Articles tagged: close
Found 11 documents
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor/close The close() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to terminate the cursor.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/MozNFCTag/close The close() method of the MozNFCTag interface closes a current NFC Tag session.
- Web/API/AudioContext/close The close() method of the AudioContext Interface closes the audio context, releasing any system ...
- Web/API/IDBDatabase/close The connection is not actually closed until all transactions created using this connection are ...
- Web/API/MediaKeySession/close The MediaKeySession.close() method notifies that the current media session is no longer needed, ...
- Web/API/MessagePort/close The close() method of the MessagePort interface disconnects the port, so it is no longer active. ...
- Web/API/Notification/close The close() method of the Notification interface is used to close a previously displayed ...
- Web/API/RTCDataChannel/close The RTCDataChannel.close() method closes the RTCDataChannel. Either peer is permitted to call ...
- Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/close The RTCPeerConnection.close() method closes the current peer connection.
- Web/API/WorkerGlobalScope/close The close() method of the WorkerGlobalScope interface discards any tasks queued in the ...
- Web/Events/close close events are generated by several APIs: