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Revision 1001809 of CSS3

  • Raccourci de la révision : Web/CSS/CSS3
  • Titre de la révision : CSS3
  • ID de la révision : 1001809
  • Créé :
  • Créateur : mrstork
  • Version actuelle ? Non
  • Commentaire

Contenu de la révision

CSS3 est la toute dernière évolution du langage css et vise à étendre CSS2.1. Il apporte beaucoup de nouveautés attendues, comme les angles arrondis, les ombres, les dégradés , les transitions ou animations, aussi bien que de nouvelles mise en page comme le multi-colonnes, les boîtes flexibles ou les mises en pages en grilles. Les parties expérimentales ont des préfixes propriétaires et devraient soit être évitées dans les environnements de productions, soit utilisées avec beaucoup de prudence à la fois car leurs syntaxes et sémantiques peuvent ête amenées à être modifiés dans l'avenir.

Les modules et le processus de standardisation

Il a fallu 9 ans (d'août 2002 à juin 2011) au CSS niveau 2, pour atteindre le statut de "Recommandation". Ceci était dû au fait que quelques fonctionnalités secondaires ralentissaient toute la spécification. Dans l'objectif d'accélérer la standardisation de fonctionnalités non problématiques, Le CSS Working Group du W3C, dans une decision connue sous le nom de la doctrine Beijing, a divisé le CSS en petits composants appelées modules. Chacun de ces modules est désormais une partie indépendante du langage et progresse vers la standardisation à son propre rythme. Pendant que certains modules sont déjà des Recommandations du W3C, d'autres sont encore aux étapes initiales de Brouillons de Travail (Working Drafts). Les nouveaux modules sont aussi ajoutés lorsque de nouveaux besoins sont identifiés.

CSS Modules and Snapshots as defined since CSS3 Officiellement, il n'y as pas de standard CSS3 en tant que tel. Chaque module est normalisé indépendamment, la norme CSS se base sur CSS2.1 modifié et améliorée par les modules achevés, pas nécessairement tous avec le même numéro de version. A des instants donnés, un aperçu de la norme CSS peut être définie, listant le CSS2.1 et les modules matures.

Le consortium W3 publie périodiquement ces aperçus, comme en 2007 ou 2010.

Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, aucun module ayant un niveau supérieur à celui du niveau 3 n'est standardisé, mais cela changera dans le futur. Certains modules, comme les Selecteurs 4 ou les Bordures et arrière-plan CSS (CSS Borders) de niveau 4 sont déjà au stade de Brouillon de l'Editeur (Editor's Draft), même s'il n'ont pas encore atteint le premier statut publié de Brouillon de Travail (Working Draft).

Statuts des modules CSS

Les modules stables

Quelques modules CSS sont déjà assez stables et ont atteint l'un des trois niveaux de commendation du CSSWG : Candidate Recommendation, Proposed Recommendation or Recommendation. These can be used without prefixed and are pretty stable, though a few features can still be dropped at the Candidate Recommendation stage.

These modules extend and amend the CSS2.1 specification which build the core of the specification. Together with it, they are the current snapshot of the CSS specification.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Colors", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Colors") }} depuis le 7 Juin 2011

Ajout de la propriétée {{ cssxref("opacity") }}, et des fonctions hsl(), hsla(), rgba() et rgb() pour créer des valeurs {{cssxref("<color>")}}. Il définit aussi le mot clé currentColor comme une couleur valide.

La couleur transparent est maintenant une vrai couleur (grâce au support du channel alpha) et est maintenant un alias de rgba(0,0,0,0.0) .

It deprecates the system-color keywords that shouldn't be used in a production environment anymore.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Selectors", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Selectors") }} depuis le 29 September 2011


  • Substring matching attribute selectors, E[attribute^="value"] , E[attribute$="value"] , E[attribute*="value"] .
  • New pseudo-classes: {{ cssxref(":target") }}, {{ cssxref(":enabled") }} and {{ cssxref(":disabled") }}, {{ cssxref(":checked") }}, {{ cssxref(":indeterminate") }}, {{ cssxref(":root") }}, {{ cssxref(":nth-child") }} and {{ cssxref(":nth-last-child") }}, {{ cssxref(":nth-of-type") }} and {{ cssxref(":nth-last-of-type") }}, {{ cssxref(":last-child") }}, {{ cssxref(":first-of-type") }} and {{ cssxref(":last-of-type") }}, {{ cssxref(":only-child") }} and {{ cssxref(":only-of-type") }},{{ cssxref(":empty") }}, and {{ cssxref(":not") }}.
  • Pseudo-elements are now characterized by two colons rather then one: :after becomes {{ cssxref("::after") }}, :before becomes {{ cssxref("::before") }}, :first-letter becomes {{ cssxref("::first-letter") }}, and :first-line becomes {{ cssxref("::first-line") }}.
  • The new general sibling combinator ( h1~pre ).

The next iteration of the Selectors specification is already in progress, though it still hasn't reached the First Public Working Draft stage.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Namespaces", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Namespaces") }} since September 29th, 2011

Adds the support for the XML Namespaces by defining the notion of CSS qualified name , using the ' | ' syntax and adding the {{ cssxref("@namespace") }} CSS at-rule.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Media Queries", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Media Queries") }} since June 19th, 2012

Extends the former media type ( print, screen, ) to a full language allowing queries on the device media capabilities like only screen and (color) .

Media queries are not only used in CSS document but also in some attributes of HTML Elements, like the {{ htmlattrxref("media","link") }} attribute of the {{ HTMLElement("link") }} element.

