Articles tagged: NSPR
Found 58 documents
- Archive/Mozilla/Porting_NSPR_to_Unix_Platforms Last modified 16 July 1998
- Archive/Mozilla/Using_addresses_of_stack_variables_with_NSPR_threads_on_win16 This is a cautionary note that may be old information for some of you. However, since it affects ...
- Archive/Security/NSPR_engineering_guide This paper is for engineers performing formal release for the NetScape Portable Runtime (NSPR) ...
- Archive/Using_IO_timeouts_and_interrupts_on_NT This technical memo is a cautionary note on using NetScape Portable Runtime's (NSPR) IO timeout ...
- Mozilla/Choosing_the_right_memory_allocator There are a lot of different memory allocators in the Mozilla source tree. This article looks ...
- Mozilla/Developer_guide/Build_Instructions/Checkout_and-build_NSPR To checkout NetScape Portable Runtime (NSPR) you need CVS 1.10 set the CVSROOT enviornment ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) provides a platform-neutral API for system level and libc-like ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Nonblocking_IO_In_NSPR Previously, all I/O in the NetScape Portable Runtime (NSPR) was blocking (or synchronous). A ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/NSPR_build_instructions On Windows, the NSPR build system needs GNU make and a Unix command-line utility suite such as ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/NSPR_Contributor_Guide Abstract:
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/NSPR_Poll_Method This technical note documents the poll method of PRFileDesc. The poll method is not to be ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/NSPR_s_position_on_abrupt_thread_termination This memo describes my position on a facility that is currently under discussion for inclusion ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Optimizing_applications_for_NSPR NetScape Portable Runtime (NSPR) tries to provide a consistent level of service across the ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Process_forking_in_NSPR The threads provided in NetScape Portable Runtime (NSPR) are implemented using different ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Programs_using_NSPR The following programs are known to use NSPR, or portions of it:
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Anonymous_Shared_Memory This chapter describes the NSPR API for anonymous shared memory.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Atomic_Operations This chapter describes the global functions you use to perform atomic operations. The functions ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Cached_Monitors This chapter describes the functions you use when you work with cached monitors. Unlike a plain ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Condition_Variables This chapter describes the API for creating and destroying condition variables, notifying ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Date_and_Time This chapter describes the date and time functions in NSPR.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Floating_Point_Number_to_String_Conversion NSPR provides functions that convert double-precision floating point numbers to and from their ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Hash_Tables This chapter describes the hash table functions in the plds (portable library — data structures) ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Interval_Timing NSPR defines a platform-dependent type, PRIntervalTime, for timing intervals of fewer than ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Introduction_to_NSPR The Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) API allows compliant applications to use system facilities ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/IPC_Semaphores This chapter describes the NSPR API for using interprocess communication semaphores.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/I_O_Functions This chapter describes the NSPR functions used to perform operations such as system access, ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/I_O_Types This chapter describes the most common NSPR types, enumerations, and structures used with the ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Linked_Lists This chapter describes the NSPR API for managing linked lists. The API is a set of macros for ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Locks This chapter describes the NSPR API for creation and manipulation of a mutex of type PRLock.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Logging This chapter describes the global functions you use to perform logging. NSPR provides a set of ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Long_Long_(64-bit)_Integers This chapter describes the global functions you use to perform 64-bit integer operations. The ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Memory_Management_Operations This chapter describes the global functions and macros you use to perform memory management. ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Monitors In addition to the mutex type PRLock, NSPR provides a special type, PRMonitor, for use in Java ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Named_Shared_Memory The chapter describes the NSPR API for named shared memory. Shared memory allows multiple ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Network_Addresses This chapter describes the NSPR types and functions used to manipulate network addresses.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/NSPR_Error_Handling This chapter describes the functions for retrieving and setting errors and the error codes set ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/NSPR_LOG_FILE This environment variable specifies the file to which log messages are directed.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/NSPR_LOG_MODULES This environment variable specifies which log modules have logging enabled.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/NSPR_Types This chapter describes the most common NSPR types. Other chapters describe more specialized ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PRLogModuleInfo The PRLogModuleInfo structure controls logging from within your application. To log your ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PRLogModuleLevel The enumerated type PRLogModuleLevel defines levels of logging available to application programs.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Process_Initialization This chapter describes the NSPR API for versioning, process initialization, and shutdown of NSPR.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PRUnichar An unsigned 16-bit type, like char in Java or the "characters" of a JavaScript string defined in ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_AtomicAdd The function has the following parameters:
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_ConnectContinue The function has the following parameters:
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6 Converts an IPv4 address into an (IPv4-mapped) IPv6 address.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_Delete The function has the following parameter:
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_GetAddrInfoByName Looks up a host by name. Equivalent to getaddrinfo(host, NULL,...) of RFC 3493.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo Extracts the canonical name of the hostname passed to PR_GetAddrInfoByName.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_ImportTCPSocket Imports a native TCP socket into NSPR.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/PR_OpenTCPSocket Creates a new TCP socket of the specified address family.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Random_Number_Generator This chapter describes the NSPR random number generator.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/String_Operations This chapter describes some of the key NSPR functions for manipulating strings. Libraries built ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Threads NSPR provides an execution environment that promotes the use of lightweight threads. Each thread ...
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Reference/Thread_Pools This chapter describes the NSPR API Thread Pools.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSPR/Running_NSPR_tests NSPR has a test suite in the mozilla/nsprpub/pr/tests directory.
- Mozilla/Projects/NSS/JSS/4.3.1_Release_Notes Network Security Services for Java (JSS) 4.3.1 is a minor release with the following new features: