{"json_modified": "2016-09-06T20:54:08.163009", "uuid": "27779db1-b979-4cc8-84e9-9dc5d7555ed3", "title": "Soluci\u00f3n de problemas comunes de HTML", "url": "/es/docs/Learn/HTML/como", "tags": [], "translations": [{"uuid": "e46053cf-603f-461f-9f06-e0b88df78fb3", "title": "Use HTML to solve common problems", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Howto", "tags": ["CodingScripting", "HTML"], "summary": "The following links point to solutions to common everyday problems you'll need to solve with HTML.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2016-08-27T01:58:35", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "af43e69e-b437-4112-8143-8cf6ed8e02eb", "title": "Apprendre \u00e0 utiliser HTML pour r\u00e9soudre des probl\u00e8mes", "url": "/fr/docs/Apprendre/HTML/Comment", "tags": ["CodingScripting", "HTML"], "summary": "Une fois les bases acquises, il n'existe pas de voie id\u00e9ale pour apprendre HTML. Vous pouvez ensuite progresser \u00e0 votre rythme, en utilisant les balises qui vous sont utiles. HTML n'est qu'un ensemble de balises que vous pouvez utiliser pour structurer votre document et lui ajouter des fonctionnalit\u00e9s suppl\u00e9mentaires. Dans les articles suivants, nous travaillerons sur diff\u00e9rents exemples illustrant comment utiliser HTML pour r\u00e9soudre des probl\u00e8mes fr\u00e9quents qu'on rencontre lorsqu'on d\u00e9veloppe pour le Web. Si vous avez besoin d'explications d\u00e9taill\u00e9es sur une balise HTML donn\u00e9e, n'h\u00e9sitez pas \u00e0 consulter notre r\u00e9f\u00e9rence HTML.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-12-10T12:25:25", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "11e20584-cc03-4b81-9d05-c00dcb995d6c", "title": "Learn HTML to solve problems", "url": "/ms/docs/Learn/HTML/Howto", "tags": ["CodingScripting", "TopicStub", "HTML", "NeedsTranslation"], "summary": "Once you've covered\u00a0the basics, there isn't one right path to learn HTML. You can pick up whatever you like at your own pace. HTML is simply a set of\u00a0tags you can use to set up your\u00a0document structure and add extra functionality to your document.\u00a0The following articles explain thoroughly, with full working examples,\u00a0how to use HTML for\u00a0the most common, frequent Web development\u00a0tasks.\u00a0If you need a quick explanation\u00a0of a tag, please head over to our\u00a0HTML reference.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ms", "last_edit": "2015-09-01T04:39:40", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "f57e73f1-1d6c-45c5-8285-b8d97115b90a", "title": "Learn HTML to solve problems", "url": "/ko/docs/Learn/HTML/Howto", "tags": ["CodingScripting", "TopicStub", "HTML", "NeedsTranslation"], "summary": "Once you've covered\u00a0the basics, there isn't one right path to learn HTML. You can pick up whatever you like at your own pace. HTML is simply a set of\u00a0tags you can use to set up your\u00a0document structure and add extra functionality to your document.\u00a0The following articles explain thoroughly, with full working examples,\u00a0how to use HTML for\u00a0the most common, frequent Web development\u00a0tasks.\u00a0If you need a quick explanation\u00a0of a tag, please head over to our\u00a0HTML reference.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ko", "last_edit": "2015-12-10T07:52:31", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-09-06T20:54:07", "label": "Soluci\u00f3n de problemas comunes de HTML", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "es", "id": 193179, "last_edit": "2016-09-06T20:54:04", "summary": "Los siguiente enlaces brindan soluciones puntuales a los errores comunes a los que se enfrentara a diario en HTML.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Estructura_b\u00e1sica", "title": "Estructura b\u00e1sica"}, {"id": "Semantica_b\u00e1sica_textos", "title": "Semantica b\u00e1sica textos"}, {"id": "Hyperv\u00ednculos", "title": "Hyperv\u00ednculos"}, {"id": "Imagenes_y_multimedia", "title": "Imagenes y multimedia"}, {"id": "Scripts_y_estilizaci\u00f3n", "title": "Scripts y estilizaci\u00f3n"}, {"id": "Contenido_integrado", "title": "Contenido integrado"}, {"id": "Problemas_avanzados_o_raros", "title": "Problemas avanzados o raros"}, {"id": "Formularios", "title": "Formularios"}, {"id": "Informaci\u00f3n_tabular", "title": "Informaci\u00f3n tabular"}, {"id": "Representacion_de_datos", "title": "Representacion de datos"}, {"id": "Interactividad", "title": "Interactividad"}, {"id": "Semantica_avanzada_de_texto", "title": "Semantica avanzada de texto"}, {"id": "Im\u00e1genes_y_multimedia_Avanzada", "title": "Im\u00e1genes y multimedia Avanzada"}, {"id": "Internacionalizaci\u00f3n", "title": "Internacionalizaci\u00f3n"}], "slug": "Learn/HTML/como", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}