Articles tagged: Performance
Found 55 documents
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Automated_testing/Gaia_performance_tests This article provides information about running performance tests on Gaia, as well as how to ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Performance This page lists performance-related topics specific to Firefox OS.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Performance/Apps_for_low-memory_Firefox_OS_devices This guide targets app developers and reviewers who need to determine how well an app will run ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Performance/Firefox_OS_performance_testing This article presents a set of tools and processes for measuring and diagnosing performance ...
- Glossary/Jank Jank refers to sluggishness in a user interface, usually caused by executing long tasks on the ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Overlay_Extensions/XUL_School/Appendix_A:_Add-on_Performance Add-ons can have a noticeable performance impact on Firefox. This is evident when opening a ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Performance_best_practices_in_extensions One of Firefox's great advantages is its extreme extensibility. Extensions can do almost ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/Developing_Gaia/Raptor Raptor aims to overcome many of the pitfalls faced when testing performance with the previous ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/Developing_Gaia/Raptor/Responsiveness_guidelines The following tables of app startup stages and timings — and user stories — provide best ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/Developing_Gaia/Testing_Gaia_code_changes When you have finished making a change to the Gaia codebase and it seems to work ok, the next ...
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/PerfMeasurement.jsm The PerfMeasurement.jsm JavaScript code module lets you take detailed performance measurements ...
- Mozilla/Performance The articles linked to from here will help you improve performance, whether you're developing ...
- Mozilla/Performance/about:memory about:memory is a special page within Firefox that lets you view, save, load, and diff detailed ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Activity_Monitor_and_top This article describes the Activity Monitor, Battery Status Menu, and top — three related tools ...
- Mozilla/Performance/dtrace dtrace is a powerful Mac OS X kernel instrumentation system that can be used to profile wakeups. ...
- Mozilla/Performance/GPU_performance Doing performance work with GPUs is harder than with CPUs because of the asynchronous and ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Intel_Power_Gadget Intel Power Gadget provides real-time graphs of various power-related measures and estimates, ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Investigating_CSS_Performance
- Mozilla/Performance/JS::PerfMeasurement The JS::PerfMeasurement class, found in jsperf.h, lets you take detailed performance ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Measuring_add-on_startup_performance The About Startup add-on provides a much simpler way to measure startup performance. Once ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Measuring_performance_using_the_PerfMeasurement.jsm_code_module The PerfMeasurement.jsm JavaScript code module lets you take detailed performance measurements ...
- Mozilla/Performance/perf perf is a powerful system-wide instrumentation service that is part of Linux. This article ...
- Mozilla/Performance/powermetrics powermetrics is a Mac-only command-line utility that provides many high-quality power-related ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Power_profiling_overview This article covers important background information about power profiling, with an emphasis on ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Profiling_JavaScript_with_Shark It's now possible to build a copy of Firefox that allows you to start and stop Shark profiles ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Profiling_with_the_Built-in_Profiler Firefox now has a built-in profiler. Having a profiler in the code base lets us, among other ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Profiling_with_Xperf Xperf is part of the Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit, and has functionality similar to ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Reporting_a_Performance_Problem This article will guide you in reporting a performance problem using the Gecko Profiler extension.
- Mozilla/Performance/Reporting_a_Thunderbird_Performance_Problem_with_G This article will guide you in reporting a Thunderbird performance problem using the Gecko ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Scroll-linked_effects The definition of a scroll-linked effect is an effect implemented on a webpage where something ...
- Mozilla/Performance/tools_power_rapl
- Mozilla/Performance/turbostat turbostat is a Linux command-line utility that prints various measurements, including numerous ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsITelemetry Implemented by:;1 as a service:
- Tools/Performance/Call_Tree The Call Tree is a sampling profiler. It periodically samples the state of the JavaScript engine ...
- Web/API/Navigation_timing_API The Navigation Timing API provides data that can be used to measure the performance of a ...
- Web/API/Performance The Performance interface represents timing-related performance information for the given page.
- Web/API/Performance/navigation The Performance.navigation read-only property returns a PerformanceNavigation object ...
- Web/API/Performance/now The method returns a DOMHighResTimeStamp, measured in milliseconds, accurate ...
- Web/API/Performance/timing The Performance.timing read-only property returns a PerformanceTiming object containing ...
- Web/API/Performance/toJSON The toJSON() method of the Performance interface is a standard serializer: it returns a JSON ...
- Web/API/PerformanceTiming/navigationStart The PerformanceTiming.navigationStart read-only property returns an unsigned long long ...
- Web/API/Performance_API The High Resolution Time standard defines a Performance interface that supports client-side ...
- Web/API/Performance_API/Using_the_Performance_API A fundamental requirement of web performance is a precise and consistent definition of time. The ...
- Web/API/WorkerGlobalScope/performance The performance read-only property of the WorkerGlobalScope interface returns a Performance ...
- Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Performance Articles related to Open Web App/Firefox OS performance.
- Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Performance/App_performance_validation Techniques listed first have a higher priority and make sense to do earlier. For example, fixing ...
- Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Performance/CSS_JavaScript_animation_performance Browsers are able to optimize rendering flows. In summary, we should always try to create our ...
- Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Performance/Optimizing_startup_performance Regardless of platform, it's always a good idea to start up as quickly as possible. Since that's ...
- Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Performance/Performance_fundamentals Performance means efficiency. In the context of Open Web Apps, this document explains in general ...
- Web/Guide/HTML/Tips_for_authoring_fast-loading_HTML_pages These tips are based upon common knowledge and experimentation.
- Web/Guide/Performance When building modern Web apps and sites, it's important to make your content perform well. That ...
- Web/HTTP/Connection_management_in_HTTP_1.x Connection management is a key topic in HTTP: opening and maintaining connections largely ...
- Web/HTTP/Link_prefetching_FAQ Link prefetching is a browser mechanism, which utilizes browser idle time to download or ...
- Web/JavaScript/Memory_Management Low-level languages, like C, have low-level memory management primitives like malloc() and ...
- Web/JavaScript/The_performance_hazards_of__[[Prototype]]_mutation Every JavaScript object has a [[Prototype]]. Getting a property on an object first searches ...