The next iteration of this specification is in the work, allowing to tailor a Web site regarding the input methods available on the user agent, with new media features like hover or pointer. Detection of EcmaScript support, using the script media features is also proposed.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Style", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Style") }} since November 7th, 2013
Formally defines the syntax of the content of the HTML style global attribute.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Backgrounds", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Backgrounds") }}


  • Support, on backgrounds, for any type of {{cssxref("<image>")}}, and not only for uri() defined ones.
  • Support for multiple background images.
  • The {{ cssxref("background-repeat") }} space and round values, and for the 2-value syntax of this CSS property.
  • The {{ cssxref("background-attachment") }} local value.
  • The CSS {{ cssxref("background-origin") }}, {{ cssxref("background-size") }}, and {{ cssxref("background-clip") }} properties.
  • Support for curved border corners, with the CSS {{ cssxref("border-radius") }}, {{ cssxref("border-top-left-radius") }}, {{ cssxref("border-top-right-radius") }}, {{ cssxref("border-bottom-left-radius") }}, and {{ cssxref("border-bottom-right-radius") }} properties.
  • Support for the use of an {{cssxref("<image>")}} as the border with the CSS {{ cssxref("border-image") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-source") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-slice") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-width") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-outset") }}, and {{ cssxref("border-image-repeat") }} properties.
  • Support for shadows of the element with the CSS {{ cssxref("box-shadow") }} property.

The CSS4 iteration of the Backgrounds and Borders specification is already in progress, though it still hasn't reached the First Public Working Draft stage, it plans to add the ability to clip a border (with the CSS {{ cssxref("border-clip") }}, {{ cssxref("border-clip-top") }}, {{ cssxref("border-clip-right") }}, {{ cssxref("border-clip-bottom") }}, and {{ cssxref("border-clip-left") }} properties) or to control the shape of the border in a corner (using the CSS {{ cssxref("border-corner-shape") }} property).

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Multicol", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Multicol") }}
Adds support for easy multi-column layouts using the CSS {{ cssxref("columns") }}, {{ cssxref("column-count") }}, {{ cssxref("column-fill") }}, {{ cssxref("column-gap") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule-color") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule-style") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule-width") }}, {{ cssxref("column-span") }}, {{ cssxref("column-width") }}, {{ cssxref("break-after") }}, {{ cssxref("break-before") }}, and {{ cssxref("break-inside") }}.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Speech", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Speech") }}
Defines the speech media type, an aural formatting model and numerous properties specific for speech-rendering user agents.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Images", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Images") }}

Defines the {{cssxref("<image>")}} data type.

Extends the url() syntax to support image slices using media fragments.


  • The dppx unit to the {{cssxref("<resolution>")}} data type.
  • The image() function as a more flexible alternative to url() to define an image from an url.
    At risk : due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the image() function may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .
  • Support for linear-gradient(), repeating-linear-gradient(), radial-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient().
  • The ability to define how a replaced element should fit in its element, using the CSS {{ cssxref("object-fit") }} property.
    At risk : due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("object-fit") }} and property may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .
  • The ability to override the resolution and orientation of an external image using the CSS {{ cssxref("image-resolution") }} and {{ cssxref("image-orientation") }} properties.
    At risk : due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("image-resolution") }} and {{ cssxref("image-orientation") }} properties may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .

The CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Level 4 which will supersede CSS Image Level 3 is in development and is a {{Spec2("CSS4 Images")}}.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Values", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Values") }}

Makes initial and inherit keywords usable on any CSS property.

Formally defines the CSS data types of CSS 2.1, that were implicitely defined by their grammar token and some textual precisions.


  • Definition for new font-relative length units: rem and ch .
  • Definition for viewport-relative length units: vw, vh, vmax, and vmin .
  • Precision about the real size of the absolute length units, which are not really absolute, but defined in relation with the reference pixel .
  • Definition for {{ cssxref("<angle>") }}, {{cssxref("<time>")}}, {{cssxref("<frequency>")}}, {{cssxref("<resolution>")}}.
  • Normative value to the definition of {{cssxref("<color>")}}, {{cssxref("<image>")}}, and {{ cssxref("<position>") }}.
  • Definition for the {{ cssxref("calc", "calc()") }}, {{ cssxref("attr", "attr()")}}, and toggle() functional notations.
    At risk: due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the calc(), attr(), and toggle() functional notations may be postponed to the next iteration of this module.

Several types definition, like and , have been deferred to CSS Values and Units Module Level 4.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Flexbox", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Flexbox") }}
Add a flexbox layout to the CSS {{ cssxref("display") }} property and several new CSS properties to control it: {{ cssxref("flex") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-align") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-direction") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-flow") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-item-align") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-line-pack") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-order") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-pack") }}, and {{ cssxref("flex-wrap") }}.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Conditional", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Conditional") }}
Adds features for conditional processing of parts of style sheets, conditioned on capabilities of the browser or the document the style sheet is being applied to. It consists mainly in allowing nested at-rules inside {{ cssxref("@media") }} and the adding of a new CSS at-rule, {{ cssxref("@supports") }}, and a new DOM method {{domxref("CSS.supports()")}}.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Text-decoration", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Text-decoration") }}


  • the CSS {{ cssxref("text-decoration") }} property by making it a shorthand for the CSS {{ cssxref("text-decoration-line") }}, {{ cssxref("text-decoration-color") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-decoration-style") }} properties. And adds the {{ cssxref("text-decoration-skip") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-underline-position") }} properties.


  • Support for East-Asian-script emphasis marks with the CSS {{ cssxref("text-emphasis") }}, {{ cssxref("text-emphasis-style") }}, {{ cssxref("text-emphasis-color") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-emphasis-position") }} properties.
  • Support for script shadows with the CSS {{ cssxref("text-shadow") }} property.


  • The paint order of the decorations.

At risk: due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the text-decoration-skip, line positioning rules and the ability to place both emphasis marks and ruby above the same base text may be postponed to the next iteration of this module.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Fonts", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Fonts") }}

Amends the CSS2.1 Font matching algorithm to be closer to what is really implemented.


