{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:29:59.455073", "uuid": "ea7bf34c-d442-411c-a1ee-2d9f7309e0c4", "title": "Using Alarms to notify users", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Fundamentals/User_notifications/Using_Alarms_to_notify_users", "tags": ["API", "Notifications", "Apps", "Firefox OS", "Alarm API", "Notification API", "alarm"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T03:32:44", "label": "Using Alarms to notify users", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 83391, "last_edit": "2016-02-29T03:32:11", "summary": "The example referred to throughout this article is To-do List Alarms, a to-do list example that stores to-do list information (task and time and date task is due) in an IndexedDB instance. When a to-do list task is stored, the Alarm API is used to store an Alarm reference in the system, which is handled by the same application. When the alarm is due, a system notification is shown to notify the user of this, which works whether the application is open at the time or not.", "sections": [{"id": "The_reference_example", "title": null}, {"id": "Adding_new_data_and_setting_our_alarms", "title": "Adding new data, and setting our alarms"}, {"id": "Responding_to_a_set_alarm", "title": "Responding to a set alarm"}, {"id": "Removing_an_alarm", "title": "Removing an alarm"}, {"id": "Permissions_for_the_Alarm_and_Notification_APIs", "title": "Permissions for the Alarm and Notification APIs"}], "slug": "Web/Apps/Fundamentals/User_notifications/Using_Alarms_to_notify_users", "review_tags": ["technical"]}