{"json_modified": "2016-03-30T14:32:56.206143", "uuid": "abec4b62-9395-4537-aef2-3a8a7b81d91d", "title": "Creating a cross-browser video player", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Audio_and_video_delivery/cross_browser_video_player", "tags": ["Video", "video", "Apps", "HTML5", "full screen"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-03-30T14:32:55", "label": "Creating a cross-browser video player", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 90379, "last_edit": "2016-03-30T14:32:50", "summary": "This article describes a simple HTML5 video player that uses the Media and Fullscreen APIs and works across most major desktop and mobile browsers. As well as working fullscreen, the player features custom controls rather than just using the browser defaults. The player controls themselves won't be styled beyond the basics required to get them working; full styling of the player will be taken care of in a future article.", "sections": [{"id": "Working_example", "title": "Working example"}, {"id": "HTML_Markup", "title": "HTML Markup"}, {"id": "The_video", "title": "The video"}, {"id": "The_control_set", "title": "The control set"}, {"id": "Using_the_Media_API", "title": "Using the Media API"}, {"id": "Setup", "title": "Setup"}, {"id": "PlayPause", "title": "Play/Pause"}, {"id": "Stop", "title": "Stop"}, {"id": "Mute", "title": "Mute"}, {"id": "Volume", "title": "Volume"}, {"id": "Progress", "title": "Progress"}, {"id": "Skip_Ahead", "title": "Skip Ahead"}, {"id": "Fullscreen", "title": "Fullscreen"}, {"id": "Browser_compatibility", "title": "Browser compatibility"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Audio_and_video_delivery/cross_browser_video_player", "review_tags": []}