  • Support for downloadable fonts via the CSS {{ cssxref("@font-face") }} at-rule.
  • The control of the contextual inter-glyph spacing via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-kerning") }} property.
  • The choice of language-specific glyphs via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-language-override") }} property.
  • The choice of glyphs with specific OpenType features via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-feature-settings") }} property.
  • The control of the aspect ratio to use when fallback fonts are selected via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-size-adjust") }} property.
  • The choice of alternative font faces using the CSS {{ cssxref("font-stretch") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-alternates") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-caps") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-east-asian") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-ligatures") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-numeric") }}, and {{ cssxref("font-variant-position") }} properties. It also extends the related CSS {{ cssxref("font-variant") }} shorthand property and introduces the {{ cssxref("@font-features-values") }} at-rule.
  • The control of the automatic generation of an oblique or bold face when none are found via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-synthesis") }} property.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Syntax", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Syntax") }}
Precises how charsets are determined; minor changes in parsing and tokenization algorithms.

Modules in the refining phase

Specifications that are deemed to be in the refining phase are already fairly stable. Though changes are still expected, they shouldn't create incompatibilities with current implementations; they should mainly define behavior in edge cases.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Basic UI", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Basic UI") }}


  • The ability to tweak the box model using the CSS {{ cssxref("box-sizing") }} property.
    At risk: due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the padding-box value may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .
  • Allow the styling of forms according their content using the CSS {{ cssxref(":indeterminate") }}, {{ cssxref(":default") }}, {{ cssxref(":valid") }}, {{ cssxref(":invalid") }}, {{ cssxref(":in-range") }}, {{ cssxref(":out-of-range") }}, {{ cssxref(":required") }}, {{ cssxref(":optional") }}, {{ cssxref(":read-only") }}, and {{ cssxref(":read-write") }} pseudo-classes and the {{ cssxref("::value") }}, {{ cssxref("::choices") }}, {{ cssxref("::repeat-item") }}, and {{ cssxref("::repeat-index") }} pseudo-elements.
    At risk: due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the pseudo-elements {{ cssxref("::value") }}, {{ cssxref("::choices") }}, {{ cssxref("::repeat-item") }}, and {{ cssxref("::repeat-index") }} may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .
  • Support for icons, defined by the CSS {{ cssxref("icon") }} property simultaneously with the new icon value of the CSS {{ cssxref("content") }} property.
    At risk: due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("icon") }} property and the icon value may be postponed to CSS4.
  • Support for the CSS {{ cssxref("outline-offset") }} property giving more control on the position of the outline.
  • Support for the CSS {{ cssxref("resize") }} property allowing Web authors to control if and how elements should be resized.
  • Support for the CSS {{ cssxref("text-overflow") }} property defining how text overflows, if needed.
    At risk: due to insufficient browser support, the 2-value syntax of this property as well as the support for {{cssxref("<string>")}} values may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .
  • The ability to define the hotspot of a cursor as well as the new none, context-menu, cell, vertical-text, alias, copy, no-drop, not-allowed, nesw-resize, nwse-resize, col-resize, row-resize, all-scroll, zoom-in, zoom-out, extending the {{ cssxref("cursor") }} property.
  • The ability to specify the sequential navigation order (that is the tabbing order ) using the CSS {{ cssxref("nav-index") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-up") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-right") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-left") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-down") }} properties.
    At risk: due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the navigation properties may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .
  • The ability to control the usage of an IME editor, using the CSS {{ cssxref("ime-mode") }} property.
    At risk: due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("ime-mode") }} property may be postponed to the next iteration of this module .

An early list of what could be in the next iteration of the CSS Basic User Interface Module is available.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Transitions", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Transitions") }}
Allows the definition of transitions effects between two properties values by adding the CSS {{ cssxref("transition") }}, {{ cssxref("transition-delay") }}, {{ cssxref("transition-duration") }}, {{ cssxref("transition-property") }}, and {{ cssxref("transition-timing-function") }} properties.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Animations", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Animations") }}
Allows the definition of animations effects by adding the CSS {{ cssxref("animation") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-delay") }},{{ cssxref("animation-direction") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-duration") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-fill-mode") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-iteration-count") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-name") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-play-state") }}, and {{ cssxref("animation-timing-function") }} properties, as well as the {{ cssxref("@keyframes") }} at-rule.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Transforms", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Transforms") }}


  • the support of bi-dimensional transforms to be applied to any element using the CSS {{ cssxref("transform") }} and {{ cssxref("transform-origin") }} properties. The supported transforms are: matrix(), translate(), translateX(), translateY(), scale(), scaleX(), scaleY(), rotate(), skewX(), and skewY().
  • the support of tri-dimensional transforms to be applied to any element by adding the CSS {{ cssxref("transform-style") }}, {{ cssxref("perspective") }}, {{ cssxref("perspective-origin") }}, and {{ cssxref("backface-visibility") }} properties and extended the {{ cssxref("transform") }} property with the following transforms are: matrix 3d(), translate3d(), translateZ()scale3d(), scaleZ(), rotate3d(), rotateX() ,rotateY(), rotateZ(), and perspective().

Note: this specification is a merge of CSS 2D-Transforms, CSS 3D-Transforms and SVG transforms.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Fragmentation", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Fragmentation") }}
Defines how partitions of a Web page should happen, that is page, column breaks, and widows and orphans handling.


  • Support for defining the behavior of decorations, that is borders and background colors or images, when a box is breaked (at a page, column or line-break) with the CSS {{ cssxref("box-decoration-break") }} property.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Text", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Text") }}


  • the CSS {{ cssxref("text-transform") }} property with the value full-width.
  • the CSS {{ cssxref("text-align") }} property with the value start, end, start end, and match-parent for a better support of documents with multiple directionalities of text.
  • the CSS {{ cssxref("text-align") }} property with a {{cssxref("<string>")}} value to align on that character. This is useful to align number on the decimal point.
  • the CSS {{ cssxref("word-spacing") }} and {{ cssxref("letter-spacing") }} properties with range constraints to control flexibility in justification.


  • Control on how whitespaces are displayed using the CSS {{ cssxref("text-space-collapse") }} and {{ cssxref("tab-size") }} properties.
  • Control on line breaks and word boundaries using the CSS {{ cssxref("line-break") }}, {{ cssxref("word-break") }}, {{ cssxref("hyphens") }}, {{ cssxref("text-wrap") }}, {{ cssxref("overflow-wrap") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-align-last") }} properties.
  • Control on how justification is happening, in order to support more type of scripts, using the CSS {{ cssxref("text-justify") }} property.
  • Control on edge effect using the CSS {{ cssxref("text-indent") }} and {{ cssxref("hanging-punctuation") }} properties.

