{"json_modified": "2016-06-02T11:00:52.686052", "uuid": "ce591b80-8dcc-4719-9052-c4306a690b3c", "title": "DataTransfer.clearData()", "url": "/fr/docs/Web/API/DataTransfer/clearData", "tags": ["API", "Reference", "HTML DOM", "drag and drop", "Api", "Method"], "translations": [{"uuid": "29eb7929-074f-4c27-bbb4-bf451fd01a1b", "title": "DataTransfer.clearData()", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/API/DataTransfer/clearData", "tags": ["API", "Reference", "HTML DOM", "drag and drop", "Api", "Method"], "summary": "The DataTransfer.clearData() method removes the drag operation's drag data for the given type. If data for the given type does not exist, this method will have no effect.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2016-06-02T03:46:35", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-06-02T11:00:52", "label": "DataTransfer.clearData()", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "fr", "id": 186058, "last_edit": "2016-06-02T11:00:32", "summary": "La m\u00e9thode DataTransfer.clearData() retire l'op\u00e9ration de glisser-d\u00e9poser pour le format donn\u00e9. Si la donn\u00e9e pour le format cibl\u00e9 n'existe pas, cette m\u00e9thode n'aura aucun effet.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Syntaxe", "title": "Syntaxe"}, {"id": "Param\u00e8tres", "title": "Param\u00e8tres"}, {"id": "Valeur_de_retour", "title": "Valeur de retour"}, {"id": "Exemple", "title": "Exemple"}, {"id": "HTML", "title": "HTML"}, {"id": "CSS", "title": "CSS"}, {"id": "JavaScript", "title": "JavaScript"}, {"id": "Sp\u00e9cifications", "title": "Sp\u00e9cifications"}, {"id": "Compatibilit\u00e9", "title": "Compatibilit\u00e9"}, {"id": "\u00c0_voir_\u00e9galement", "title": "\u00c0 voir \u00e9galement"}], "slug": "Web/API/DataTransfer/clearData", "review_tags": []}