{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:14:53.547437", "uuid": "66f301eb-072a-4be2-80ef-b79836301cbc", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/FAQ", "tags": ["SVG FAQ", "SVG", "NeedsUpdate"], "translations": [{"uuid": "d726a6fc-809f-472e-a189-1b7b727b1da4", "title": "\u4e0eSVG\u3001Mozilla\u6709\u5173\u7684\u5e38\u89c1\u95ee\u9898", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Web/SVG/FAQ", "tags": ["SVG FAQ", "\u9700\u8981\u66f4\u65b0", "SVG"], "summary": "We currently maintain two documents to help answer this question: a status page for SVG in Firefox 1.5+ and a status page for SVG in the development trunk.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2015-10-12T01:59:12", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2014-03-22T03:09:59", "label": "Frequently Asked Questions", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 17165, "last_edit": "2013-09-17T09:41:13", "summary": "We currently maintain two documents to help answer this question: a status page for SVG in Firefox 1.5+ and a status page for SVG in the development trunk.", "sections": [{"id": "What_is_the_status_of_the_SVG_implementation.3F", "title": "What is the status of the SVG implementation?"}, {"id": "Why_does_Mozilla_show_source_code.2Fgibberish_instead_of_SVG.3F", "title": "Why does Mozilla show source code/gibberish instead of SVG?"}, {"id": "Why_does_Mozilla_show_an_.22XML_Parsing_Error.22_message_instead_of_SVG.3F", "title": "Why does Mozilla show an \"XML Parsing Error\" message instead of SVG?"}, {"id": "Why_am_I_asked_to_choose_a_program_to_open_SVG_files.3F", "title": "Why am I asked to choose a program to open SVG files?"}, {"id": "Why_am_I_asked_to_install_a_plug-in_to_view_SVG_files.3F", "title": "Why am I asked to install a plug-in to view SVG files?"}, {"id": "How_should_I_report_bugs_in_Mozilla_SVG.3F", "title": "How should I report bugs in Mozilla SVG?"}, {"id": "Can_I_use_a_plugin_for_SVG_instead_of_Mozilla.27s_native_support.3F", "title": "Can I use a plugin for SVG instead of Mozilla's native support?"}, {"id": "How_does_Mozilla.27s_SVG_implementation_compare_to_Adobe.27s.3F", "title": "How does Mozilla's SVG implementation compare to Adobe's?"}, {"id": "How_do_you_install_Adobe.27s_SVG_Viewer_in_Mozilla.3F", "title": "How do you install Adobe's SVG Viewer in Mozilla?"}, {"id": "Does_Mozilla_work_with_Corel.27s_SVG_plug-in.3F", "title": "Does Mozilla work with Corel's SVG plug-in?"}, {"id": "Can_you_have_both_native_SVG_support_and_an_SVG_plug-in_installed.3F", "title": "Can you have both native SVG support and an SVG plug-in installed?"}, {"id": "Does_the_.3Cembed.3E_tag_support_SVG_documents.3F", "title": "Does the "}, {"id": "What_can_I_do_to_help_the_SVG_project.3F", "title": "What can I do to help the SVG project?"}, {"id": "Who.27s_currently_working_on_what.3F", "title": "Who's currently working on what?"}, {"id": "How_can_I_get_in_contact_with_you.3F", "title": "How can I get in contact with you?"}, {"id": "Original_Document_Information", "title": "Original Document Information"}], "slug": "Web/SVG/FAQ", "review_tags": []}