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Revision 782659 of <object>

  • Revision slug: Web/HTML/Element/object
  • Revision title: <object>
  • Revision id: 782659
  • Created:
  • Creator: Jeremie
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment

Revision Content


The HTML Embedded Object Element (<object>) represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.


This element includes the global attributes.

{{htmlattrdef("archive")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
A space-separated list of URIs for archives of resources for the object.
{{htmlattrdef("border")}} {{deprecatedGeneric('inline','HTML4.01')}}; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
The width of a border around the control, in pixels.
{{htmlattrdef("classid")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
The URI of the object's implementation. It can be used together with, or in place of, the data attribute.
{{htmlattrdef("codebase")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
The base path used to resolve relative URIs specified by classid, data, or archive. If not specified, the default is the base URI of the current document.
{{htmlattrdef("codetype")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
The content type of the data specified by classid.
The address of the resource as a valid URL. At least one of data and type must be defined.
{{htmlattrdef("declare")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
The presence of this Boolean attribute makes this element a declaration only. The object must be instantiated by a subsequent <object> element. In HTML5, repeat the <object> element completely each that that the resource is reused.
{{htmlattrdef("form")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
The form element, if any, that the object element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an ID of a {{HTMLElement("form")}} element in the same document.
The height of the displayed resource, in CSS pixels.
The name of valid browsing context (HTML5), or the name of the control (HTML 4).
{{htmlattrdef("standby")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
A message that the browser can show while loading the object's implementation and data.
{{htmlattrdef("tabindex")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
The position of the element in the tabbing navigation order for the current document.
The content type of the resource specified by data. At least one of data and type must be defined.
{{htmlattrdef("typemustmatch")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
This Boolean attribute indicates if the type and the actual content type resource must match in order of this one to be used.
A hash-name reference to a {{HTMLElement("map")}} element; that is a '#' followed by the value of a {{htmlattrxref("name", "map")}} of a map element.
The width of the display resource, in CSS pixels.


Embed a flash movie

<!-- Embed a flash movie -->
<object data="move.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></object>

<!-- Embed a flash movie with parameters -->
<object data="move.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
  <param name="foo" value="bar">


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', 'the-iframe-element.html#the-object-element', '<object>')}} {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}}  
{{SpecName('HTML5 W3C', 'embedded-content-0.html#the-object-element', '<object>')}} {{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}}  
{{SpecName('HTML4.01', 'struct/objects.html#h-13.3', '<object>')}} {{Spec2('HTML4.01')}}  

Browser compatibility


Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatGeckoDesktop("1.0")}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}}
typemustmatch {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatGeckoDesktop("27")}} {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatUnknown}}
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatGeckoMobile("1.0")}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}}
typemustmatch {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatGeckoMobile("27")}} {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatUnknown}}

See also

  • {{HTMLElement("param")}}


Revision Source

<h2 id="Summary">Summary</h2>

<p>The&nbsp;<em>HTML Embedded Object Element</em>&nbsp;(<strong>&lt;object&gt;</strong>) represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.</p>

<ul class="htmlelt">
 <li><dfn><a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories" title="HTML/Content_categories">Content categories</a></dfn> <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Flow_content" title="HTML/Content categories#Flow content">Flow content</a>; <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Phrasing_content" title="HTML/Content categories#Phrasing content">phrasing content</a>; <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Embedded_content" title="HTML/Content categories#Embedded content">embedded content</a>, palpable content; if the element has a <strong>usemap</strong> attribute, <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Interactive_content" title="HTML/Content categories#Interactive content">interactive content</a>; <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Form_listed" title="HTML/Content categories#Form listed">listed</a>, <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Form_submittable" title="HTML/Content categories#Form submittable">submittable</a>&nbsp;<a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Form-associated_content" title="HTML/Content categories#Form-associated content">form-associated</a> element.</li>
 <li><dfn>Permitted content</dfn> zero or more {{HTMLElement("param")}} elements, then <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Transparent_content_models" title="HTML/Content categories#Transparent content models">Transparent content</a>.</li>
 <li><dfn>Tag omission</dfn> {{no_tag_omission}}</li>
 <li><dfn>Permitted parent elements</dfn> Any element that accepts <a href="/en-US/docs/HTML/Content_categories#Embedded_content" title="HTML/Content categories#Embedded content">embedded content</a>.</li>
 <li><dfn>DOM interface</dfn> {{domxref("HTMLObjectElement")}}</li>

