Articles tagged: JSAPI
Found 15 documents
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JSFunction JSFunction is a type in the JSAPI. The APIs JS_NewFunction, JS_DefineFunction, ...
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_ConcatStrings JS_ConcatStrings concatenates two JS strings, str1 and str2, and returns the result. The result ...
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_FlattenString JS_FlattenString flattens a string str and returns a pointer to JSFlatString.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_GetEmptyString The returned empty string has the length 0.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_GetExternalStringClosure To determine if a string was created as an external string, you can call JS_IsExternalString.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_GetFlatStringChars
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_InitCTypesClass Initialize the ctypes object on a global object. The ctypes object will be frozen.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_IsConstructing_PossiblyWithGivenThisObject In the case of a constructor called from JS_ConstructObject and JS_InitClass where the class has ...
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_IsExternalString JS_IsExternalString returns true if the string is an external string; otherwise it's false.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_NewDateObject Creates and returns a new JSObject representing a JavaScript Date object, which is ...
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_NewDateObjectMsec The returned JSObject is a standard JavaScript Date.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_NewGlobalObject JS_NewGlobalObject creates a new global object based on the specified class.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_StringHasLatin1Chars JS_StringHasLatin1Chars returns true iff the string's characters are stored as Latin1.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_StringIsFlat JS_StringIsFlat returns true if the string is flattened.
- Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_User_Guide This document explains how to embed SpiderMonkey, the Mozilla JavaScript engine, in your C++ ...