Articles tagged: HTMLFormElement
Found 10 documents
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/acceptCharset The HTMLFormElement.acceptCharset property represents a list of the supported character ...
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/action The HTMLFormElement.action property represents the action of the form element.
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/encoding The HTMLFormElement.encoding property is an alternative name for the enctype element on the DOM ...
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/enctype The HTMLFormElement.enctype property is the MIME type of content that is used to submit the form ...
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/length The HTMLFormElement.length read-only property returns the number of controls in the form element.
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/method The HTMLFormElement.method represents the HTTP method used to submit the form.
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/name The property represents the name of the current form element as a string.
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/reset The HTMLFormElement.reset() method restores a form element's default values. This method does ...
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/submit The HTMLFormElement.submit() method submits the form. This method does something similar to ...
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/target The property represents the target of the action (i.e., the frame to ...