{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:23:15.161506", "uuid": "66e728dd-fcf2-4747-8192-ae3459f83fdd", "title": "SVGLoad", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Events/SVGLoad", "tags": [], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-06-19T01:31:56", "label": "SVGLoad", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 54341, "last_edit": "2014-06-19T01:31:56", "summary": "The SVGLoad event is fired when the user agent has fully parsed the element and its descendants and is ready to act appropriately upon that element, such as being ready to render the element to the target device. Referenced external resources that are required must be loaded, parsed and ready to render before the event is triggered. Optional external resources are not required to be ready for the event to be triggered.", "sections": [{"id": "General_info", "title": "General info"}, {"id": "Properties", "title": "Properties"}, {"id": "Related_Events", "title": "Related Events"}], "slug": "Web/Events/SVGLoad", "review_tags": []}