Articles tagged: Référence
Found 2162 documents
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns/Entry_sheet An entry sheet is used to edit a single setting or option in your app that either contains a ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference The following is a list of code-level reference documentation you'll likely need in developing a ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Drawing_and_animation For a modern app experience, use of animations and lightweight graphics is essential. The ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Firefox_Marketplace_services These documents and guides provide a reference to the APIs needed for publishing and managing ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Foundation_of_a_Firefox_OS_app A Firefox OS app is simply an Open Web App, but with some special considerations and features, ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/General_Web_APIs Elements, events, network requests, storage and other standard Web APIs that provide useful ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Layout_and_structure A series of articles to help you create the perfect structure for your Open Web App.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/Alarm_API The Alarm API allows applications to schedule actions to be run in the future. For example, some ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore The DataStore interface of the Data Store API represents a retrieved set of data, and includes ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/add The add() method of the DataStore interface adds a new record to the data store; if the record ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/clear The clear() method of the DataStore interface deletes all records from the data store, leaving ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/get The get() method of the DataStore interface retrieves one or more objects from the current data ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/getLength The getLength() method of the DataStore interface returns the number of records stored in the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/name The name read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the current data store.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/onchange The onchange event handler of the DataStore interface fires when a change is made to the data ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/owner The owner read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the app that owns ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/put The put() method of the DataStore interface updates an existing record in the data store.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/readOnly The readOnly read-only property of the DataStore interface returns a boolean indicating whether ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/remove The remove() method of the DataStore interface deletes one or more objects from the current data ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/revisionId The revisionId read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the current data store's ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/sync The sync() method of the DataStore interface opens a cursor that allows you to step through any ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent The DataStoreChangeEvent interface of the Data Store API represents the event related to a ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/id The id read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the identifier of the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/operation The operation read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the type of ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/owner The owner read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the manifest URL of ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/revisionId The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the ID of the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor The DataStoreCursor interface of the Data Store API represents a cursor that allows apps to ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor/close The close() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to terminate the cursor.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor/next The next() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to retrieve information about ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor/store A DataStore object.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask The DataStoreTask interface of the Data Store API represents a record changed in the data store ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/data The data read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the data stored in the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/id The id read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the identifier of the changed ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/operation The operation read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the type of operation ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/revisionId The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the id of the current ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/Data_Store_API The Data Store API was created to allow multiple Firefox OS apps, with potentially different ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityOptions The MozActivityOptions interface allows apps to declare the activity they want to create and ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityOptions/data The data property returns an arbitrary object representing any data passed with the activity.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityOptions/name The name property returns a string representing the name of the associated activity. See ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler The MozActivityRequestHandler interface allows apps that handle activities to access and ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler/postError The postError method is used to send back an error message to the app that made the activity ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler/postResult The postResult method is used to send back an answer to the app that made the activity request.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler/source The source property returns a MozActivityOptions object, which provides information about the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/App_permissions The three levels of permission, in brief, are:
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Building_blocks/1.x/List Lists are used to display a set of consecutive items, such as a list of contacts or a list of ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Firefox_OS_device_APIs There are a number of emerging Web platform standards and device APIs crucial to Firefox OS app ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Reference_apps/Chrono Chrono is a simple chronometer with a lap counter, built to highlight various aspects of the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Platform/Settings_list Firefox OS offers a number of settings that configure the device and its built-in features. ...
- Archive/Marketplace/API/DOMApplicationsManager/getAll The getAll() method of the DOMApplicationsManager interface lists all installed apps in the ...
- Archive/Marketplace/API/DOMApplicationsRegistry Provides support for installing, managing, and controlling Open Web apps in a browser for ...
- Archive/Marketplace/API/DOMApplicationsRegistry/mgmt The DOMApplicationsRegistry.mgmt read-only is an object implementing the DOMApplicationsManager ...
- Archive/Meta_docs/Custom_classes The following are the custom CSS classes that we have defined for the Devmo wiki. If, for ...
- Archive/Web/Window.importDialog Because opening windows on mobile isn't necessarily appropriate, the Firefox Mobile team ...
