{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:38:37.965683", "uuid": "07348369-954a-4d35-8343-c118eac3d2f0", "title": "Rec Room - Data Management and Offline", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Rec_Room_-_Data_Management_and_Offline", "tags": ["Development", "Quickstart", "Apps", "Design", "Firefox OS"], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-10-21T08:34:27", "label": "Rec Room - Data Management and Offline", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 128901, "last_edit": "2014-10-21T08:34:24", "summary": "When developing for mobile devices, we face some unique challenges around storing and maintaining user data. Mobile users are likely going to be travelling in and out of connected areas, which means we must have a solid strategy for handling offline data. In this chapter, we'll go over techniques for detecting connectivity and how to persist application data at appropriate times regardless of a user's connection.", "sections": [{"id": "Detecting_Connectivity", "title": "Detecting Connectivity"}, {"id": "When_to_Save_State", "title": "When to Save State"}, {"id": "Client-Side_Storage", "title": "Client-Side Storage"}, {"id": "IndexedDB", "title": "IndexedDB"}, {"id": "LocalForage", "title": "LocalForage"}, {"id": "Ember_Data", "title": "Ember Data"}, {"id": "Defining_Models", "title": "Defining Models"}, {"id": "Persisting_Data", "title": "Persisting Data"}, {"id": "Querying_Data", "title": "Querying Data"}], "slug": "Web/Apps/Rec_Room_-_Data_Management_and_Offline", "review_tags": []}