{"json_modified": "2016-09-01T01:03:39.463703", "uuid": "4851c7d0-8dde-46b1-b83b-02177310f2e4", "title": "Cross-browser audio basics", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Audio_and_video_delivery/Cross-browser_audio_basics", "tags": ["Guide", "Apps", "Audio", "HTML5", "events", "Events", "Media", "audio"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-09-01T01:03:39", "label": "Cross-browser audio basics", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 90867, "last_edit": "2016-09-01T01:03:35", "summary": "This article provides a basic guide to creating an HTML5 audio player that works cross browser, with all the associated attributes, properties and events explained, and a quick guide to custom controls created using the Media API.", "sections": [{"id": "Basic_Audio_example", "title": "Basic Audio example"}, {"id": "HTML5_audio_in_detail", "title": "HTML5 audio in detail"}, {"id": "Audio_HTML_attributes", "title": "Audio HTML attributes"}, {"id": "autoplay", "title": "autoplay"}, {"id": "loop", "title": "loop"}, {"id": "muted", "title": "muted"}, {"id": "preload", "title": "preload"}, {"id": "controls", "title": "controls"}, {"id": "src", "title": "src"}, {"id": "type", "title": "type"}, {"id": "Fallbacks", "title": "Fallbacks"}, {"id": "Manipulating_the_Audio_Element_with_JavaScript", "title": "Manipulating the Audio Element with JavaScript"}, {"id": "play", "title": "play"}, {"id": "pause", "title": "pause"}, {"id": "canPlayType", "title": "canPlayType"}, {"id": "currentTime", "title": "currentTime"}, {"id": "volume", "title": "volume"}, {"id": "Creating_your_own_custom_audio_player", "title": "Creating your own custom audio player"}, {"id": "Media_loading_events", "title": "Media loading events"}, {"id": "loadstart", "title": "loadstart"}, {"id": "durationchange", "title": "durationchange"}, {"id": "loadedmetadata", "title": "loadedmetadata"}, {"id": "loadeddata", "title": "loadeddata"}, {"id": "progress", "title": "progress"}, {"id": "canplay", "title": "canplay"}, {"id": "canplaythrough", "title": "canplaythrough"}, {"id": "Media_loading_event_order", "title": "Media loading event order"}, {"id": "Loading_interruption_events", "title": "Loading interruption events"}, {"id": "Media_Playing_Events", "title": "Media Playing Events"}, {"id": "timeupdate", "title": "timeupdate"}, {"id": "playing", "title": "playing"}, {"id": "waiting", "title": "waiting"}, {"id": "play_2", "title": "play"}, {"id": "pause_2", "title": "pause"}, {"id": "ended", "title": "ended"}, {"id": "volumechange", "title": "volumechange"}, {"id": "An_Audio_Player_with_Feedback", "title": "An Audio Player with Feedback"}, {"id": "Seeking_using_the_seek_bar", "title": "Seeking using the seek bar"}, {"id": "Buffering", "title": "Buffering"}, {"id": "buffered", "title": "buffered"}, {"id": "seekable", "title": "seekable"}, {"id": "Buffering_events", "title": "Buffering events"}, {"id": "Browser_support", "title": "Browser support"}, {"id": "Desktop", "title": "Desktop"}, {"id": "Mobile", "title": "Mobile"}, {"id": "Audio_Codec_Support", "title": "Audio Codec Support"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Web/Apps/Fundamentals/Audio_and_video_delivery/Cross-browser_audio_basics", "review_tags": []}