonnes raisons d'avoir une telle API disponible ; cette question sera examin\u00e9e dans le cadre du groupe de travail des applications syst\u00e8me du W3C .", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Aper\u00e7u_de_l'API", "title": "Aper\u00e7u de l'API"}, {"id": "Interfaces_de_base", "title": "Interfaces de base"}, {"id": "Interfaces_Gatt", "title": "Interfaces Gatt"}, {"id": "Interfaces_d'\u00e9v\u00e9nements_Bluetooth", "title": "Interfaces d'\u00e9v\u00e9nements Bluetooth"}, {"id": "Les_messages_du_syst\u00e8me", "title": "Les messages du syst\u00e8me"}, {"id": "Interfaces_obsol\u00e8tes", "title": "Interfaces obsol\u00e8tes"}, {"id": "Sp\u00e9cifications", "title": "Sp\u00e9cifications"}, {"id": "Compatibilit\u00e9_des_navigateurs", "title": "Compatibilit\u00e9 des navigateurs"}, {"id": "Notes_de_compatibilit\u00e9", "title": "Notes de compatibilit\u00e9"}, {"id": "Voir_aussi", "title": "Voir aussi"}], "id": 79131, "review_tags": []}