- Chrome_Registration Chrome is the set of user interface elements of the application window that are outside the ...
- Gecko/Character_sets_supported_by_Gecko Gecko supports the character encodings defined in the Encoding Standard.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/AddonInstall An AddonInstall instance tracks download and installation process of an add-on. Instances can be ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/AddonListener AddonListeners can be registered with AddonManager.addAddonListener() and will then receive ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/AddonManager The AddonManager object is the global API used to access information about add-ons installed in ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/AddonUpdateChecker The AddonUpdateChecker is used to download and parse update information for an add-on's update ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/InstallListener InstallListeners are notified of an AddonInstall 's progress. They may be registered to hear ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/UpdateCheckListener UpdateCheckListeners are passed the results of update checks performed by the AddonUpdateChecker.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/UpdateInfo UpdateInfo objects hold information about available versions of add-ons and are generated as a ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/UpdateListener An UpdateListener receives messages from an update check for a single add-on, though it is ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/BrowserApp/selectTab BrowserApp.selectTab (tab) makes the supplied tab the currently selected tab.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/NativeWindow/contextmenus Returns a reference to the NativeWindow.contextmenus object, which can be used to add items to ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/NativeWindow/doorhanger Returns a reference to the NativeWindow.doorhanger object, which can be used to display ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/NativeWindow/menu Returns a reference to the object, which can be used to add items to the main ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/NativeWindow/menu/add adds a new item to the main menu in Firefox for Android. By specifying ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Plugins/Reference The articles below describe each of the APIs related to NPAPI plugins.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Plugins/Reference/Browser-side This chapter describes methods in the plug-in API that are provided by the browser; these allow ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Plugins/Reference/NPN_GetValue Allows the plug-in to query the browser for information.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Plugins/Reference/NPSetWindowCallbackStruct Contains information about the plug-in's Unix window environment.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Plugins/Reference/Plug-in_side This chapter describes methods in the plug-in API that are available from the plug-in object; ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/addon-page Create a page that does not contain navigational elements.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/simple-storage Lets an add-on store data so that it's retained across Firefox restarts.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Low-Level_APIs/remote_child Enables an SDK module loaded into a child process to access web content in the child process and ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Low-Level_APIs/remote_parent Enables you to load modules, and privileged parts of your add-on in general, into child processes.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter The BluetoothAdapter interface of the Web Bluetooth API is used to handle all the operations ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/address The address property value provides the address of the device's adapter on the Bluetooth ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/answerWaitingCall The answerWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to answer a pending incoming call on a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/class The class property value provides the Bluetooth "Class of Device" number of the device's ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/confirmReceivingFile The confirmReceivingFile method is used to accept or reject the incoming file transfer request ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/connect The connect method is used to connect the device's adapter to a specific service of a remote device.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/connectSco The connectSco method is used to allow the device to enable the SCO connection to broadcast and ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/devices The devices property gives direct access to all the Bluetooth devices discovered in the area ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/disconnect The disconnect method is used to disconnect the device's adapter from a specific service of a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/disconnectSco The disconnectSco method is used to allow the device to disable the SCO connection with the ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/discoverable The discoverable property indicates if the device is discoverable (true) or not (false) by other ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/discoverableTimeout The discoverableTimeout property indicates how long (in seconds) the device remains discoverable.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/discovering The discovering property indicates if the device is in the process of discovering (true) or not ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/getConnectedDevices The getConnectedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices connected with a ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/getPairedDevices The getPairedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices paired with the ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/ignoreWaitingCall The ignoreWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to dismiss a pending incoming call on ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/isConnected The isConnected method is used to check if a device with a given Bluetooth profile is connected.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/isScoConnected The isScoConnected method is used to allow to know if there is a SCO connection between local ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/name The name property provides the human readable name of the device's adapter.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/ona2dpstatuschanged Specifies an event listener to receive a2dpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an A2DP ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/ondevicefound Specifies an event listener to receive devicefound events. Those events occur when a Bluetooth ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/onhfpstatuschanged Specifies an event listener to receive hfpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an HFP ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/BluetoothAdapter/onpairedstatuschanged Specifies an event listener to receive pairedstatuschanged events. Those events occur when a ...