A few features present in early CSS Text Level 3 draft have being postponed to the next iteration of this module .

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Variables", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Variables") }}
Defines a mechanism allowing to define variables in CSS.

Modules in the revising phase

Modules that are in the revising phase are much less stable than those in the refining phase. Often the syntax is still under scrutiny and may evolve a lot, in a non-compatible way. Alternative syntax are tested and often implemented.

{{ SpecName("CSS3 Writing Modes", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Writing Modes") }}
Defines the writing modes of both horizontal and vertical scripts and precises how the CSS {{ cssxref("direction") }} and {{ cssxref("unicode-bidi") }} properties interact with the new CSS {{ cssxref("text-orientation") }} property, and extends them where needed.

Modules in the exploring phase

{{ SpecName("CSS4 Images", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS4 Images") }}


  • the image() functional notation to describe the directionality of the image (rtl or ltr), allowing for bidi-sensitive images.
  • the {{ cssxref("image-orientation") }} property by adding the keyword from-image, allowing to follow EXIF data stored into images to be considered.


  • the image-set() functional notation to allow the definition to equivalent images at different resolution allowing for resolution-negotiated selection of images.
  • the element() functional notation allowing the use of part of the page as image.
  • the cross-fade() functional notation allowing to refer to intermediate images when transitioning between two images and defines the interpolation between two images.
  • the conic-gradient() and repeating-conic-gradient() functional notation describing a new type of gradient.
  • the {{cssxref("image-rendering")}} property that allow to define how resize of the object should be handled.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Device", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Device") }}
Adds a new at-rule, {{ cssxref("@viewport") }}, allowing to specify the size, zoom factor, and orientation of the viewport that is used as the base for the initial containing block.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Grid", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Grid") }}
Add a grid layout to the CSS display property and several new CSS properties to control it: {{cssxref("grid")}}, {{cssxref("grid-area")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-columns")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-flow")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-position")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-rows")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column-start")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column-end")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row-start")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row-end")}}, {{cssxref("grid-template")}}, {{cssxref("grid-template-areas")}}, {{cssxref("grid-template-rows")}}, and {{cssxref("grid-template-columns")}}.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 GCPM", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 GCPM") }}
Adds the ability to tailor printed version of a document by allowing to control header, footer but also references tables like indexes or tables of content.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Exclusions and Shapes", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Exclusions and Shapes") }}
Extends the floats mechanism to define exclusion regions in any positioning scheme. Adds the notion of shapes, in which content must flows.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Lists", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Lists") }}
Extends the list counter mechanism so that list markers can be styled and Web developers can define new list counter schemes.
{{ SpecName("CSS3 Regions", "", "") }} {{ Spec2("CSS3 Regions") }}
Defines a new mechanism allowing content to flow across, eventually non-contiguous, multiple areas called regions.


Source de la révision

<p><span class="seoSummary" style="border:0px; padding:0px"><strong>CSS3</strong>&nbsp;est la toute dernière évolution du langage css&nbsp;et vise à étendre CSS2.1. Il apporte beaucoup de nouveautés attendues, comme les angles arrondis, les ombres, les dégradés , les transitions&nbsp;ou animations, aussi bien que de nouvelles mise en page comme le multi-colonnes, les boîtes flexibles ou les mises en pages en grilles.</span>&nbsp;Les parties expérimentales ont des préfixes propriétaires et devraient soit être évitées dans les environnements de productions, soit utilisées avec beaucoup de prudence à la fois car leurs syntaxes et sémantiques peuvent ête amenées à être modifiés dans l'avenir.</p>

<h2 id="Les_modules_et_le_processus_de_standardisation">Les modules et le processus de standardisation</h2>

<p>Il a fallu 9 ans (d'août 2002 à juin 2011) au CSS niveau 2, pour atteindre le statut de "Recommandation". Ceci était dû au fait que quelques fonctionnalités secondaires ralentissaient toute la spécification. Dans l'objectif d'accélérer la standardisation de fonctionnalités non problématiques, <a class="external" href="" title="">Le CSS Working Group</a> du W3C, dans une decision connue sous le nom de <a class="external" href="" title="">la doctrine Beijing</a>, a divisé le CSS en petits composants appelées <em>modules</em>. Chacun de ces modules est désormais une partie indépendante du langage et progresse vers la standardisation à son propre rythme. Pendant que certains modules sont déjà des Recommandations du W3C, d'autres sont encore aux étapes initiales de Brouillons de Travail (Working Drafts). Les nouveaux modules sont aussi ajoutés lorsque de nouveaux besoins sont identifiés.</p>

<p><a href="/@api/deki/files/6120/=CSS_Modules_and_Snapshots.png" title="CSS_Modules_and_Snapshots.png"><img alt="CSS Modules and Snapshots as defined since CSS3" class="internal lwrap" src="/files/3623/CSS_Modules_and_Snapshots.png" style="float:left; width:550px" /> </a> Officiellement, il n'y as pas de standard CSS3 en tant que tel. Chaque module est normalisé indépendamment, la norme CSS se base sur CSS2.1 modifié et améliorée par les modules achevés, pas nécessairement tous avec le même numéro de version.&nbsp;A des instants donnés, un aperçu de la norme CSS peut être définie, listant le CSS2.1 et les modules matures.</p>

<p>Le consortium W3 publie périodiquement ces aperçus, comme en&nbsp;<a class="external" href="" title="">2007</a> ou&nbsp;<a class="external" href="" title="">2010.</a></p>

<p>Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, aucun module ayant un niveau supérieur à celui du niveau 3 n'est standardisé, mais cela changera dans le futur. Certains modules, comme les Selecteurs 4 ou les Bordures et arrière-plan CSS (CSS Borders) de niveau 4 sont déjà au stade de Brouillon de l'Editeur (Editor's Draft), même s'il n'ont pas encore atteint le premier statut publié de Brouillon de Travail (Working Draft).</p>

