{"json_modified": "2016-10-07T01:05:57.495534", "uuid": "35dd733e-3269-4b38-b1e1-82083323fff8", "title": "Models and application data", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Modern_web_app_architecture/Models_and_application_data", "tags": ["Ember", "data", "adapter", "Routes", "Apps", "Adapter", "Data Store", "models"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-10-07T01:05:57", "label": "Models and application data", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 134099, "last_edit": "2016-10-07T01:05:54", "summary": "Here we'll finish off our world-clock app, adding functionality that enables users to choose additional timezones to display when they click on the timezones link. This will help users schedule meetings with friends in diverse locations such as San Francisco, Buenos Aires, and London. We'll use Ember Data and the LocalForage library to store our data in an IndexedDB instance so the app is usable offline, and the Moment Timezone library to provide\u00a0timezone data.", "sections": [{"id": "Generating_models_in_Ember", "title": "Generating models in Ember"}, {"id": "Generating_a_resource_for_our_app", "title": "Generating a resource for our app"}, {"id": "Ember_Data", "title": "Ember Data"}, {"id": "Adding_data_to_your_model", "title": "Adding data to your model"}, {"id": "Storing_data_with_LocalForage", "title": "Storing data with LocalForage"}, {"id": "Creating_a_new_Ember_adapter", "title": "Creating a new Ember adapter"}, {"id": "Retrieving_records_from_the_data_store", "title": "Retrieving records from the data store"}, {"id": "Gathering_timezone_data", "title": "Gathering timezone data"}, {"id": "Interacting_with_timezone_models", "title": "Interacting with timezone models"}, {"id": "Comparing_timezones", "title": "Comparing timezones"}], "slug": "Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Modern_web_app_architecture/Models_and_application_data", "review_tags": ["technical"]}