{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:38:37.209339", "uuid": "01fb9b3d-b5b6-42af-a9b9-8b2e3070645c", "title": "Building simple functionality with Ember", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Quickstart/Building_simple_functionality", "tags": ["Development", "Quickstart", "Apps", "Design", "Firefox OS"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T04:26:52", "label": "Building simple functionality with Ember", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 128887, "last_edit": "2016-02-29T04:26:26", "summary": "In the previous two sections we learned how to generate a basic app skeleton, view it in the browser, and access tools for testing and debugging the code. Now we're ready to build some real functionality into our basic skeleton \u2014 we'll create a simple clock application that displays and updates the current local time, and allows a user to compare selected timezones.", "sections": [{"id": "Set_up", "title": "Set up"}, {"id": "Routes", "title": "Routes"}, {"id": "Adding_the_current_time", "title": "Adding the current time"}, {"id": "Templates", "title": "Templates"}, {"id": "Updating_our_clock_template", "title": "Updating our clock template"}, {"id": "Controllers", "title": "Controllers"}, {"id": "Generating_a_controller_for_our_clock_display", "title": "Generating a controller for our clock display"}, {"id": "Making_the_clock_update_every_second", "title": "Making the clock update every second"}, {"id": "The_Application_Template", "title": "The Application Template"}, {"id": "Adding_links_to_different_displays", "title": "Adding links to different displays"}, {"id": "Debugging_Practice", "title": "Debugging Practice"}, {"id": "Models_and_Resources", "title": "Models and Resources"}, {"id": "Generating_our_resource", "title": "Generating our resource"}, {"id": "Creating_a_timezone_model_with_Ember_Data", "title": "Creating a timezone model with Ember Data"}, {"id": "Storing_data_with_LocalForage", "title": "Storing data with LocalForage"}, {"id": "Creating_a_new_Ember_adapter", "title": "Creating a new Ember adapter"}, {"id": "Retrieving_Records_from_the_Data_Store", "title": "Retrieving Records from the Data Store"}, {"id": "Gathering_Timezone_Data", "title": "Gathering Timezone Data"}, {"id": "Interacting_with_Timezone_Models", "title": "Interacting with Timezone Models"}, {"id": "Comparing_Timezones", "title": "Comparing Timezones"}], "slug": "Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Quickstart/Building_simple_functionality", "review_tags": []}