{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:35:36.098697", "uuid": "517d88f1-9e72-41fe-b33a-79bfbd29c893", "title": "Near or far? Responding to proximity", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Fundamentals/gather_and_modify_data/Near_or_far_responding_to_proximity", "tags": ["Guide", "Proximity", "Mobile", "Device", "Call", "Sensor", "Proximity API"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T03:32:39", "label": "Near or far? Responding to proximity", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 102567, "last_edit": "2016-02-29T03:32:10", "summary": "As we have seen above, Low Energy Messenger hides clickable/tappable DOM elements when the ear is near to the device during a call. In Firefox OS certified applications it's possible to do something more by using the PowerManager.screenEnabled property, with which you can control the device's screen and turn the screen off and on for real. Have a look at the Power Management API documentation for more details about it.

", "sections": [{"id": "Proximity_Sensors", "title": "Proximity Sensors"}, {"id": "Proximity_API", "title": "Proximity API"}, {"id": "UserProximityEvent", "title": "UserProximityEvent"}, {"id": "DeviceProximityEvent", "title": "DeviceProximityEvent"}, {"id": "Demo_Low_Energy_Messenger", "title": "Demo: Low Energy Messenger"}, {"id": "The_Proximity_Manager", "title": "The Proximity Manager"}, {"id": "The_call_screen", "title": "The call screen"}, {"id": "Responding_to_proximity", "title": "Responding to proximity"}, {"id": "Controlling_the_device_screen", "title": "Controlling the device screen"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}], "slug": "Web/Apps/Fundamentals/gather_and_modify_data/Near_or_far_responding_to_proximity", "review_tags": []}