Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Firefox OS developer release notes

Firefox OS release notes by version

This section provides articles covering each new release of Gaia and Gecko for Firefox OS, explaining what features were added and bugs eliminated in each update. There is also a linked summary table showing what APIs are supported by each version of Firefox OS.

Other supporting information

Firefox OS API support table
Lists the different APIs available, and what versions of Firefox have support for them.
App permissions
Lists hosted, privileged and certified APIs, along with information on the permissions they need to have set in the App Manifest of your installable apps, such as the manifest permission name, app type required, description, access property, and default permission.

Étiquettes et contributeurs liés au document

 Dernière mise à jour par : jwhitlock,