<h2 id="Statuts_des_modules_CSS">Statuts des modules CSS</h2>

<h3 id="Les_modules_stables">Les modules stables</h3>

<p>Quelques modules CSS sont déjà assez stables et ont atteint l'un des trois niveaux de commendation du CSSWG : Candidate Recommendation, Proposed Recommendation or Recommendation. These can be used without prefixed and are pretty stable, though a few features can still be dropped at the Candidate Recommendation stage.</p>

<p>These modules extend and amend the CSS2.1 specification which build the core of the specification. Together with it, they are the current snapshot of the CSS specification.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td class="thirdColumn greenBg"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Colors", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Colors") }} depuis le 7 Juin 2011</td>
   <td colspan="2">
    <p><span style="line-height:1.5">Ajout de la propriétée {{ cssxref("opacity") }}, et des fonctions&nbsp;</span><code style="font-style: normal; line-height: 1.5;">hsl</code><code style="font-style: normal; line-height: 1.5;">()</code><span style="line-height:1.5">, </span><code style="font-style: normal; line-height: 1.5;">hsla()</code><span style="line-height:1.5">, </span><code style="font-style: normal; line-height: 1.5;">rgba()</code><span style="line-height:1.5"> et&nbsp;</span><code style="font-style: normal; line-height: 1.5;">rgb()</code><span style="line-height:1.5"> pour créer des&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height:1.5">valeurs&nbsp;{{cssxref("&lt;color&gt;")}}. Il définit aussi le mot clé&nbsp;</span><code style="font-style: normal; line-height: 1.5;">currentColor</code><span style="line-height:1.5">&nbsp;comme une couleur valide.</span></p>

    <p>La couleur&nbsp;<code>transparent</code> est maintenant une vrai couleur (grâce au support du channel alpha) et est maintenant un alias de&nbsp;<code>rgba(0,0,0,0.0)&nbsp;</code>.</p>

    <p>It deprecates the <a href="">system-color keywords that shouldn't be used in a production environment anymore</a>.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(128,255,128);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Selectors", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Selectors") }} depuis le 29 September 2011</td>
   <td colspan="2">

     <li>Substring matching attribute selectors, <code>E[attribute^="value"]</code> , <code>E[attribute$="value"]</code> , <code>E[attribute*="value"]</code> .</li>
     <li>New pseudo-classes: {{ cssxref(":target") }}, {{ cssxref(":enabled") }} and {{ cssxref(":disabled") }}, {{ cssxref(":checked") }}, {{ cssxref(":indeterminate") }}, {{ cssxref(":root") }}, {{ cssxref(":nth-child") }} and {{ cssxref(":nth-last-child") }}, {{ cssxref(":nth-of-type") }} and {{ cssxref(":nth-last-of-type") }}, {{ cssxref(":last-child") }}, {{ cssxref(":first-of-type") }} and {{ cssxref(":last-of-type") }}, {{ cssxref(":only-child") }} and {{ cssxref(":only-of-type") }},{{ cssxref(":empty") }}, and {{ cssxref(":not") }}.</li>
     <li>Pseudo-elements are now characterized by two colons rather then one: <code>:after</code> becomes {{ cssxref("::after") }}, <code>:before</code> becomes {{ cssxref("::before") }}, <code>:first-letter</code> becomes {{ cssxref("::first-letter") }}, and <code>:first-line</code> becomes {{ cssxref("::first-line") }}.</li>
     <li>The new <em style="font-style:italic">general sibling combinator</em> ( <code>h1~pre</code> ).</li>

<p>The <a class="external" href="" title="">next iteration of the Selectors specification</a> is already in progress, though it still hasn't reached the First Public Working Draft stage.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(128,255,128);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Namespaces", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Namespaces") }} since September 29th, 2011</td>
   <td colspan="2">
    <p>Adds the support for the XML Namespaces by defining the notion of <em>CSS qualified name</em> , using the ' <code>|</code> ' syntax and adding the {{ cssxref("@namespace") }} CSS at-rule.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(128,255,128);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Media Queries", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Media Queries") }} since June 19th, 2012</td>
   <td colspan="2">
    <p>Extends the former media type ( <code>print</code>, <code>screen</code>, <code>…</code> ) to a full language allowing <a href="/en/CSS/Media_queries" title="en/CSS/Media_queries">queries on the device media capabilities</a> like <code>only screen and (color)</code> .</p>

    <p>Media queries are not only used in CSS document but also in some attributes of HTML Elements, like the {{ htmlattrxref("media","link") }} attribute of the {{ HTMLElement("link") }} element.</p>

<p>The <a href="" title="">next iteration of this specification</a> is in the work, allowing to tailor a Web site regarding the input methods available on the user agent, with new media features like <code>hover</code> or <code>pointer</code>. Detection of EcmaScript support, using the <code>script</code> media features is also proposed.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(128,255,128);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Style", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Style") }} since November 7th, 2013</td>
   <td colspan="2">Formally defines the syntax of the content of the HTML <a href="/en/HTML/Global_attributes#attr-style" title="en/HTML/Global_attributes#attr-style"> <code>style</code> </a> global attribute.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Backgrounds", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Backgrounds") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">

     <li>Support, on backgrounds, for any type of {{cssxref("&lt;image&gt;")}}, and not only for <code>uri()</code> defined ones.</li>
     <li>Support for multiple background images.</li>
     <li>The {{ cssxref("background-repeat") }} <code>space</code> and <code>round</code> values, and for the 2-value syntax of this CSS property.</li>
     <li>The {{ cssxref("background-attachment") }} <code>local</code> value.</li>
     <li>The CSS {{ cssxref("background-origin") }}, {{ cssxref("background-size") }}, and {{ cssxref("background-clip") }} properties.</li>
     <li>Support for curved border corners, with the CSS {{ cssxref("border-radius") }}, {{ cssxref("border-top-left-radius") }}, {{ cssxref("border-top-right-radius") }}, {{ cssxref("border-bottom-left-radius") }}, and {{ cssxref("border-bottom-right-radius") }} properties.</li>
     <li>Support for the use of an {{cssxref("&lt;image&gt;")}} as the border with the CSS {{ cssxref("border-image") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-source") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-slice") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-width") }}, {{ cssxref("border-image-outset") }}, and {{ cssxref("border-image-repeat") }} properties.</li>
     <li>Support for shadows of the element with the CSS {{ cssxref("box-shadow") }} property.</li>