<h2 id="Attributes">Attributes</h2>

<p><span style="line-height: 21px;">This element includes the&nbsp;</span><a href="" style="line-height: 21px;" title="HTML/Global attributes">global attributes</a><span style="line-height: 21px;">.</span></p>

 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("archive")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>A space-separated list of URIs for archives of resources for the object.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("border")}} {{deprecatedGeneric('inline','HTML4.01')}}; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>The width of a border around the control, in pixels.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("classid")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>The URI of the object's implementation. It can be used together with, or in place of, the <strong>data</strong> attribute.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("codebase")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>The base path used to resolve relative URIs specified by <strong>classid</strong>, <strong>data</strong>, or <strong>archive</strong>. If not specified, the default is the base URI of the current document.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("codetype")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>The content type of the data specified by <strong>classid</strong>.</dd>
 <dd>The address of the resource as a valid URL. At least one of <strong>data</strong> and <strong>type</strong> must be defined.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("declare")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>The presence of this Boolean attribute makes this element a declaration only. The object must be instantiated by a subsequent <code>&lt;object&gt;</code> element. In HTML5, repeat the &lt;object&gt; element completely each that that the resource is reused.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("form")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}</dt>
 <dd>The form element, if any, that the object element is associated with (its <em>form owner</em>). The value of the attribute must be an ID of a {{HTMLElement("form")}} element in the same document.</dd>
 <dd>The height of the displayed resource, in CSS pixels.</dd>
 <dd>The name of valid browsing context (HTML5), or the name of the control (HTML 4).</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("standby")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>A message that the browser can show while loading the object's implementation and data.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("tabindex")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(4)}} only; {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}</dt>
 <dd>The position of the element in the tabbing navigation order for the current document.</dd>
 <dd>The <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary/Content_type">content type</a> of the resource specified by <strong>data</strong>. At least one of <strong>data</strong> and <strong>type</strong> must be defined.</dd>
 <dt>{{htmlattrdef("typemustmatch")}} {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}</dt>
 <dd>This Boolean attribute indicates if the <strong>type</strong> and the actual <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary/Content_type">content type</a> resource must match in order of this one to be used.</dd>
 <dd>A hash-name reference to a {{HTMLElement("map")}} element; that is a '#' followed by the value of a {{htmlattrxref("name", "map")}} of a map element.</dd>
 <dd>The width of the display resource, in CSS pixels.</dd>

<h2 id="Examples">Examples</h2>

<h3 id="Embed_a_flash_movie">Embed a flash movie</h3>

<pre class="brush: html">
&lt;!-- Embed a flash movie --&gt;
&lt;object data="move.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"&gt;&lt;/object&gt;

&lt;!-- Embed a flash movie with parameters --&gt;
&lt;object data="move.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"&gt;
  &lt;param name="foo" value="bar"&gt;

<h2 id="Specifications" name="Specifications">Specifications</h2>

<table class="standard-table">
   <th scope="col">Specification</th>
   <th scope="col">Status</th>
   <th scope="col">Comment</th>
   <td>{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', 'the-iframe-element.html#the-object-element', '&lt;object&gt;')}}</td>
   <td>{{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}}</td>
   <td>{{SpecName('HTML5 W3C', 'embedded-content-0.html#the-object-element', '&lt;object&gt;')}}</td>
   <td>{{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}}</td>
   <td>{{SpecName('HTML4.01', 'struct/objects.html#h-13.3', '&lt;object&gt;')}}</td>

<h2 id="Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</h2>


<div id="compat-desktop">
<table class="compat-table">
   <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
   <th>Internet Explorer</th>
   <td>Basic support</td>

<div id="compat-mobile">
<table class="compat-table">
   <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
   <th>IE Mobile</th>
   <th>Opera Mobile</th>
   <th>Safari Mobile</th>
   <td>Basic support</td>

<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>


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