Articles tagged: Web Bluetooth
Found 78 documents
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter The BluetoothAdapter interface of the Web Bluetooth API is used to handle all the operations ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/address The address property value provides the address of the device's adapter on the Bluetooth ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/answerWaitingCall The answerWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to answer a pending incoming call on a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/class The class property value provides the Bluetooth "Class of Device" number of the device's ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/confirmReceivingFile The confirmReceivingFile method is used to accept or reject the incoming file transfer request ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/connect The connect method is used to connect the device's adapter to a specific service of a remote device.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/connectSco The connectSco method is used to allow the device to enable the SCO connection to broadcast and ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/devices The devices property gives direct access to all the Bluetooth devices discovered in the area ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/disconnect The disconnect method is used to disconnect the device's adapter from a specific service of a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/disconnectSco The disconnectSco method is used to allow the device to disable the SCO connection with the ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/discoverable The discoverable property indicates if the device is discoverable (true) or not (false) by other ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/discoverableTimeout The discoverableTimeout property indicates how long (in seconds) the device remains discoverable.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/discovering The discovering property indicates if the device is in the process of discovering (true) or not ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/getConnectedDevices The getConnectedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices connected with a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/getPairedDevices The getPairedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices paired with the ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/ignoreWaitingCall The ignoreWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to dismiss a pending incoming call on ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/isConnected The isConnected method is used to check if a device with a given Bluetooth profile is connected.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/isScoConnected The isScoConnected method is used to allow to know if there is a SCO connection between local ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/name The name property provides the human readable name of the device's adapter.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/ona2dpstatuschanged Specifies an event listener to receive a2dpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an A2DP ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/ondevicefound Specifies an event listener to receive devicefound events. Those events occur when a Bluetooth ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/onhfpstatuschanged Specifies an event listener to receive hfpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an HFP ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/onpairedstatuschanged Specifies an event listener to receive pairedstatuschanged events. Those events occur when a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/onrequestmediaplaystatus Specifies an event listener to receive requestmediaplaystatus events. Those events occur when a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/onscostatuschanged Specifies an event listener to receive scostatuschanged events. Those events occur when a SCO ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/pair The pair method is used to start pairing a remote device with the device's adapter.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/sendFile The sendFile method is used to start sending a file to a given remote device.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/sendMediaMetaData The sendMediaMetaData method is used to send metadata about media to remote devices connected ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/sendMediaPlayStatus The sendMediaPlayStatus method is used to send the play status of the device to remote devices ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/setDiscoverable The setDiscoverable method is used to change the value of the discoverable property for the ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/setDiscoverableTimeout The setDiscoverableTimeout method is used to change the value of the discoverableTimeout ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/setName The setName method is used to change the value of the name property for the device's adapter.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/setPairingConfirmation The setPairingConfirmation method is used to send back the pairing confirmation when the ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/setPasskey The setPasskey method is used to send back the requested Passkey code when the device's adapter ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/setPinCode The setPinCode method is used to send back the requested PIN code when the device's adapter ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/startDiscovery The startDiscovery method is used to have the device's adapter start seeking for remote devices.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/stopDiscovery The stopDiscovery method is used to have the device's adapter stop seeking for remote devices.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/stopSendingFile The stopSendingFile method is used to abort sending a file to a given remote device.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/toggleCalls The toggleCalls method is used to allow HFP devices to switch from one call to another on a CDMA ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/unpair The unpair method is used to remove the paired device from the paired device list of the ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/uuids The uuids property provides the list of all Bluetooth services' UUID s the device's adapter is ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapterEvent The BluetoothAdapterEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAttributeEvent The BluetoothAttributeEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to changed ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothClassOfDevice The BluetoothClassOfDevice interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice The BluetoothDevice interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides information regarding a given ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/address The address property value provides the address of the device on the Bluetooth micro-network.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/class The class property value provides the Bluetooth "Class of Device" number of the device. This ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/connected The connected property indicates if the device is connected to the current device's adapter ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/icon The icon property is a string indicating which kind of icon could be used to represent the device.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/name The name property provides the human readable name of the device.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/paired The paired property indicates if the device is paired to the current device's adapter (true) or ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/services The services property provides a list of Bluetooth services the device is able to provide. For a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDevice/uuids The uuids property provides the list of UUID s of each Bluetooth service the device is able to ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDeviceEvent The BluetoothDeviceEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a found/paired ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDeviceEvent/device The device property gives access to the device bound to the event.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothDiscoveryHandle The BluetoothDiscoveryHandle interface of the Web Bluetooth API is used to notify the current ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothGatt The BluetoothGatt interface of the Web Bluetooth API handles initial communications and ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothGattCharacteristic The BluetoothGattCharacteristic interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a GATT service ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent The BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to an ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothGattDescriptor The BluetoothGattDescriptor interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a GATT descriptor, ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothGattServer The BluetoothGattServer interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides Bluetooth GATT server ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothGattService The BluetoothGattService interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a service provided by a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothLeDeviceEvent The BluetoothLeDeviceEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to an LE device ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothManager The BluetoothManager interface of the Web Bluetooth API allows to access all Bluetooth adapters ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothManager/enabled The enabled property value indicates whether the Bluetooth is turned on (true) or off (false).
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothManager/getDefaultAdapter The getDefaultAdapter method is used to retrieve the default adapter used to connect the device ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothManager/isConnected The isConnected method is used to check if a device with a given Bluetooth profile is connected.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothManager/onadapteradded Specifies an event listener to receive adapteradded events. Those events occur when a Bluetooth ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothManager/ondisabled Specifies an event listener to receive disabled events. Those events occur when the device's ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothManager/onenabled Specifies an event listener to receive enabled events. Those events occur when the device's ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothPairingEvent The BluetoothPairingEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a device's name ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothPairingHandle The BluetoothPairingHandle interface of the Web Bluetooth API contains the functionality ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothPairingListener The BluetoothPairingListener interface of the Web Bluetooth API defines event handlers triggered ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/Bluetooth_API The Web Bluetooth API lets an open web app discover, pair with, and connect to Bluetooth ...
- Web/API/BluetoothStatusChangedEvent The BluetoothStatusChangedEvent API provides access to information regarding any change to the ...
- Web/API/BluetoothStatusChangedEvent/address The address property represents the address of the device for which the status has changed in ...
- Web/API/BluetoothStatusChangedEvent/status The status property indicates if the connection is active (true) or not (false).
- Web/API/Navigator/mozBluetooth Retorna um objeto BluetoothManager que você pode usar para obter um objeto BluetoothAdapter.