<p>The <a class="external" href="" title="">CSS4 iteration of the Backgrounds and Borders specification</a> is already in progress, though it still hasn't reached the First Public Working Draft stage, it plans to add the ability to clip a border (with the CSS {{ cssxref("border-clip") }}, {{ cssxref("border-clip-top") }}, {{ cssxref("border-clip-right") }}, {{ cssxref("border-clip-bottom") }}, and {{ cssxref("border-clip-left") }} properties) or to control the shape of the border in a corner (using the CSS {{ cssxref("border-corner-shape") }} property).</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Multicol", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Multicol") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Adds support for easy multi-column layouts using the CSS {{ cssxref("columns") }}, {{ cssxref("column-count") }}, {{ cssxref("column-fill") }}, {{ cssxref("column-gap") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule-color") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule-style") }}, {{ cssxref("column-rule-width") }}, {{ cssxref("column-span") }}, {{ cssxref("column-width") }}, {{ cssxref("break-after") }}, {{ cssxref("break-before") }}, and {{ cssxref("break-inside") }}.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table" style="width:100%">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Speech", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Speech") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Defines the <code>speech</code> media type, an aural formatting model and numerous properties specific for speech-rendering user agents.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Images", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Images") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">
    <p>Defines the {{cssxref("&lt;image&gt;")}} data type.</p>

    <p>Extends the <code>url()</code> syntax to support image slices using media fragments.</p>


     <li>The <code>dppx</code> unit to the {{cssxref("&lt;resolution&gt;")}} data type.</li>
     <li>The <code>image()</code> function as a more flexible alternative to <code>url()</code> to define an image from an url.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk</strong> </em> <strong> <em>:</em> </strong> <em> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the <code>image()</code> function may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>
     <li>Support for <code>linear-gradient()</code>, <code>repeating-linear-gradient()</code>, <code>radial-gradient()</code> and <code>repeating-radial-gradient()</code>.</li>
     <li>The ability to define how a replaced element should fit in its element, using the CSS {{ cssxref("object-fit") }} property.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk</strong> </em> <strong> <em>:</em> </strong> <em> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("object-fit") }} and property may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>
     <li>The ability to override the resolution and orientation of an external image using the CSS {{ cssxref("image-resolution") }} and {{ cssxref("image-orientation") }} properties.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk</strong> </em> <strong> <em>:</em> </strong> <em> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("image-resolution") }} and {{ cssxref("image-orientation") }} properties may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>

<p>The <a href="#Images_(Level_4)">CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Level 4</a> which will supersede CSS Image Level 3 is in development and is a {{Spec2("CSS4 Images")}}.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220, 255, 220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Values", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Values") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">
    <p>Makes <code>initial</code> and <code>inherit</code> keywords usable on any CSS property.</p>

    <p>Formally defines the CSS data types of CSS 2.1, that were implicitely defined by their grammar token and some textual precisions.</p>


     <li>Definition for new font-relative length units: <code>rem</code> and <code>ch</code> .</li>
     <li>Definition for viewport-relative length units: <code>vw</code>, <code>vh</code>, <code>vmax</code>, and <code>vmin</code> .</li>
     <li>Precision about the real size of the absolute length units, which are not really absolute, but defined in relation with the <em>reference pixel</em> .</li>
     <li>Definition for {{ cssxref("&lt;angle&gt;") }}, {{cssxref("&lt;time&gt;")}}, {{cssxref("&lt;frequency&gt;")}}, {{cssxref("&lt;resolution&gt;")}}.</li>
     <li>Normative value to the definition of {{cssxref("&lt;color&gt;")}}, {{cssxref("&lt;image&gt;")}}, and {{ cssxref("&lt;position&gt;") }}.</li>
     <li>Definition for the {{ cssxref("calc", "calc()") }}, {{ cssxref("attr", "attr()")}}, and <code>toggle()</code> functional notations.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk:</strong> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the <code>calc()</code>, <code>attr()</code>, and <code>toggle()</code> functional notations may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em><em>.</em></li>

<p>Several types definition, like and , have been deferred to CSS Values and Units Module Level 4.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Flexbox", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Flexbox") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Add a flexbox layout to the CSS {{ cssxref("display") }} property and several new CSS properties to control it: {{ cssxref("flex") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-align") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-direction") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-flow") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-item-align") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-line-pack") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-order") }}, {{ cssxref("flex-pack") }}, and {{ cssxref("flex-wrap") }}.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220, 255, 220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Conditional", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Conditional") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Adds features for conditional processing of parts of style sheets, conditioned on capabilities of the browser or the document the style sheet is being applied to. It consists mainly in allowing nested at-rules inside {{ cssxref("@media") }} and the adding of a new CSS at-rule, {{ cssxref("@supports") }}, and a new DOM method {{domxref("CSS.supports()")}}.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220, 255, 220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Text-decoration", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Text-decoration") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">

     <li>the CSS {{ cssxref("text-decoration") }} property by making it a shorthand for the CSS {{ cssxref("text-decoration-line") }}, {{ cssxref("text-decoration-color") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-decoration-style") }} properties. And adds the {{ cssxref("text-decoration-skip") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-underline-position") }} properties.</li>


     <li>Support for East-Asian-script emphasis marks with the CSS {{ cssxref("text-emphasis") }}, {{ cssxref("text-emphasis-style") }}, {{ cssxref("text-emphasis-color") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-emphasis-position") }} properties.</li>
     <li>Support for script shadows with the CSS {{ cssxref("text-shadow") }} property.</li>


