{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:47:00.753786", "uuid": "5d7d6912-66df-4e0b-a4b1-02bcb79bcaf6", "title": "Using the aria-valuenow attribute", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_aria-valuenow_attribute", "tags": ["NeedsContent", "ARIA", "Accessibility"], "translations": [{"uuid": "2648a2f7-1f1a-468f-8a58-c62731b41d58", "title": "Utiliser l'attribut aria-valuenow", "url": "/fr/docs/Accessibilit%C3%A9/ARIA/Techniques_ARIA/Utiliser_l_attribut_aria-valuenow", "tags": ["ARIA", "Accessibilit\u00e9", "Attribut"], "summary": "L\u2019attribut aria-valuenow est utilis\u00e9 pour d\u00e9finir la valeur courante de l\u2019intervalle d\u2019un composant tel qu\u2019un slider, spinbutton ou une progressbar. Si la valeur courante n'est pas connue, le d\u00e9veloppeur ne devrait pas d\u00e9finir l\u2019attribut aria-valuenow. Si aria-valuenow a des valeurs minimale et maximale connues, le d\u00e9veloppeur devrait d\u00e9finir les attributs aria-valuemin et aria-valuemax.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-11-04T11:06:24", "review_tags": ["technical"]}], "modified": "2015-05-17T10:57:54", "label": "Using the aria-valuenow attribute", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 1291, "last_edit": "2015-05-17T10:57:53", "summary": "The aria-valuenow attribute is used to define the current value for a range widget such as a slider, spinbutton or progressbar. If the current value is not known, the author should not set the aria-valuenow attribute. If the aria-valuenow has a known minimum and maximum value, authors should set the aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax attributes.", "sections": [{"id": "Value", "title": "Value"}, {"id": "Possible_effects_on_user_agents_and_assistive_technology", "title": "Possible effects on user agents and assistive technology\u00a0"}, {"id": "Examples", "title": "Examples"}, {"id": "Example_1", "title": "Example 1:\u00a0"}, {"id": "Working_Examples", "title": "Working Examples:"}, {"id": "Notes", "title": "Notes\u00a0"}, {"id": "Used_With_ARIA_Roles", "title": "Used With ARIA Roles"}, {"id": "Related_ARIA_techniques", "title": "Related ARIA techniques\u00a0"}, {"id": "Compatibility", "title": "Compatibility"}, {"id": "Additional_resources", "title": "Additional resources"}], "slug": "Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_aria-valuenow_attribute", "review_tags": []}