{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:56:57.315060", "uuid": "999fba5b-426e-4f8f-bd92-5ad28ab4f8ec", "title": "keyTimes", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/keyTimes", "tags": ["SVG Attribute", "SVG", "NeedsCompatTable", "NeedsBrowserCompatibility"], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-08-05T01:27:12", "label": "keyTimes", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 4815, "last_edit": "2014-08-05T01:27:09", "summary": "The keyTimes attribute is a semicolon-separated list of time values used to control the pacing of the animation. Each time in the list corresponds to a value in the values attribute list, and defines when the value is used in the animation. Each time value in the keyTimes list is specified as a floating point value between 0 and 1 (inclusive), representing a proportional offset into the duration of the animation element.", "sections": [{"id": "Usage_context", "title": "Usage context"}, {"id": "Example", "title": "Example"}, {"id": "Elements", "title": "Elements"}], "slug": "Web/SVG/Attribute/keyTimes", "review_tags": []}