     <li>The paint order of the decorations.</li>

    <p><em><strong>At risk:</strong> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the <code>text-decoration-skip</code>, line positioning rules and the ability to place both emphasis marks and ruby above the same base text may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em><em>.</em></p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Fonts", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Fonts") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">
    <p>Amends the CSS2.1 Font matching algorithm to be closer to what is really implemented.</p>


     <li>Support for downloadable fonts via the CSS {{ cssxref("@font-face") }} at-rule.</li>
     <li>The control of the contextual inter-glyph spacing via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-kerning") }} property.</li>
     <li>The choice of language-specific glyphs via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-language-override") }} property.</li>
     <li>The choice of glyphs with specific OpenType features via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-feature-settings") }} property.</li>
     <li>The control of the aspect ratio to use when fallback fonts are selected via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-size-adjust") }} property.</li>
     <li>The choice of alternative font faces using the CSS {{ cssxref("font-stretch") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-alternates") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-caps") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-east-asian") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-ligatures") }}, {{ cssxref("font-variant-numeric") }}, and {{ cssxref("font-variant-position") }} properties. It also extends the related CSS {{ cssxref("font-variant") }} shorthand property and introduces the {{ cssxref("@font-features-values") }} at-rule.</li>
     <li>The control of the automatic generation of an oblique or bold face when none are found via the CSS {{ cssxref("font-synthesis") }} property.</li>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(220,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Syntax", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Syntax") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Precises how charsets are determined; minor changes in parsing and tokenization algorithms.</td>

<h3 id="Modules_in_the_refining_phase">Modules in the refining phase</h3>

<p>Specifications that are deemed to be in the <em>refining phase</em> are already fairly stable. Though changes are still expected, they shouldn't create incompatibilities with current implementations; they should mainly define behavior in edge cases.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Basic UI", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Basic UI") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">

     <li>The ability to tweak the box model using the CSS {{ cssxref("box-sizing") }} property.<br />
      <strong><em>At risk:</em> </strong> <em> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the <code>padding</code><code>-box</code> value may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>
     <li>Allow the styling of forms according their content using the CSS {{ cssxref(":indeterminate") }}, {{ cssxref(":default") }}, {{ cssxref(":valid") }}, {{ cssxref(":invalid") }}, {{ cssxref(":in-range") }}, {{ cssxref(":out-of-range") }}, {{ cssxref(":required") }}, {{ cssxref(":optional") }}, {{ cssxref(":read-only") }}, and {{ cssxref(":read-write") }} pseudo-classes and the {{ cssxref("::value") }}, {{ cssxref("::choices") }}, {{ cssxref("::repeat-item") }}, and {{ cssxref("::repeat-index") }} pseudo-elements.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk:</strong> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the pseudo-elements {{ cssxref("::value") }}, {{ cssxref("::choices") }}, {{ cssxref("::repeat-item") }}, and {{ cssxref("::repeat-index") }} may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>
     <li>Support for icons, defined by the CSS {{ cssxref("icon") }} property simultaneously with the new <code>icon</code> value of the CSS {{ cssxref("content") }} property.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk:</strong> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("icon") }} property and the <code>icon</code> value may be postponed to CSS4. </em></li>
     <li>Support for the CSS {{ cssxref("outline-offset") }} property giving more control on the position of the outline.</li>
     <li>Support for the CSS {{ cssxref("resize") }} property allowing Web authors to control if and how elements should be resized.</li>
     <li>Support for the CSS {{ cssxref("text-overflow") }} property defining how text overflows, if needed.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk:</strong> due to insufficient browser support, the 2-value syntax of this property as well as the support for {{cssxref("&lt;string&gt;")}} values may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>
     <li>The ability to define the hotspot of a cursor as well as the new <code>none</code>, <code>context-menu</code>, <code>cell</code>, <code>vertical-text</code>, <code>alias</code>, <code>copy</code>, <code>no-drop</code>, <code>not-allowed</code>, <code>nesw-</code><code>resize</code>, <code>nwse-</code><code>resize</code>, <code>col-resize</code>, <code>row-resize</code>, <code>all-scroll</code>, <code>zoom-in</code>, <code>zoom-out</code>, extending the {{ cssxref("cursor") }} property.</li>
     <li>The ability to specify the sequential navigation order (that is the <em>tabbing order</em> ) using the CSS {{ cssxref("nav-index") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-up") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-right") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-left") }}, {{ cssxref("nav-down") }} properties.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk:</strong> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the navigation properties may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>
     <li>The ability to control the usage of an IME editor, using the CSS {{ cssxref("ime-mode") }} property.<br />
      <em><strong>At risk:</strong> due to insufficient browser support, standardization of the {{ cssxref("ime-mode") }} property may be postponed to </em> <em>the next iteration of this module</em> <em>.</em></li>

<p>An early list of what could be in the next iteration of the CSS Basic User Interface Module is <a class="external" href="" title="">available</a>.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Transitions", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Transitions") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Allows the definition of transitions effects between two properties values by adding the CSS {{ cssxref("transition") }}, {{ cssxref("transition-delay") }}, {{ cssxref("transition-duration") }}, {{ cssxref("transition-property") }}, and {{ cssxref("transition-timing-function") }} properties.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Animations", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Animations") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Allows the definition of animations effects by adding the CSS {{ cssxref("animation") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-delay") }},{{ cssxref("animation-direction") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-duration") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-fill-mode") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-iteration-count") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-name") }}, {{ cssxref("animation-play-state") }}, and {{ cssxref("animation-timing-function") }} properties, as well as the {{ cssxref("@keyframes") }} at-rule.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Transforms", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Transforms") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">

     <li>the support of bi-dimensional transforms to be applied to any element using the CSS {{ cssxref("transform") }} and {{ cssxref("transform-origin") }} properties. The supported transforms are: <code>matrix</code><code>()</code>, <code>translate()</code>, <code>translateX()</code>, <code>translateY()</code>, <code>scale()</code>, <code>scaleX()</code>, <code>scaleY()</code>, <code>rotate()</code>, <code>skewX()</code>, and <code>skewY()</code>.</li>
     <li>the support of tri-dimensional transforms to be applied to any element by adding the CSS {{ cssxref("transform-style") }}, {{ cssxref("perspective") }}, {{ cssxref("perspective-origin") }}, and {{ cssxref("backface-visibility") }} properties and extended the {{ cssxref("transform") }} property with the following transforms are: <code>matrix</code> <code>3d()</code>, <code>translate3d()</code>, <code>translateZ()</code>,&nbsp; <code>scale3d()</code>, <code>scaleZ()</code>, <code>rotate3d()</code>, <code>rotateX</code><code>()</code> ,<code>rotateY</code><code>()</code>, <code>rotateZ()</code>, and <code>perspective()</code>.</li>

    <p><em><strong>Note:</strong> this specification is a merge of CSS 2D-Transforms, CSS 3D-Transforms and SVG transforms. </em></p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Fragmentation", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Fragmentation") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Defines how partitions of a Web page should happen, that is page, column breaks, and widows and orphans handling.

     <li>Support for defining the behavior of decorations, that is borders and background colors or images, when a box is breaked (at a page, column or line-break) with the CSS {{ cssxref("box-decoration-break") }} property.</li>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Text", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Text") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">

     <li>the CSS {{ cssxref("text-transform") }} property with the value <code>full-width</code>.</li>
     <li>the CSS {{ cssxref("text-align") }} property with the value <code>start</code>, <code>end</code>, <code>start end</code>, and <code>match-parent</code> for a better support of documents with multiple directionalities of text.</li>
     <li>the CSS {{ cssxref("text-align") }} property with a {{cssxref("&lt;string&gt;")}} value to align on that character. This is useful to align number on the decimal point.</li>
     <li>the CSS {{ cssxref("word-spacing") }} and {{ cssxref("letter-spacing") }} properties with range constraints to control flexibility in justification.</li>


     <li>Control on how whitespaces are displayed using the CSS {{ cssxref("text-space-collapse") }} and {{ cssxref("tab-size") }} properties.</li>
     <li>Control on line breaks and word boundaries using the CSS {{ cssxref("line-break") }}, {{ cssxref("word-break") }}, {{ cssxref("hyphens") }}, {{ cssxref("text-wrap") }}, {{ cssxref("overflow-wrap") }}, and {{ cssxref("text-align-last") }} properties.</li>
     <li>Control on how justification is happening, in order to support more type of scripts, using the CSS {{ cssxref("text-justify") }} property.</li>
     <li>Control on edge effect using the CSS {{ cssxref("text-indent") }} and {{ cssxref("hanging-punctuation") }} properties.</li>

<p>A few features present in early CSS Text Level 3 draft have being <a class="external" href="" title="">postponed to the next iteration of this module</a> .</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255,255,220);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Variables", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Variables") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Defines a mechanism allowing to define variables in CSS.</td>

<h3 id="Modules_in_the_revising_phase">Modules in the revising phase</h3>

<p>Modules that are in the revising phase are much less stable than those in the refining phase. Often the syntax is still under scrutiny and may evolve a lot, in a non-compatible way. Alternative syntax are tested and often implemented.</p>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: rgb(255,160,100);"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Writing Modes", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Writing Modes") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Defines the writing modes of both horizontal and vertical scripts and precises how the CSS {{ cssxref("direction") }} and {{ cssxref("unicode-bidi") }} properties interact with the new CSS {{ cssxref("text-orientation") }} property, and extends them where needed.</td>

<h3 id="Modules_in_the_exploring_phase">Modules in the exploring phase</h3>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: #F66;"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS4 Images", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS4 Images") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">

     <li>the <code>image()</code> functional notation to describe the directionality of the image (<code>rtl</code> or <code>ltr</code>), allowing for bidi-sensitive images.</li>
     <li>the {{ cssxref("image-orientation") }} property by adding the keyword <code>from-image</code>, allowing to follow EXIF data stored into images to be considered.</li>


     <li>the <code>image-set()</code> functional notation to allow the definition to equivalent images at different resolution allowing for resolution-negotiated selection of images.</li>
     <li>the <code>element()</code> functional notation allowing the use of part of the page as image.</li>
     <li>the <code>cross-fade()</code> functional notation allowing to refer to intermediate images when transitioning between two images and defines the interpolation between two images.</li>
     <li>the <code>conic-gradient()</code> and <code>repeating-conic-gradient()</code> functional notation describing a new type of gradient.</li>
     <li>the {{cssxref("image-rendering")}} property that allow to define how resize of the object should be handled.</li>

<table class="fullwidth-table" style="width:100%">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: #F66;"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Device", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Device") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Adds a new at-rule, {{ cssxref("@viewport") }}, allowing to specify the size, zoom factor, and orientation of the viewport that is used as the base for the initial containing block.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table" style="width:100%">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: #F66;"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Grid", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Grid") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Add a grid layout to the CSS <a href="" title=""><code>display</code></a> property and several new CSS properties to control it: {{cssxref("grid")}}, {{cssxref("grid-area")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-columns")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-flow")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-position")}}, {{cssxref("grid-auto-rows")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column-start")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column-end")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row-start")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row-end")}}, {{cssxref("grid-template")}}, {{cssxref("grid-template-areas")}}, {{cssxref("grid-template-rows")}}, and {{cssxref("grid-template-columns")}}.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: #F66;"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 GCPM", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 GCPM") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Adds the ability to tailor printed version of a document by allowing to control header, footer but also references tables like indexes or tables of content.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: #F66;"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Exclusions and Shapes", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Exclusions and Shapes") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Extends the floats mechanism to define exclusion regions in any positioning scheme. Adds the notion of shapes, in which content must flows.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: #F66;"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Lists", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Lists") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Extends the list counter mechanism so that list markers can be styled and Web developers can define new list counter schemes.</td>

<table class="fullwidth-table">
   <td style="width: 30%; background-color: #F66;"><strong>{{ SpecName("CSS3 Regions", "", "") }}</strong></td>
   <td>{{ Spec2("CSS3 Regions") }}</td>
   <td colspan="2">Defines a new mechanism allowing content to flow across, eventually non-contiguous, multiple areas called regions.</td>

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